Hello Brian,

Tax Day is next Monday!! If you have not filed your taxes, now is the time to make sure you get it taken care of. There are a lot of great tax professionals right here in Bloomfield!

April is also Earth Month and the Town of Bloomfield will have programming through out the month. Check out the Earth Month webpage on or by clicking the graphic below.

Earth Month Activities Around Town

Congrats National Champions!!

The Town of Bloomfield would like to congratulate the University of Connecticut and Quinnipiac University on their respective national championships this past week!!

The Town Council will continue to deliberate the FY24 Budget on Tuesday night. If needed, an additional session has been scheduled for Thursday evening. PLEASE NOTE THE EARLIER START TIME OF 6:00 PM.

All budget meetings will stream live on YouTube and will be broadcasted on BATV.

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Budget Documents

FY 2024 Town Manager Proposed Budget

Proposed 2024-2028 Community Investment Plan (CIP)

Townwide Plan of Conservation and Development Website and Questionnaire are Live!

Did you know Bloomfield last updated its Plan of Conservation and Development in 2012? Plan Bloomfield is the update to the Plan and establishes a vision for Bloomfield's next ten years. Visit the project website to review the previous plan: 

What are the biggest changes that you have seen in Bloomfield in the last decade? What changes would you like to see in the coming ten years? Tell us by answering questions related to housing, open space, economic development, infrastructure, social services, transportation, culture, and much more at 

Visit our Website -
English Questionnaire
Spanish Questionnaire

The Bloomfield's Registrar Of Voters team attended the spring 2023 Registrar Of Voters Association of Connecticut "ROVAC" Conference. Registrars and Deputy Registrars from Connecticut's 169 towns were in attendance as they garnered updated information regarding upcoming new CVRS technology; new election equipment, i.e. tabulator machines and poll books; best practices for large and small towns; the increase in costs for elections, and an explanation of the pending House and Senate Bills pertaining to Early Voting. Secretary Of The State, Stephanie Thomas listened to the concerns from Registrars as she documented and responded to questions. Bloomfield Registrars Of Voters is working diligently for our community. Bloomfield's Registrar Of Voters are here for all voters!

Come Bloom With Us - New Employment Opportunities

Entry Level Police Officer

Under regular supervision, performs basic law enforcement duties in accordance with the mission, goals and objectives of the Bloomfield Police Department and in compliance with governing federal, state and local laws. The Town of Bloomfield offers a rewarding career in a progressive & professional environment. The Town provides liberal benefits, including paid vacation, paid holidays, group life insurance, major medical, dental insurance and sick leave.

Finance Director 

The Director of Finance is a position established by the Town Charter which oversees a General Fund budget of $104 million, a $29 million five year Capital Improvement Plan, as well as Enterprise and Internal Service funds. The Town maintains a credit rating of AA+ with Standard & Poor’s. The Town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) has consistently received the GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement award. Responsible for the development and monitoring of the annual Comprehensive Budget and five year Community Investment Plan.  


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Contact Us

800 Bloomfield Avenue,

Bloomfield CT 06002

Phone: 860-769-3500