Weekly News & Updates for Bethel Lutheran Church

February 4, 2024

SUNDAY WORSHIP at 9:30am in the Sanctuary

Can't make it in person? Join us live online. Click below to join us!



Sunday, February 4

9:30am Worship Service

Annual Meeting

6:45pm Apple Valley Flute Choir (Sanctuary)

Monday, February 5

6pm TOPS(Library)

Tuesday, February 6

10am Staff Meeting

7pm Boy Scout Pack 10 (Shelter/Fellowship Hall)

Wednesday, February 7

No Events

Thursday, February 8

9am Women's Coffee Hour (Zoom)

7pm AA Meeting (Fellowship Hall)

7pm Worship Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Friday, February 9

No Events

Saturday, February 10

2pm Bingo (OWLS)

Sunday, February 11

9:30am Worship Service

6:45pm Apple Valley Flute Choir (Sanctuary)

In Our Prayers

Bethel's Ongoing Prayer List

John and Brenda Adair

Bill Bailey

Pat Blevins

Gene Borror

Pat Clevenger

Martha Copenhaver

John Gavitt

George & Linda Hoenig

Brenda Johnson

Carolyn McTague

Betty Nichols

Carol O'Brien

Michelle Perone

Allen Pierce

Mel & Bert Poling

Melissa Siebert (ALS)

Paul Van Doren

Rob Weidner (friend of PD)

Pastor Bob Young


The people of Ukraine

The people of Israel & Palestine

Our Christian sympathy is extended to the Fredericksen family on the death of their son-in-law Christian who passed away this week after a 3 1/2 year battle with colon cancer. May the hope of the resurrection serve the family in this time of loss and grief.


Transportation Needed


Ashley Miller, a longtime Bethel member, lives in a group home on the east side of Winchester/Frederick County (Wickham Terrace, 22602). She has Down Syndrome and does not drive. Upon the sickness and death of her mother, Judy, she has been unable to attend worship regularly for a while now. She really misses us! Heidi and I had dinner with her recently, and she would really love to be able to worship again regularly. Hence, this email.

I would like to have a team of people who'd be willing to offer Ashley a ride to worship and other church events. She is delightful and loves being a part of the Bethel community. Her sister, Hillary, is unavailable many Sundays because of work and her aunt is also unavailable most Sundays, although on occasion she has been able to bring her. Hillary, her legal power of attorney and guardian, is more than happy to help us facilitate such an arrangement.

So, my hope is that we could put together a team of folks who would be part of the "A Team" (Ashley team) and help her find support and comfort here with her church family. 

Even if you can only offer help on occasion, let me know. Please respond to this email with your willingness and availability. I will then gather those of us together who are willing and able to help Ashley to put together a regular transportation plan.

Thank you all for your prayerful consideration!

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Dave 

Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?

Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Email Pastor Dave

Bethel will be hosting WATTS (Winchester Area Temporary Transitional Shelter) February 24 - March 2, 2024.

There are two sign ups - one for donations and the other for volunteer opportunities. Please check out both of these lists! I hope everyone will take the opportunity to join us at least once. It is a fantastic week of serving the homeless in our community. A bin for donations will be in the hall outside the office.

Please contact Diane Milburn at 540-664-1365 or [email protected] if you have any questions.

Volunteer at Bethel for WATTS
Volunteer to help with Food and Supplies



Saturday February 10th at 2pm the O.W.L's (Older Wiser Lutherans) will be hosting Bingo in Fellowship Hall. There will be snacks, beverages, and fun prizes.

The event is free, but you may make a free will offering if you are able. We look forward to seeing you there!

Save the Date

Join us for our Easter Potluck Brunch

Sunday, March 31st 11am-12:30pm

More information coming soon!

2024 Lenten Themes, Worship and Learning Opportunities

What Does It Mean to Welcome Others in the Name of Jesus?

Sunday worship at 9:30am (Sanctuary) and Adult Forum at 11:00am (Fellowship Hall)

On Sunday mornings, we will prayerfully discern together “what it means to be welcoming in the name of Jesus”? We will explore this theme in worship and during our Adult Forum time with Pastor Dave and several guest speakers. See the schedule for Adult Forum below.


Sunday, February 18 – Access Independence (People with Disabilities)

Sunday, February 25 – Indigenous People and Land Acknowledgement Conversation

Sunday, March 3 – NAACP

Sunday, March 10 – ARE LGBTQ Center

Sunday, March 17 – National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI)

Sunday, March 24 – English Language Learners (ELL)


Prayer-Full Pause

Thursdays at 6:00pm (Martin Luther Library)


Beginning on the Thursday, February 15 and continuing throughout Lent, Pastor Dave will be offering a new opportunity for prayer and conversation called “Prayer-Full Pause.” We will meet at Bethel at 6:00pm and everyone is welcome. We will simply pray for and seek God’s presence and guidance in our lives as we navigate the often-turbulent waters of life and living. Additionally, we hope this can be a time and space where, in what could be a very divisive and difficult year, we can promote relationships and intentional community with one another, even if we don’t agree

with each other.



The new bulletin board outside the Office is where we are posting community events as well as handouts of interest from Edie McGoff, our Parish Nurse.

We also will be promoting our supply drives and the items needed for them. Collection bins are underneath the bulletin board.

Want to post something? Please contact the office.

2024 Worship Assistants Needed

We are looking for people to help with Sunday morning worship. We are scheduling teams monthly, no more than once per quarter (ideally once per year). We especially need volunteers for January & February as many of our volunteers served in the past few months.

Greeters (4) - arrive by no later than 9am Sunday morning. 2 will be stationed at the doors to open doors & welcome people to Bethel. 2 will be stationed one on each side of the AV Booth to hand out bulletins and point out any flyers or signups.

Ushers (2) - arrive no later than 9:15 on Sunday morning. Stand near the AV Booth to help worshipers find seats as needed. Collect the Offering and assist with directing people to Communion.

Communion Assistants (3) - can also Greet on their selected day if they choose. Pastor Dave assigns people to teams just before Communion begins. One team stands in the center and the other starts on the choir side then moves to the baptismal side.

If you are willing to volunteer in any of these roles, please contact Kim Williams, Church Administrator, [email protected] or 540-662-3245 ext 103

Scripture Readers are scheduled by Pastor Dave [email protected]

Bread Bakers are scheduled by Vonda Wilt [email protected]

Worship Technology Team Members Needed!

Are you tech savvy? Are you feeling called to help bring our worship gatherings to life behind the scenes? Bethel’s Worship Technology Team has a place and a need for you!

Volunteers are needed on rotation for the following individual roles:

- Sound System Operators 

- Visual Media Display Screen Operators

- Camera Operators

If you can click or press a button on cue, you can help in any of these roles. Training is provided and a stress free, flexible schedule can be made. 

If you feel the Holy Spirit tugging at you to serve in any of these roles, please contact or see George Donovan, Jr., Minister of Music and Worship. ([email protected])

We are blessed with amazing technology and talent at Bethel! Come be a part of this growing ministry with us! 


By popular demand, we now have Bethel Logo Wear available! You can order directly from Logo Sportswear using the link below. There are multiple options for both men, women & children and includes hats, jackets, fleece & shirts.

Bethel will receive 15% of all sales.

Logo Wear Order


Luther League Jr. (5-8 grades)


On the following dates:

2024 Dates Coming Soon!

We will meet in the Underground. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Dave at [email protected]

Electronic Giving to Bethel

Please consider setting up electronic giving so Bethel will receive your gift, even when you cannot join us in person.

You can also mail your check to Bethel Lutheran Church, 2077 N Frederick Pike, Winchester VA 22603.


Picture Share

Calling all amateur photographers and social media posters:

We would like to be able to share your photos of Bethel activities. Are you:

Attending a Women's Ministry function?- send us a picture

Attending Men's Breakfast?-send us a picture

Quilting with friends at the Quilting Group?-send us a picture

Having fun with friends at Youth Ministry?- send us a picture

We would like to share all of these events as well as any trips or other "get togethers" on our social media and our website. So please take pictures (make sure that you ask permission to post them) and send them to [email protected] so that we can show everyone what a wonderful family we have at Bethel!

Email Pict

Email Bethel Pictures


Weekly Women's Coffee Hour

Thursdays 9am via ZOOM (Meeting ID 86309309339, Password Jesus4U)

Women's Book Club -February/March

We will be reading "A Fever in the Heartland"

by Timothy Egan.

We will meet at the end of March to discuss this historical thriller- Date / Time TBD

Please contact Diane Milburn at [email protected] if you have any questions.

First Friday Fellowship

March 1, 2024 9:30am at The Golden Corral in Winchester. If you have any questions please contact Barbara Simmons via her email [email protected] or by following the link below.

Barbara Simmons


Men's Ministry Breakfast

We meet the first Saturday of each month from 8:30-9:30am at Backseat Bar & Grill (104 Full House Drive, Winchester, VA 22603).

Pastor Dave and others will lead devotions and conversations.

Join us March 2nd.


Want to join our High School Youth Group? Contact Mel Siebert at ([email protected]) or by following the link below.

Mel Siebert


The importance of taking care of yourself

Parish Nurse Notes
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