September 11, 2024


This Sunday we will worship in-person and online with these service options: 

8:30am Traditional Service

10:30am Contemporary Service

Sunday Sermon

Steve will be preaching “And so it begins II… the Apple” from Genesis 3:1-24. 

This Sunday is a light Breakfast Sunday with breakfast sandwiches and fruit after each service. 

The GREAT Pumpkin Contest

In May Jill handed out pumpkin seeds to grow over the summer. Some of you have them growing… slowly. October 6th is the Sunday for you to bring your pumpkin if it’s ready to be picked. Or you can send Jill a picture and there will be a prize for the biggest pumpkin. 

As always, we will live-stream the services on our website, YouTube, and Facebook. Click the links below to watch!

CUC Website
CUC YouTube
CUC Facebook


ADULT ED SEPT 15: This Sunday Rob and Celeste Habiger will be sharing their experiences in working with immigrants and migrants in the Denver Metro Area. Their involvement is through the Denver Presbytery’s Journey with Migrants Mission Partnership, the Interfaith Immigration Network, the city of Denver, various nonprofits, and just being friends with newcomers. Come and explore ways to be involved or to just learn more about this challenging and timely issue.


Tuesdays - starting Sept 10th Yoga at @ 6:30 in Fireside room. To Join the teacher’s text list- text Jenni Chase 303-885-3138.

New Retired Men’s group starting in September Wednesdays @10 am.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Chuck, who will be leading it, at 303-587-2731.

Wholeness and Wellness Retreat & Concert in the Woods

  • September 13-15th at La Foret Retreat Center
  • An amazing opportunity to recharge and rest as the school year begins. 
  • Our very own Rhianna Westlund is teaching one of the classes

Senior Lunch will start back up on September 19th. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon for lunch and conversations. Save the Dates for Oct 17th, Nov 21st and Dec 19th. $5

CUC Moms group is moving to Wednesday 7:10 - 8:45. 

Dates- Sept 11 & 25, Oct  9 & 23, Nov 6 & 20.

Reach out to Jill to connect with other parents at CUC.

Small Groups are now forming for fall! We will be following the Sunday Scripture as we journey chronologically through Genesis and Exodus.

We will form small groups, online and in person around your time, availability, and neighborhood. Groups will be 3-4 people. Email Jill with what days and times work for you or fill out the form below:

Sign Up

You are invited to come to the CUC Book Club on Thursday, September 19th at 1:30 pm in the parlor. We will be discussing the novel Go As a River, by Colorado author, Shelley Read. This novel is a coming-of-age story about love, loss, and finding home in the face of hardship. The novel is set in the late 1940s and is inspired by real events that led to the destruction of the Colorado town, Iola, in preparation for the Blue Mesa Dam.l



Sundays, 10:30-11:30am

Columbine United Church offers three classrooms based on the Young Children in Worship model. There is a class for Pre-K through Kinder (Purple Room), a class for 1st Graders-3rd Graders (Green Room), and a class for 4th-5th Graders (Orange Room). Young Children in Worship offers an opportunity for children to go in-depth into a Bible story through storytelling and exploration. This play-based curriculum allows your child’s imagination to soar while learning core Christian and Biblical beliefs. This is offered every Sunday from 10:30 am-11:30 am.


Join us each week from 6-8 pm!

Youth surprise trip on September 21st from 10:45 am-12:45 pm! Parents will find out what we are doing and we are so excited! Limited spots so please RSVP!

Check out the fall calendars!

Children's Fall Calendar
Youth Fall Calendar


The CUC Men’s Poker group plays every Thursday evening online and once a month in-person. It is free and we only play for bragging rights. If interested please contact Tom Rehling ( for more information.

TAI-CHI: Wednesdays at 4:00 pm

Beginners at 3:30 pm

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese discipline of meditative movements practiced as a system of martial arts. Said to exercise every muscle in the body at once, Tai Chi is good for strength, balance, and your mind. Open to people of all ages, kids included. Suggested donation is $5.00. Led by our own John Rankin, who is a black belt in many forms of martial arts. A beginners class will be held on Wednesdays at 3:30. The regular class will continue on Wednesdays at 4pm. Contact John at with any questions.


Click here to view this week's Joys and Concerns.

Read Here

If you or someone you know has a life situation you would like the pastors or the congregation to be aware of, please call the church at 303-798-1845. 

Prayer Requests?

If you have prayer requests, contact Marci Pokrywka, Chair of Congregational Care. The committee members will pray for your concerns privately or we can include your request in the E-blast. Please indicate if you would like private prayers or to be listed in the E-blast.


Dear Faithful Family Promise Volunteers,

There are some recent changes for Family Promise. We would like to have a meeting with all volunteers to let you know what is happening. Please make every effort to attend this meeting.

Saturday, September 21

10:00 am

Avery Hall at St. James Presbyterian Church

Please RSVP to Kath only at

Thank you!!! 

Please help the CUC Mission Committee expand our outreach in helping needy neighbors in the Littleton – Denver area with food, housing, clothing, heat and other life necessities. There are four small plastic aquariums in the Church (Welcome Center, Coffee Bar, Narthex, and kitchen pass thru window) for collections. 

If everyone gave a few dollars, many people would be helped.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill

You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

 2 Corinthians 9-11

Columbine United Church Mission Committee


Office Hours

Mon, Tues, & Wed 10-2 pm and any time by appointment. 

Staff Emails:

  • Office Email -

Reach Us By Phone:

Call (303) 798-1845; voicemails are checked daily.


Listen to the Cowboy Jesus Podcast Here
Read the Cowboy Jesus Blog Here

Want something in the eBlast?

Email by Monday at Noon.

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