High Holidays 2023|5784
We look forward to seeing you for the High Holidays!
Click here for the full High Holidays schedule.

Click here for High Holidays FAQs.

If you ordered a lulav and etrog, please come to CEH on Wednesday, September 27th, between 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM to pick them up and help us build our sukkah. (You may also pick up during the day on Thursday, September 28th, but please call the office at 703-979-4466 before coming).
Coming Up
Beit Midrash with Rav Amelia: Fight, Flight, Freeze: Avraham, Yonah, & disagreeing with God
Wednesday, September 20th 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

What do you do when God demands something immoral or simply asks too much of you? What did Avraham and Yonah do in similar situations?

Join us for Rav Amelia's first Beit Midrash, and dive into some text study and discussion based on the Yom Kippur Torah and Haftorah readings.
Families with Young Children Shabbat
Friday, September 29th, 5:15 - 6:00 p.m.

We hope you will join us for a Families with Young Children (0-6 year olds and siblings) Shabbat Service with a Sukkot twist! Our service will include songs, a story, and a craft, followed by a light nosh in the CEH sukkah. This event is sponsored by the David Schwartz Fund. 
Potluck in the Sukkah
Friday, September 29th, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Please join us for potluck dinner in the Sukkah following an abbreviated Shabbat service. Click Register to sign up. All dishes must be dairy or vegetarian. No nuts please.
Senior Schmooze in the Sukkah
Wednesday, October 4th, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.

Come join other seniors to schmooze and eat lunch in the sukkah with Rav Amelia. Vegetarian lunch will be provided. If you need a ride, please let us know in the registration form, and we'll try our best to get you one. Non-member friends are welcome. Registration is required.
Join Our New Book Group!
NEW CEH Science Fiction Book Group - 1st meeting
Sunday, October 29th at 10:15 a.m.

Join the new CEH Science Fiction Book Group led by Jeremy Bronheim and Adam Cohen! The first meeting will be at CEH (in person only) on Sunday, October 29th at 10:15 a.m. and we will be discussing I, Robot by Isaac Asimov. 
I, Robot is a seminal 1942 collection of short stories exploring the ethical dilemmas presented by thinking machines. Copies are currently available to borrow from the CEH office, to download digitally through Arlington County Public Library, or to purchase through Thriftbooks

Please send an email to [email protected] to join the group (whether or not you can make the first meeting). Registration for the first meeting will open in October. Start reading!
Back to Shul: CEH Summer Travel Photos
This summer, CEH members traveled the world and visited important Jewish sites. Click here to view photos from these trips, from Delaware to Israel & beyond!
Event Recap: Summer Ice Cream Socials
Although it's still warm outside, our weekly visits to different ice cream shops have ended for this year. 117 people, representing 52 different households, joined us for at least one of the seven events (six different locations plus a young families event). It was so great to see you and we hope you had fun! 
Lesley Sorkowitz is our grand prize winner - she attended every week. Lesley started out bringing her family who was visiting from Taiwan and then kept coming back even after they went home. If you have suggestions for future programming ideas, please contact [email protected].
Help Our Community
Chesed Community
CEH's Chesed Community is here to help you. Members serve other members as a “kindness community,” providing assistance with anything from dog-walking after surgery to providing meals while sitting shiva to providing temporary care for a family member so the caregiver can run errands.
To activate the Chesed Community (either far-in-advance or on an emergency basis), e-mail [email protected].

If this concerns the passing of a family member, please contact the Rabbi first.
Want to stay up to date on social action opportunities?
Mazel Tov Moments
Each month we will be celebrating the special occasions of CEH members in an email. If you have a Mazel Tov Moment to include for yourself, a family member, or a CEH friend, please submit here.
Click here for Yahrzeit Observances - 9/16 - 9/22
Congregation Etz Hayim
2920 Arlington Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22204