February 1, 2019
Shortly after last week’s TWIW was released, President Trump announced an agreement to reopen the government via a three-week Continuing Resolution (CR). Friday evening, Congress passed, and President Trump signed the CR reopening the government through February 15th. House and Senate negotiators are working through the Department of Homeland Security bill to come to a compromise on border security which is key to preventing another partial shutdown after the CR expires. Both chambers are hopeful that they will reach an agreement before February 15th. APHSA will continue to provide updates through this newsletter and if applicable, direct member communications.
As we noted, the seven unfunded Departments are currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR) which was signed into law last Friday, January 25 th. For an update on the status of the federal appropriations process along with the details of the enacted CR. View the text of the CR.
Legislative Update - Foundations for Evidence Based Policymaking Act
On January 14 th, President Trump signed into law the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act, a bipartisan effort introduced by former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA). The law builds on the work of the commission that was created out of the Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, which sought to strengthen data privacy protections, improve secure data access, and enhance government’s evidence capacity. For more information on the details of this bill, click here to find a fact sheet from the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Congressional Budget Office
The CBO released reports earlier this week about the economic effects of the partial shutdown and its 10-year economic outlook.
Child and Family Well-Being
Children's Bureau Releases Child Maltreatment Report
The Children’s Bureau released the 28th edition of the annual Child Maltreatment report series, summarizing national data about child abuse and neglect known to child protective services agencies in the United States during federal fiscal year 2017. Data collected through the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) are reported by child welfare agencies in the 50 states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.
OCC Issues Annual Compliance Report
The Office of Child Care (OCC) issued its annual report on states’ compliance with prioritizing child care assistance to children in very low income families, children with special needs, and children experiencing homelessness. OCC reports that states demonstrated that they are prioritizing CCDF assistance to families with very low incomes, children with special needs and children experiencing homelessness as reported in the 2016-2018 CCDF plans. States are working to establish or expand outreach and access for children experiencing homelessness pursuant to the Act and the final rule requirements .
Foster Care
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
FNS Releases 4th Q&A Related to the Early Issuance of February SNAP Benefits
On Tuesday, January 29, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) released a fourth Q&A document related to the early issuance of February SNAP benefits. This fourth Q&A specifically addresses states’ questions about Quality Control (QC) reviews for January and February 2019. According to the Q&A, January 2019 cases will be reviewed following normal QC procedures, but states will not be required to conduct QC reviews on cases that received an early issuance for February. Alongside the Q&A, FNS issued a blanket waiver of QC review for February 2019 SNAP cases. Both documents can be found here
FNS Publishes Proposed Rule on ABAWD Waivers in Federal Register
On Friday, February 1, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (the Department) published a proposed rule on SNAP Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) waivers. The Department proposes to amend the regulatory standards by which it evaluates state SNAP agency requests to waive the ABAWD time limit, and to end the unlimited carryover of ABAWD percentage exemptions. Comments must be submitted by April 2, 2019 . To view the proposed rule and instructions for submitting comments, click here
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 
ACF Seeks Comments on Annual TANF Maintenance of Effort Report
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families (ACF) published a proposed information collection activity and request for comments in the Federal Register on Thursday, January 31. ACF is requesting a three-year extension of the ACF–204 (Annual MOE Report). The report is used to collect descriptive program characteristics information on the programs operated by states and territories in association with their Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) programs. ACF uses the information to monitor nature of state and territory expenditures used to meet their Maintenance of Effort (MOE) requirements. States and territories should submit comments by March 31, 2019 . The proposed information collection activity and request for comments, and instructions for submitting comments, can be found here .
Medicaid Community Engagement Waiver
States continue to apply, and receive approval, for their 1115 Waivers to implement community engagement strategies for the Medicaid program. Most recently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved Arizona’s request to add a community engagement requirement, entitled “Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS).” Arizona is now the eighth state with approval to operate a community engagement program, and the first to allow an exemption for federally recognized tribes.
A summary of what was and was not approved can be found in an article by The Hill .
Opioid Epidemic Update
On Thursday, January 31, The Office of National Drug Control Policy released its National Drug Control Strategy , which establishes the President’s priorities for addressing the challenge of drug trafficking and use.

In his letter announcing the release of the report, James W. Carroll, Director of National Drug Control Policy stated: "The overarching goal of the Strategy is to save lives by engaging in a comprehensive approach that includes preventing initiates to drug use, promoting treatment services leading to long-term recovery, and aggressively reducing the availability of illicit drugs in America’s communities."
Call for Proposals - 2019 APHSA National HHS Summit
APHSA is accepting proposals for the APHSA 2019 National Health and Human Services Summit, May 19-22 in Arlington, VA.

APHSA is elevating critical policy discussions and providing an opportunity for collective conversations with the Administration and Congress for a shared path forward for a modern, responsive and effective human service system.

We are seeking proposals that will create conversations, engage public and private partners from the health and human services sector and include thought leaders in the field.
Administration for Children and Families Information Requests
Adult Protective Services
The Administration for Community Living announced an approximately $3 million investment to continue efforts to develop tools and infrastructure to support states in delivering Adult Protective Services (APS).  Read Announcement