January 19, 2025

No matter who you are
or where you are on life’s journey
you are welcome here.


5992 Route 378

Center Valley, PA 18034


**** Office Hours ****

Monday (*Remotely) - 9 am - 4 pm

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (in office) - 9 am - 4 pm

Friday - Closed/Pastor's Sabbath

*Sandy will be working remotely but will check messages

on a regular basis. If you find yourself in immediate need,

call or text her at 610-967-6232.


(Updated November 2024)

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This Saturday, January 18th, the worship committee will be taking down the Christmas Tree and decorations. All help will be appreciated!

The Church Office will be closed on Monday in observance of

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Join us

the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday

January 19, 2025

Sunday School - 9:00 am

Worship - 10:15 am

Mission Moment -

Soup & Cereal Bowl of Caring

Order of Worship

(To watch the service click on the circle above)


  • Sunday 1/19 - 9:00 am Sunday School; 9:30 am Choir Rehearsal; 10:15 am WORSHIP; 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal
  • Monday 1/20 - Office Closed
  • Tuesday 1/21 - 2 pm Faith in Stitches
  • Wednesday 1/22 - 3:30 Pastor's Meeting
  • Thursday 1/23 - 9 am Pastor's Meeting
  • Friday 1/23 - Office Closed; Pastor's Day Off
  • Saturday 1/24 - 11:30 - 4:30 pm Herstine Hall Rental
  • Sunday 1/26 - 9:00 am Sunday School; 9:30 am Choir Rehearsal; 10:15 am WORSHIP; 11:30 am Choir Rehearsal


The 2025 Flower Schedule is available in the Narthex. The cost of Flowers remains the same - $40 for 2 arrangements. Please sign up!

LaMar Beck is doing well at home after spending time at

Phoebe for rehab. Prayers for continued healing!

Get well wishes can be sent to

6569 North Main St

Coopersburg PA 18036

In 1990 the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a youth group in South Carolina.  The prayer was simply this:  

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game,

help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat”.

Since then, more than $110 million has been raised and donated to organizations that provide shelter to the homeless and food for the hungry.  Right here in the Southern Lehigh area, Betty Lou’s Pantry provides food for over 100 families and 300 individuals, many of whom are children.

The Mission Team would like to challenge all of you to support the

Soup & Cereal Bowl of Caring

by bringing several of these food items EVERY week through

Sunday, February 23, 2025.



All Condensed Soups Except Tomato

We challenge the congregation to donate at least 150 cans or boxes of soup and/or cereal.  Donations can be left in the Narthex on the table labeled for Souper Bowl of Caring

I am sure that many of you will be gathering with friends and family to watch the Super Bowl.  There will more than likely be an abundance of snacks and beverages.   As we gather for this event let us not forget our neighbors in need and help to provide a family with a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter’s night.  

This event will be topped off with a Soup and Chili Cook-off on Sunday, Feb 16 after worship. Details to follow.

From Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates

“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7

Dear friends,

I love the idea of God protecting us, in the shadow of God’s wings. It reminds me of the shelter of nesting birds, protecting their offspring, even after they have taught them to fly on their own. We, certainly, fly on our own, but it is good to come into the protective shelter of God and to know that God’s love is steadfast. Recently, I have been reading in the newspaper about the abundance of crows in Bethlehem and Allentown. The murder of crows (as they are called) is a winter roost, according to the Lehigh Audubon Society as quoted in the Morning Call on January 15, 2025. A winter roost sounds like a really good idea in these cold days.

I’m not sure what the psalmist had a murder of crows’ winter roosting in mind when the psalm was sung, and yet, the roosting under the wings of a loving God does bring the same comfort. And gathering together in communities of faith, in worship and in mission together, feeds our souls, strengthens our faith, and helps us to know the love shared with us in myriad ways. How are you sharing God’s love in these days? Even more important, how are you feeling God’s love, knowing the shadow of wings protecting you?

Some days are hard – I know it and live those days sometimes. And yet, even in the darkest and most difficult days of my life, I have always known God, felt God’s abiding grace and love, and experienced peace. By the way, peace is my star word this year and I will be focusing on maintaining peace in my life, in my work, in my prayers, and yes, even in my driving (for you know that I am prone to yell at other drivers). I can look for peace in that refuge God provides. You can too. Maybe if we all find peace in our own lives, safety in our hearts and spirits, we can counteract some of the division and hate in the world. We can pray for that and hope for it.



I Want to Be Ready

by Vince Amlin

As Jesus went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him. – Mark 1:19-20 (NRSV) 

At 22, I sat in a small group with people mostly 2 or 3 times my age, and our pastor asked us to draw a picture of the life of faith. How did we envision it? 

I drew a stick figure at the edge of a cliff being asked to step out into the abyss.  

I’m pretty sure I had this story from Mark in mind. James and John mending nets until the call comes, and they leave everything without looking back. 

Faith looked like a singular, dramatic act. A moment of daring. A test of courage. 

Now in my 40s, I have yet to walk off any cliffs. 


Maybe I missed them. Or waited too long to take the plunge. But my faith life has turned out to look more like mending nets. Working with others to weave them tighter and stronger. Filling in the gaps. Steady labor. Undramatic. 

When I read this story now, I can only faintly touch that sense of adventure. That breathless place where any moment the call might come, and I will be asked to do something daring in the name of Love. 

But if you’re up there, hearing the Spirit’s voice and dizzy with the height, don’t be afraid. Step out. Take a risk for Love. There are people down here with good, sturdy nets ready to catch you. 


Spirit, give us the courage to answer your call wherever it leads.

About the Author

Vince Amlin is co-pastor of Bethany UCC, Chicago, and co-planter of Gilead Church Chicago, forming now.


Boxed Potatoes & Stuffing

Meal Helpers (Beef, Chicken, Tuna)

Jams & Jelly


16 Robin Davis

19  Dwayne Schantz

20  Richard J Featherman

21  Christian Heaps

22 Koltin Leh

25 Matthew Talboo

27 Luke Schafer

27 Riley Snyder

28 Ronald Stoffey

30 Leah Conners

31 Gail Clark

31 Matthew Allison


A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. We'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

January Focus on Faith

(Archived Newsletters)


(Updated November 2024)

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory?

Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make

changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our

Church Directory up to date.



Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

(click on names to send an email)

Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Stevenson, Lead Pastor, 610-248-5586

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director, 215-361-8641

Sandy David, Parish Administrator, 610-282-3939