May 3, 2019
Both chambers were in session this week after the two week recess and we have a lot to share. Here is what APHSA has been following from the Hill and the Administration.
Legislative Update
House Appropriators Release Draft FY 2020 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill
The House Appropriations Commissioner released its draft FY 2020 Labor-HHS-Education (LHHS) Appropriations bill on Monday of this week. The draft bill includes $189.8 billion in discretionary funding (increase of $11.7 billion over 2019 enacted level). This bill is the largest non-defense appropriations bill and is considered the most controversial appropriations, which is why the committee is seeking to consider this bill first. The subcommittee marked up and approved the bill on Tuesday. Now, the bill is headed to the full committee for consideration and a vote.

Senators Introduce Family First Transition and Support Act of 2019
On May 1, 2019, Senators Sherrod Brown & Debbie Stabenow introduced the Family First Transition and Support Act.  The bill would increase investment and support for child welfare agencies as many communities continue to struggle in the wake of the substance abuse crisis. The Brown-Stabenow bill builds on last years Family First Prevention Services Act, which transformed the way the federal government funds child welfare services. Highlights of the bill include: delaying the 50% well-supported requirement; provides additional funds for State-directed research to develop interventions to meet evidence-based requirements; and increases funding for Regional Partnership Grants to allow more local groups to address parental substance abuse and child well-being.
Evidence-Informed Policy
Shaping the Conversation on Evidence-Based Policy
APHSA joined Urban Institute for a conversation on the use of evidence to inform policymaking at their recent Policies for Action training. Fundamental policy impact strategies and emerging dissemination tactics were shared to help researchers. Read Blog
Child and Family Well-Being
Youth Villages Opens Funding Opportunity For Transition-Age
Foster Youth Services
Youth Villages is opening philanthropic funding designed to help public agencies around the country expand services to transition-age foster youth . Up to $3 million per jurisdiction will be available through the national nonprofit organization in a competitive process, with applications accepted through Oct. 1 for services launching in 2020.

Immigrant Families and Child Welfare Systems: Emerging Needs and Promising Policies
APHSA has contributed to a recent report from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). This report explores the diversity of approaches for developing specialized policies and practices for working with children in immigrant families. It draws on interviews with child welfare officials from 14 states, six counties, and New York City, identifying a recommended approach and discussing relevant policies and practices. Read Report
The ACF guidance outlines changes to the structure of the Refugee Resettlement Program related to private non-profit agencies administering statewide projects. Read Letter
Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS)
A NPRM on AFCARS was published on the Federal Register on April 19, 2019. The NPRM makes several significant changes to the 2016 AFCARS Final Rule, modifying 13 data items and eliminating nearly 90 data items.  Eliminated data items include:
·       Sexual orientation and gender identity;
·       Implementation of the Indian Child Welfare Act;
·       Education stability;
·       Transition plan and date;
·      Authority for placement and care responsibility;
·      Juvenile justice involvement;
·      Private agency living arrangement;
·      Authority for placement and care responsibility.

Comments are due by Tuesday, June 18
Employment and Economic Well-Being
What would it take for everyone to succeed in the future labor market? The Urban Institute explores strategies for ensuring people have access to the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in family-sustaining jobs and for making sure businesses have enough skilled workers to thrive. Learn More
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Issues Memorandum Regarding Child Support Cooperation and SNAP
This Wednesday, May 1, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published a memorandum to state agencies encouraging them to require parent cooperation with state child support agencies as a condition of eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). A press release that accompanied the memorandum states that “USDA views the option to establish SNAP child support cooperation requirements as a good strategy to promote responsibility among both non-custodial and custodial parents to provide more children with the support they deserve.”

Last year, the House version of the 2018 Farm Bill included a provision eliminating the state option of child support cooperation for custodial and noncustodial parents, making cooperation a requirement. APHSA expressed serious concern about the provision due to the significant administrative and systems costs it would require and the caseload burdens it would place on an already strained child support enforcement system. Additionally, there is not strong evidence that mandatory child support cooperation would result in increased child support payments. Ultimately, the provision was not included in the final Farm Bill.

Comments Requested for ICD-10 Codes to Identify Social Determinants of Health
The ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance (C&M) Committee, co-chaired by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Center for Health Statistics/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, met in March to discuss proposals for new or modified ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes. All of the ICD-10-PCS code proposals were being considered for October 1, 2019 implementation, whereas the ICD-10-CM code proposals, if approved, would be implemented October 1, 2020. A number of new ICD-10-CM codes were proposed to identify social determinants of health (SDOH). While ICD-10-CM already includes some codes for social determinants of health, the proposal would expand these codes and provide more detail.

Comments are due by Friday, May 10 on these proposed new SDOH codes to the ICD Coordination and Maintenance Committee: .

Recording of Meeting: L isten Here
Materials for ICD-10-CM Meeting: Read Papers
Upcoming Events
Attend Elevate, A Virtual Conference on Workforce Trends and Equity
NHSA is partnering with the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance to offer the online conference, Elevate! This 3-day conference is geared specifically for the social-impact leader who is focused on changing lives for good. Elevate is a great, affordable way for us to build competency in workforce trends—with a special focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Join us to learn from more than 25 world-class speakers, experience live powerhouse group events, training courses, and more, all combined with fun prizes and giveaways. Participants receive an e-Certificate in Workforce Trends and Equity.

May 1-3 (Online: attend from the comfort of your office or home; all sessions are available on-demand for three weeks following the conference)
After the Fanfare: Family First One Year Later
Please join the American Enterprise Institute as a panel of experts explains how Family First is progressing around the country. One year has passed since the passage of the Family First Prevention Services Act. This bipartisan legislation offered states the option to apply Title IV-E foster care funds toward preventive services intended to keep children in homes with their families. The legislation also placed a cap on the amount of federal funds that could be used to fund residential institutions for kids in foster care.

Thursday, May 23 | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM EST
AEI, Auditorium, 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC
Essential Conversations on Human Services
The 2019 Annual Convening will be a time for members of the National Human Services Assembly along with partners, colleagues, and friends in the human service and nonprofit sectors, to gather and network with each other and the National Assembly Board of Directors and staff to further important conversations and collaboration in the sector.

Tuesday, June 11 | 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST
FHI 360 Conference Center, 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC
Upcoming Webinars
It's Worth The Effort: The Real Value of Feasibility Studies
Whether you are replacing your solution or modernizing, taking the time to conduct a comprehensive Feasibility Study will set you up for success. Going beyond the funding, this presentation will provide an overview of what a feasibility study is and how it becomes a tool for the future. You will hear from two states on how the feasibility study process has benefited them on their very different journeys toward CCWIS compliance.

Tuesday, May 7 | 2:00 - 3:30 PM EST
Spring Webinar Series on Work Supports and Health
This spring, P4A’s Research Hub at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the University of California, Berkeley, will host a series of three webinars on the impacts of work supports on health. The series will bring together researchers, advocates, and other stakeholders to discuss the evidence that work supports, such as paid family and medical leave, affect family health and well-being.
Work Supports to Improve Adult Health
Friday, May 31 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Peer Learning Opportunity -- OCC's New Monitoring Process
Please join your NASCCA colleagues in a peer learning session on OCC’s new monitoring process from pilot states! Child Care Administrators will discuss their experience in preparing for the monitoring visit, what to expect when the monitoring team is on site, and follow up after the monitoring visit has concluded. We hope hearing from these early states will offer an opportunity for states in subsequent rounds. 

Thursday, June 6 | 3:00-4:00 PM EST
Upcoming Conferences
APHSA Local Council Retreat
This year’s retreat will focus on localism in action by highlighting and uplifting the work that several counties are doing to “build well-being from the ground up.” This is an invitation only event reserved for local agency CEOs and their select staff.

June 19 - 21 | Hilton Charlotte Center City | Charlotte, NC
APHSA National HHS Summit
APHSA is elevating critical policy discussions and providing an opportunity for collective conversations with the Administration and Congress for a shared path forward for a modern, responsive and effective human service system.

This year’s National Summit is designed to showcase transformation efforts underway across the nation focusing on:
  • Operational Optimization
  • Healthier Communities Through Prevention
  • Policy and Practice Solutions for Family and Community Well-Being
  • Equity

May 19-22 | Crystal Gateway Marriott | Alexandria, VA
Housing Is Summit: Building Partnerships Across Sectors
to Improve Life Outcomes
Join practitioners, researchers, and policymakers from the affordable housing, education, and healthcare sectors for this engaging two-day event with The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA). Highlighting the ways we can transform systems to better serve low-income people, the Summit will offer two days of plenary speakers/panels, breakout sessions, and caucus discussions devoted to intersectional thinking and opportunities for action. W ith keynote speaker David A. Williams of Opportunity Insights.

May 16 - May 17
The Conference Center at CSIS, 1616 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Washington, DC
APHSA Career Center - Post Your Open Positions Today

APHSA serves as a clearinghouse for job opportunities throughout the health and human services (H/HS) field. Employers reach a wide audience of candidates looking for careers in H/HS and job seekers will find a bevy of opportunities throughout the country.