Hello Brian,

The unofficial start to summer is upon us with Memorial Day approaching next Monday. Please join the Town of Bloomfield for it's Memorial Day Parade & Ceremonies. Also note that all Town facilities will be closed next Monday, May 29 in observance of the holiday.

Facility Update

Recently a CIP project was completed at Town Hall.

This masonry work included rebuilding a failing cheek wall, rebuilding a 24’ wall with drainage at the North stairwell, and repointing all mortar joints at the North stairwell.

2022 Income & Expense Reports Due By June 1

The Assessor's Office is required by law to revalue all property within the Town of Bloomfield every five years. In order to assess your real property fairly and equitably, information regarding the income and expenses related to your property is essential. Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-63c requires owners of income generating property to annually file this form: https://www.bloomfieldct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif7551/f/uploads/bloomfield_ie_blank_1.pdf.

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The Police Department is an active participant in the State of Connecticut Prescription Drug Take Back Program. A prescription medication drop-box is located in the lobby of the Bloomfield Police Department, which is open twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. Residents are encouraged to utilize the medication drop-box as an environmentally-safe way of disposing of their expired or unused medications.

Accepted items for the drop-box are prescriptions (i.e. prescription medications/ointments, and patches), over-the-counter medications, vitamins, samples, and medications for pets. Items that are NOT accepted are needles, sharps, thermometers, hydrogen peroxide, inhalers, aerosol cans, lotions, liquids, or medications from businesses or clinics.    

Anyone with questions about the program may call Support Services Sergeant Thomas at: (860) 242-5501 extension 5162.

Townwide Plan of Conservation and Development Website and Questionnaire are Live!

Housing affordability is a key issue for many residents in the Town of Bloomfield. Whether you're a renter or a homeowner, we want to hear your thoughts on how we can make housing more accessible and affordable for everyone. Take our POCD survey and share your ideas with us: www.surveymonkey.com/r/PlanBloomfield

Visit our Website - PlanBloomfield.com
English Questionnaire
Spanish Questionnaire

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800 Bloomfield Avenue,

Bloomfield CT 06002

Phone: 860-769-3500