October 27, 2024

No matter who you are
or where you are on life’s journey
you are welcome here.


5992 Route 378

Center Valley, PA 18034


**** Office Hours ****

Monday (*Remotely) - 9 am - 4 pm

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (in office) - 9 am - 4 pm

Friday - Closed/Pastor's Sabbath

*Sandy will be working remotely but will check messages

on a regular basis. If you find yourself in immediate need,

call or text her at 610-967-6232.


(Updated October 2024)

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Join us for Worship the

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

October 27, 2024

9:00 am Sunday School

10:15 am Worship

Guest Musicians -

Eileen Wescoe - pianist

Carole Burkhardt - soloist

Order of Worship

(To watch the service click on the circle above)

Thanks to our Volunteers:

Cindy Talaber, Head Usher

Brenda & Tom Hovis Ushers

Brenda Hovis, Lay Reader

Bob Shelly, Financial Secretary

Trexlers, Altar Flowers

Brenda & Tom Hovis, Sunday School


Pastor Bruce will be attending a Continuing Education Workshop this Monday through Wednesday. If you find yourself in need of pastoral care during this time please call Rev. Teresa Martin at 717-654-4044.

  • Sunday 10/27 - 9:00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL; 10:15 am WORSHIP
  • Monday 10/28 - Sandy works remotely
  • Tuesday 10/29 - 2:00 pm Faith in Stitches
  • Friday 11/01 - Office Closed; Pastor's Day Off
  • Sunday 11/03 - 9:00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL; 10:15 am WORSHIP; 9:30 & 11:30 am Faith Singers meet in Loft; 1:00 pm Penny Party (doors open at noon); 3:00 pm Chamber Music Program


October is NEIGHBORS IN NEED month!

The Neighbors in Need theme is “Mental Health Justice For All!” This year’s focus is on Mental Health Justice. In 2015, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ passed a resolution to become WISE (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) for mental health.


Everyone is created in God's image, and everybody should receive quality mental health care. In your bulletin this Sunday is an insert with 12 key messages that are important to know! Take a look.

(If you can't make church you can click here.)

Special envelopes can be found in your pews. Please take a moment and consider how you might help! 

To see a 3 minute video about this years Neighbors in Need Offering click here.

Marilyn Bleam's health is declining and she is very weak. As a result it is unlikely that she will be able to return to church. She is at home and if you would like a brief visit with Marilyn please contact her daughter Marlene first at 610-509-5629.

Please keep Marilyn in your thoughts and prayers.

If you would like to send a card her address is:

118 S 9th Street

Coopersburg, PA 18036

Holiday Hope Chests

Thank you to all who wrapped the shoe boxes for the Holiday Hope Chests. They will be ready for you to take and fill on November 10th.


November 1 - December 1

Jewelry Fundraiser

November 2

Daylight Savings Time Ends

Don't forget to turn your clocks back!

November 3

All Saints Sunday

1:00 Penny Party (Doors 0pen at 12)

3:00 Chamber Music Program

November 5

Election Day Soup and Baked Goods Sale

(Volunteer your time and/or Baked Goods)

November 9

Scouting for Food

November 10

Holiday Hope Chests available

November 17

Special Music - Daniel Rodriguez

Congregational Meeting

November 3 at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary - The BOHEMIAN TRIO.  This globally renowned trio will present music in the Latin jazz and classical styles that is rhythmic, percussive and innovative with instrumentation that includes saxophone, cello and piano. For Faith members, tickets can be purchased in advance for $20 from Dennis Duda ( Deadline November 1.


All tickets sold at the door on concert day are $35. This ensemble is presented by and in cooperation with Chamber Music - Lehigh Valley.

From Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates

 Conference Minister

“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

(Isaiah 41:10, NRSV)


Dear Friends,


We recently held our Ministry Day training at St. John’s UCC in Fullerton. We focused on unity, dignity, and respect. As a part of the opening session, participants were asked to write their fears on an index card. We offered them as a means of releasing them to God’s hands. There were twenty-seven (27) index cards offered. Of those, nineteen (19) index cards expressed fear related to the 2024 elections. What does that say to us when we are less than 2 weeks before the election day in the United States?


All fall, or really for the past 18 months, we have heard statement after statement, advertisement after advertisement, conversation after conversation from our candidates, especially our presidential nominees. As a minister of the gospel, I have prayed that people will use insight, knowledge, and love as they vote. I have encouraged individuals to practice their civic duty and vote – even if they feel their one vote is meaningless. Their vote is not meaningless, and we each need to act – whomever our choice of candidate.


The UCC current and former general ministers and presidents prepared a video about voting. (The link to the video is They remind us that we are called as Christians to act in love. They do not define for us how each of us may choose to love, but that we follow our hearts and our faith and act in love as we prepare to vote this fall. Trusting in God is an important part of our faith lives, and that is true even as, or maybe especially as, we live our public and civic lives, fulfilling our roles as citizens and Christians. We cannot separate the two. God holds us. We need to hold God near us in prayer as we make decisions and act in the world.


This fall I took training to serve as a Poll Chaplain Peacekeeper. I have been assigned to a polling location in Philadelphia. I will be there from 6 am until noon striving to keep peace, encouraging people to feel free to act on their convictions as they vote, answering questions, and praying with people if they ask or choose. This feels like important faith work to me. It is one of the ways I am living out my civic and faith responsibilities, one of the ways I am acting in love.


I will be praying for all of you, as well; the nineteen people who expressed fears about the election (even though I do not know their names), all of us who are striving to faithfully follow Jesus as we live our daily lives. It is my prayer that we will have a peaceful election process and that we will know God’s presence in our lives each step of each day.



Visit our Website

What Kind of Bird

by Liz Miller 

By the streams the birds of the air have their habitation; they sing among the branches. – Psalm 104:12 (NRSV)


This morning, like many mornings, I walked around a nearby pond. Across the pond there was a rock rising out of the water, and on the rock was perched a bird. The bird was tall and dark, but it was not a heron. Its neck was longer than its legs, its beak was tangerine orange, and its tail feathers were arranged in thick V-shaped clumps. The bird was close enough for me to see it clearly, but far enough away that a picture on my phone couldn’t generate an AI answer to “What kind of bird is this?”  

Even without knowing its name or species, or whether it was a seasonal visitor or a year-round resident, the beauty of the bird was enough to generate a moment of awe. I stood still and stared while the bird politely ignored me and continued its preening. 

I have been trained to identify and categorize everything I encounter—animals, plants, people, agendas—but this encounter called on me to quiet the longing to know more and appreciate what was before me. In that moment, it was enough to say to the bird, “There you are, and here I am, and how wonderful it is that God made us both.” 



For today, may awe be enough. Amen.

About the Author

Liz Miller serves as the Designated Pastor of Granby Congregational Church, UCC and is the author of Only Work Sundays: A Laidback Guide to Doing Less while Helping Your Church Thrive.


Condensed Soup

(especially Chicken Noodle, Vegetable Beef, Vegetable)

Meat Helpers

(especially Tuna)

Boxed Potatoes


24 Wayne Biery

24 Addison Dill

25 Jane Lenner

25 Deb Biery

26 Hunter Steele

27 Ron Demkee

27 Charles Castetter

27 Anthony DiSanto Jr

28 Susanna Berghold

28 Tyshonn Barone

29 Zina Sosnowsky

30 Debra Miller

31 Mim Allison


01 Zackery Campbell

01 Sadie Shafer

02 Russ Shelly

03 Jessica Schaffer

04 Catherine Stevenson

05 Glenn Gunkle

05 Emma Hardy

06 Joseph Orach

08 Bruce Keeler

11 Tootie Koch

11 Steve Sosnowsky

15 Kevin Long

16 Zachary Long

18 Nicole Gasda

22 Nolan Ryan

25 Rebecca Hite

26 Eric Koch

27 Ryenn Amato


A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. We'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

October Focus on Faith

(Archived Newsletters)


(Updated September 2024)

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory?

Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make

changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our

Church Directory up to date.



Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

(click on names to send an email)

Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Stevenson, Lead Pastor, 610-248-5586

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director, 215-361-8641

Sandy David, Parish Administrator, 610-282-3939