Weekly News & Updates for Bethel Lutheran Church

November 28, 2023

SUNDAY WORSHIP at 9:30am in the Sanctuary

Can't make it in person? Join us live online. Click below to join us!



Tuesday, November 28

10am Staff Meeting

7pm Boy Scouts (Shelter/Fellowship Hall )

Wednesday, November 29

6:30pm Advent Service

Thursday, November 30

9am Women's Coffee Hour (Zoom)

11am Advent/Christmas Pericope Study (Library)

7pm AA Meeting (Picnic Shelter)

7pm Worship Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Friday, December 1

9:30am Women's First Friday Fellowship (Golden Corral)

Saturday, December 2

8:30am Men's Breakfast (Backseat Bar & Grill)

Sunday, December 3

9:30am Worship Service

1045am Sunday School

11am Adult Forum "The Gospel of Mark" (Library)

6pm Middle School Youth (Underground)

6:45pm Apple Valley Flute Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Monday, December 4

6pm TOPS (Library)

7pm Disciple 1 Bible Study (Zoom)

Tuesday, December 5

10am Staff Meeting

7pm Boy Scout Pack 10 (Shelter/Fellowship Hall)

In Our Prayers

Bethel's Ongoing Prayer List

John and Brenda Adair

Bill Bailey

Gene Betit

Pat Blevins

Gene Borror

Pat Clevenger

Martha Copenhaver

John Gavitt

Brenda Johnson

Carolyn McTague

Betty Nichols

Carol O'Brien

Michelle Perone

Allen Pierce

Mel & Bert Poling

Melissa Siebert (ALS)

Paul Van Doren

Rob Weidner (friend of PD)


The people of Ukraine

The people of Israel & Palestine

Urve Crowder and family on the death of her sister Heli Collins.


December 3

December 10


Kim Williams

Rachel Carson

Lisa Nallen

Kim Williams

Rachel Carlson

Lisa Nallen


Betty Puffinberger

Karen Shipp

Betty Puffinberger

Karen Shipp



LeeAnne Marple

Lee Braithwaite

Sara Smith

LeeAnne Marple

Lee Braithwaite

Sara Smith

Scripture Reader

Stephanie Mahan

Barbara Simmons


Edie McGoff, Parish Nurse, has been asked to re-activate a "Support for our Service Members" for Bethel family members that are currently serving.

The purpose is to offer support (cards - gifts) to those in the service for holidays, birthdays, and in general "we are thinking about you" from our church family.

Please contact Kim Williams ([email protected]) with the name & address of your active service family member(s). We need these ASAP so we can start with Christmas.

Edie is looking for a Co-Chair to help with this project. Please speak with Edie or contact Nina Davis ([email protected]) if you are willing to help.

Thank you all. To be remembered by friends and family when you are in the service is a true "gift".


The new bulletin board outside the Office is where we are posting community events as well as handouts of interest from Edie McGoff, our Parish Nurse.

We also will be promoting our supply drives and the items needed for them. Collection bins are underneath the bulletin board.

Want to post something? Please contact the Office or Kim Williams.

Watch, Wait, and Wonder: A Midweek Series for Advent

Wednesdays at 6:30pm

In the spirit of “keeping vigil,” the first week centers upon watching for Christ’s coming again. The second week calls us to prayerful waiting in preparation for the coming of Jesus. Drawing upon the idea that “wisdom begins in wonder,” the third week invites us to embrace imaginative wonderment at the things of God. Our fourth week will be our Blue Christmas service especially for those for whom the holidays will be bittersweet.

November 29th "Watch" (message by Bruce Lothrop)

December 6th "Wait" (message by Mel Siebert)

December 13th "Wonder" (message by Michelle Young)

December 20th "Blue Christmas" (message by George Donovan, Jr.)


Join Pastor Dave on Thursdays at 11am in the library during Advent as we explore the lessons for the season. All are welcome.


November 26 & December 3

Wheels for Wellness is a local non-profit that provides free transportation to folks who have no other way of getting to their medical appointments and treatments. The organization, which is 20 years old in 2024, relies on fundraising activities to meet the yearly budget and keep our volunteer drivers on the road. The Fall fundraiser is a Gas Gift Card Raffle with first prize being a $500 gas gift card, second place is a $300 gas gift card and third prize is a $50 gas gift card.

Tickets are $5.00 each or $20.00 for 5 tickets. Karen Shipp will be selling tickets in the Narthex on Sunday November 26th & Sunday December 3rd.


Who is ready for some holiday shopping!?

GRACES coffee sales are officially open for the holidays! The coffee comes from the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala where the coffee farm is run by Mayan indigenous women. By purchasing the coffee, you are supporting Escuela Integrada school, which provides an education for children who experience extreme poverty. 

The deadline to order coffee for guaranteed delivery before Christmas is December 9th. Beth Garner will be placing a group order so that we can get the discount of only $17 a bag (this includes shipping), but we need to order 30 bags.

Call Beth at 540-514-7022 or email ([email protected]) by December 7th to place your order for either whole bean or ground. Your coffee-loving friends and family will thank you!


November 26 - December 17

In lieu of collecting food as we have in the past, this year we will be collecting Martin's and Walmart Gift Cards in any amount. Frederick County Social Services will use the gift cards to provide holiday food baskets for the elderly and needy who are often overlooked during the holidays. Gift cards will allow the Social Services team to buy hams and fresh fruit & vegetables for their clients who often have special diets.

We will collect gift cards from Sunday, November 26th through Sunday, December 17th. Please place your gift cards in the offering basket or bring them to the Office.

Any questions, please see Karen Shipp after church on Sundays or contact her at [email protected] or 540-664-6465.


By popular demand, we now have Bethel Logo Wear available! You can order directly from Logo Sportswear using the link below. There are multiple options for both men, women & children and includes hats, jackets, fleece & shirts.

Bethel will receive 15% of all sales.

Logo Wear Order


Luther League Jr. (5-8 grades)


On the following dates:

Sunday, December 3

Sunday, December 10

We will meet in the Underground. If you have any questions please contact Pastor Dave at [email protected]

3rd Friday Trivia Christmas Feast

Friday December 15th

For our 3rd Friday trivia on Dec. 15, join us for a Christmas Feast. We will be offering ham and a few sides. We will be charging $10 for each adult and $5 for each kid (under 12) that joins us for the feast. We will provide the food and non-alcoholic drinks. Doors will open at 6, and food will be available starting at 6:30 p.m.

After the feast, join us for our "3rd Friday Trivia" event. It will be free to play (but we do ask for freewill offerings) and there will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. Trivia will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Invite your friends and family members. 

We do ask that you limit the size of your trivia teams to no more than 6 players. 

Everyone is welcome.

Adult Forum

December 3rd and 10th at 11am in the Martin Luther Library or Fellowship Hall. 

As we enter a new church year, the Gospel of Mark will serve as our guiding gospel for 2023-24. Pastor Dave will lead a two-week overview of Mark to best help us experience the prominent role it will play in the coming church year.  

Contact Pastor Dave

Electronic Giving to Bethel

Please consider setting up electronic giving so Bethel will receive your gift, even when you cannot join us in person.

You can also mail your check to Bethel Lutheran Church, 2077 N Frederick Pike, Winchester VA 22603.


Picture Share

Calling all amateur photographers and social media posters:

We would like to be able to share your photos of Bethel activities. Are you:

Attending a Women's Ministry function?- send us a picture

Attending Men's Breakfast?-send us a picture

Quilting with friends at the Quilting Group?-send us a picture

Having fun with friends at Youth Ministry?- send us a picture

We would like to share all of these events as well as any trips or other "get togethers" on our social media and our website. So please take pictures (make sure that you ask permission to post them) and send them to [email protected] so that we can show everyone what a wonderful family we have at Bethel!

Email Pict

Email Bethel Pictures


Weekly Women's Coffee Hour

Thursdays 9am via ZOOM (Meeting ID 86309309339, Password Jesus4U)

Women's Book Club

November- We'll be reading both "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande and/or "The In-Between" by Hadley Vlahos. Some of us have already read one or the other of these books and the subjects are similar so we decided to tackle both of them together.

Meeting place to be announced.

Please contact Diane Milburn at [email protected] if you have any questions.

First Friday Fellowship

December 2nd 9:30am at The Golden Corral in Winchester. If you have any questions please contact Barbara Simmons via her email [email protected] or by following the link below.


Women's Epiphany Luncheon Sunday, January 7th 11:30am - details to come

Barbara Simmons


Men's Ministry Breakfast

We meet the first Saturday of each month from 8:30-9:30am at Backseat Bar & Grill (104 Full House Drive, Winchester, VA 22603).

Pastor Dave and others will lead devotions and conversations.

Join us December 2nd.

Men's Ministry Christmas Fellowship

Join us on Tuesday December 19th at 6:30pm at Vibrissa Beer (10 North Kent Street).


Want to join our High School Youth Group? Contact Mel Siebert at ([email protected]) or by following the link below.

Mel Siebert


Edythe McGoff recognition of service article

Parish Nurse Notes
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