March 15, 2024

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Hello Donna,

The ISM + PHSA Education Conference & Expo has opened its Call for Proposals! The fast-approaching deadline for submissions is Friday, March 22. To submit a proposal, follow this link!

We're growing! APHSA is looking for a Process Innovation Associate to support the management of a variety of projects within our Process Innovation portfolio. We also have an open position for a Child Welfare Compact Associate. Their role will be to assist the Director of Interstate Affairs and Compact Operations. Apply now to either position or share with interested parties in your network!

Legislative Updates

Administration Avoids a Partial Government Shutdown

On March 9, the government passed a $460 billion spending package to fund the Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Justice, Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Veterans Affairs through September 30, 2024. The upcoming deadline to ensure passage of the remaining six bills, including the funding of Health and Human Services, is March 22.

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Moving Human Services Upstream

Request For Comment on Risk Assessment Forms Replacing Flores Bond Hearing Process

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is seeking comments on newly proposed data collection instruments that will inform a new set of risk determination hearings, thereby offering due process protections for unaccompanied children under the custody of ORR. This new information collection process is intended to replace the Flores bond hearing process with a Final Rule to be issued in the second quarter of 2024.

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Request for Assistance for Child Victims of Human Trafficking

ACF is requesting a three-year extension for the form Request for Assistance (RFA) for Child Victims of Human Trafficking. This form enables attorneys, law enforcement officers, case managers, and other personnel to report concerns about foreign national minors' potential exposure to severe forms of trafficking as defined under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000.

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Advancing Social and Economic Mobility

FNS Shares Lessons Learned from S-EBT Demonstrations

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) shared the lessons learned from a decade of research on the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (S-EBT) demonstrations. In particular, the research found that S-EBT significantly reduces childhood food insecurity, including the most severe form of food insecurity. The findings helped to shape program operations for the permanent S-EBT program.

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Partner Events

WEBINAR: AFCARS NPRM Public Information Session

The Administration for Children, Youth & Families (ACYF) published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) amending the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) regulations on February 23, 2024, with a comment period closing on April 23. ACYF will hold an information session for title IV-E agencies and the public providing an overview of the proposed rule.

March 25, 2:30 to 3:30 PM EST

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WEBINAR: Mastering dX - Upskilling Your Workforce for the Age of AI

As part of a series by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies’ (NASWA’s) Workforce Information Technology Support Center (ITSC) on Mastering Digital Transformation (dX), this session will focus on helping system leaders better understand emerging technology and how it can be employed to improve system productivity and value for the customer. Panelists will explore AI and its potential role in system transformation.

March 28, 12:30 to 1:15 PM EST

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