The Feast of Pentecost
Please join our
Pentecost Celebration
by way of the
schedule and links below.

Also, please take note:
Changes ahead for June!
The Day of Pentecost, Sunday, May 31
Choir and Organ Music Fest for Pentecost
Available 6 p.m. this evening (May 30):

Durufle, Choral variations on
'Veni Creator,' Op. 4 
Three Hymns for Pentecost
Organ Works by Brixi, Tournemire

And don't forget, even if at home ...


Yes! They are in Wheeler Hall!
No! It's not Facebook Live in 2020. Avril Hector, Kathryn Bacasmot and Lynette Hector don red for Pentecost 2018.

From the Rector
Changes ahead for June + Please read
Dear People of Ascension,

Due to family circumstances, I'll be leaving on a trip to Utah early in the coming week and returning late the following week. Why? Brooke and our daughter Grace left St. George, Utah, on March 14, for what was to have been an eight-day spring break back here in Chicago ... (It's the story of so many, many households now.) Great as it has been to have them both with me here since then, we now need to go tend to a number of matters that have been in limbo out there.

In my absence, Father Bob Petite and Father Alonzo Pruitt will minister at times that I have recently been offering masses:

Trinity Sunday, June 7, 9:00 a.m.
Father Petite will offer a
stay-at-home low mass via Zoom.

Wednesday, June 3, 6:30 p.m. and
Wednesday, June 10, 6:30 p.m.
(also via Zoom)
Father Pruitt will offer a reflection
(on themes of his choice)
and will welcome your responses,
questions and fellowship.

Regrettably, this means a disruption in what has recently become 'normal.' We won't be offering mass at these times via Facebook Live.

Furthermore, the remainder of June is presently uncertain in terms of our masses. I've been able to offer two weekly masses for the past 10 weeks, and with no social distancing considerations, in no small part due to the willingness of my wife Brooke to serve those masses -- acolyte, lector, intercessor, flower and altar guild assistant ... However, Brooke and Grace will be remaining in Utah through the end of June at least.

These matters aside, Ascension leaders joined me on Friday in comparing first responses to the report and rigorous re-opening requirements circulated this past week by the bishop's task force dealing with pandemic matters.

We are united in recognizing that in-person worship
will not be possible at all during June.

Our own parish task force is, however, exploring all possible options to remain connected, offer mass, and return to the church -- virtually and/or in person and as appropriately and as timely as possible.

I am specifically sorrowing that I am presently unable to look forward to and am unable to share with you any specific plans for the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 14. We may not know our options until the prior day and I encourage you to check our website homepage for updates.

I also, of course, encourage and ask for your prayers.
Thank you, Cardinal Cupich for showing us what's ahead for many priests at many altars. Yes, it's likely if not certain that priests at Ascension will be wearing masks at the altar to celebrate the mass, even prior to in-person Phases of re-opening. It's one requirement -- along with no live singing in some upcoming phases -- addressed in the bishop's report, above. (Click above.)
Trinity Sunday
June 7, 11:00 a.m.
Bring your pet or pets to
Virtual Coffee Hour
1 1:00 a.m. via Zoom
Hosted by
Warden Emeritus Cynthia Perrizo
( Those without pets also welcome !)
for Zoom Veterans
and Zoom Novices
For those already Zooming: please heed the repeated Zoom requests to UPDATE YOUR ACCOUNT . Due to important security upgrades, Zoom will begin requiring everyone to connect using the latest version of the Zoom client app after May 30. If you're not already using the latest version (5.0), you will eventually be prompted to upgrade when you connect.  If you'd like to ensure a smoother transition, you can also update ahead of time by clicking here to to download the latest version.

For the Novice, Newbie, or tech-challenged : It may be easier than you know . We've simplified instructions on the sheet that you can view by clicking here. Please know that you can block your camera (and don't need one to start with), and you could join our Scripture study or Virtual Coffee Hour, for instance, without having to say a word. Give it a try.
For our prayers: For all businesses, schools, public institutions, and especially at this time all religious congregations facing questions of opening, welcoming, timing and safety.

For the unrest and violence demonstrated in Minneapolis and throughout our nation following the death this past week of George Floyd; for our national courage and wisdom in addressing all matters related to race and racism; for those now entrusted with restoring order.
For our prayers: Charley Taylor, August 'Augie' Alonzo, Jim Berger, Ethel Martin, Yuka Asai, Dean Pineda, Carnola Malone, Charlene MacDougal, Patricia Johnston, Stewart Marks, Char Yurema, Mary Drell, Jim Lo Bello, Steve Waltz, Mary Lou Devens, Marty Stenson, Donna Neglia, John Brower, Choy Jimenez, Steve, Peter Bergman, Catriana Patriarca, Noah and Clem, Jessica, Jim Wilson, Ricardo Carillo, Maxim Richard Fleer, Ted Long.
Recent/Upcoming Birthdays/Anniversaries: Kelly Colomberti, 6/1; Owen Raymond, 6/1; Jim Wilson, 6/2; Trevor Taylor, 6/2; Judith Cook, 6/4; Pedro Illás, 6/4; Bill Flodin, 6/11; Jim Lo Bello, 6/11; Katie DuClos, 6/12; Jim Lenz, 6/13; Fr. Gary Lawler, 6/13; Christopher McKee, 6/14; Ricardo Avila, 6/15; David Knox, 6/20; David Jones, 6/28; Michael Malone, 6/29
Prayers for the departed:
All who have died due to complications of COVID-19
and for
Jack Johnston (5/15)
George Floyd

Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord: and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Image: from the Da Costa Book of Hours,
illustrated by Simon Bening, early 15th century, collection of the Morgan Library, New York.

The Very Rev. Patrick Raymond, Rector

Susan Schlough, Treasurer

Br. Nathanael Deward Rahm BSG, Parish Office