November 24, 2024

No matter who you are
or where you are on life’s journey
you are welcome here.


5992 Route 378

Center Valley, PA 18034


**** Office Hours ****

Monday (*Remotely) - 9 am - 4 pm

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (in office) - 9 am - 4 pm

Friday - Closed/Pastor's Sabbath

*Sandy will be working remotely but will check messages

on a regular basis. If you find yourself in immediate need,

call or text her at 610-967-6232.


(Updated November 2024)

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Join us for Worship the

27th Sunday after Pentecost

November 24, 2024

9:00 am Sunday School

10:15 am Worship

This Sunday we welcome Pastor Ernie Diefenderfer and thank him for filling in for Pastor Bruce.

Order of Worship

(To watch the service click on the circle above)

Thanks to our Volunteers:

Cindy Talaber, Head Usher

Faye Tirpak & Rose Mirth, Ushers

Rose Mirth, Lay Reader

Tony DiSanto, Financial Secretary

Mirth, Altar Flowers

Brenda & Tom Hovis, Sunday School


The Church office will be closed November 28th in

observance of Thanksgiving.


Tis the Season!! The worship committee is decorating the church for

Christmas on Saturday, November 30th at 9 am. Hope you will come join in the fun!!


  • Sunday 11/24 - 9:00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL; 10:15 am WORSHIP; 9:30 & 11:30 am Faith Singers meet in the loft
  • Tuesday 11/26 - 2:00 pm Faith in Stitches
  • Thursday 11/28 - Office Closed in observance of Thanksgiving
  • Friday 11/29 - Office Closed; Pastor's Day Off
  • Saturday 11/30 - 9 am Decorate for Christmas - All are WELCOME; 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Hall Rental
  • Sunday 12/1 - 1st Sunday in Advent; 9:00 am SUNDAY SCHOOL; 10:15 am WORSHIP; 9:30 & 11:30 am Faith Singers meet in Loft



This Sunday is the last day to order Poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. The cost is $12 a plant. Please put your order form in the offering plate along with payment on Sunday or call the church office to place your order.

Poinsettia Order Form

Prayers for the Stevensons

As some of you may know Patience Stevenson had a simple outpatient procedure done on Monday. Unfortunately, there were some complications that has made her recuperation time longer than was expected. To further complicate matters Pastor Bruce was feeling some pain in is right foot last Sunday. On Monday morning he noticed a serious wound on the foot and on Tuesday he was admitted into St. Luke’s hospital to treat the wound. He is receiving IV antibiotics and a multitude of tests. They are both slowly recovering but certainly in need of prayers.

Cards can be sent to them at

1216 Pennsylvania Ave

Bethlehem, PA 18018

Tootie Koch was hospitalized for a broken ankle from a slip on the stairs. This is the same ankle she broke 2 months ago:(

She was moved into a rehabilitation center for further rehab.

Get Well Wishes can be sent to her home -

526 E Fairmount Street

Coopersburg, PA 18036


Our Forget-Me-Nots are those church members who are no longer able to attend Worship on Sundays. We are in need of 2 guardian angels at this time. If you would be interested in helping out please see Rose or Sandi D for information.

Also, just a reminder that this is the season to reach out to your FMN to see if he or she has a special request or need during the holiday season. This is the time of year when we should all be remembering our FMN by sending a Christmas greeting. Cards, stamps and address labels can be found in the Narthex.

Stewardship Moment

from Bob Shelly

Bob Shelly shared his reasons for coming to church...

Dear Friends of Faith UCC,

Twenty-five years ago in October of 1999, our church embarked on a stewardship campaign. As part of that campaign, several of us were asked to share our thoughts on stewardship and why we attend church.

A lot has changed in our church over the past twenty-five years. Attendance at Sunday morning services isn't as high as it used to be, some may say that our Sunday School and youth programs aren't as robust as they once were and our financial position certainly isn't as strong as it was twenty-five years ago...BUT...the number and breadth of mission programs that we do today has never been higher and the leadership position that our church has taken in the community supporting Betty Lou's Pantry along with our administration of the Samaritan Fund, has never been stronger.

As it relates to my thoughts on stewardship and why I attend church, nothing has really changed over the years. My thoughts are still the same. So, at the risk of perhaps a little embarrassment, I'm going to "recycle" what I said twenty-five years ago and if you happened to be here that Sunday in October and have a good memory, what you read below may sound familiar.

When I was asked to share my thoughts on stewardship and why I support the church with my time, talent and dollars, it made me reflect on the past eighteen years of being a member of this church. Soon after joining the church, I served on Consistory and the Budget & Finance committee. Since then, I've also been active on the Staff Relations, Bylaws, and the Enduring & Memorial Gifts committees. I also serve as one of the financial secretaries.

I support Faith Church with my time and talent because my participation not only allows me to get to know some of the members of the congregation better, but more importantly, it fulfills a need that I have of giving something something back to God in gratitude for everything that he has given me. I truly consider myself to be very fortunate.

For many of us, volunteering of our time goes beyond the walls of the church as we support community agencies and other non-profit organizations. And I'm sure for many of us we may find that at times we spread ourselves pretty thin. But when I get to that point, I think of what my father-in-law likes to say..."God gave us two hands, one to help ourselves and one to help others." It makes me feel good when I know my contribution to a group or a committee has helped make a difference.

I support Faith Church with my dollars because I'm so thankful for the religious education my daughters, Alison & Deanna received every Sunday morning. It began years ago in Sunday school with Miss Brenda and Miss Doris and continued through their confirmation with Pastor Bruce. We have a very dedicated group of Sunday school teachers and I'm thankful to them for their sharing of their time and talent.

I support Faith Church with my dollars for the weekly "renewal" of my faith that I receive by attending our worship services. There have been times over the years when I needed to draw down deep into my faith...times of dealing with the loss of a loved one, dealing with a health concern, or sometimes just making difficult decisions. But the Sunday morning messages that I hear from OUR pastor, and the spiritual music that I hear from OUR organist and OUR choir, gives me the "renewal" that ultimately keeps my faith strong.

I support this church with my dollars because I recognize from a practical standpoint, it takes money to maintain such a property and it takes money to further support our mission work in the community and beyond.

Supporting our church with your time, talent and dollars is a personal decision. For me, it's been a relatively easy one. I'm very grateful to God for everything he has given me and giving something back through our church makes me feel good.


Bob Shelly

Visit our Website

A, B, C, D, E, F, G

by Mary Luti 

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear … though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea. – Psalm 46:1-2 (NRSV) 

In a pastoral letter years ago, an Episcopal bishop told this story:  

A man was caught in an earthquake. Terrified, he tried to pray but couldn’t find any words. He’d heard and spoken countless prayers in his lifetime, but in his panic, couldn’t recall even one. So he recited the only thing that popped into his head. He fervently prayed the alphabet. “A, b, c, d, e, f, g…”  

It was the most genuine prayer of his life, and there can be no doubt God heard him. 

These days, lots of us can’t focus. The ground beneath us is shaky. The menace seems real. So too the dread. The world feels incoherent. So are we. We cope with the anxiety as best we can, paying loving attention to each day’s holy details, clinging to each other in solidarity, mustering tidbits of hope from our own and others’ deep reserves of faith, trying to keep loving no matter what, determined not to lose track of the gospel. 


This is a good way to live these earthquake-y days. It’s also exhausting. So this is no time to be worried about finding suitable words and sounding all put together. It’s not the moment, if there ever was one, to perform perfectly or prove anything to anyone, to strike just the right tone or give the right answer. It’s a time to be real, and to let that be the good thing it is.  

We’re back to basics now, as the world lurches and shakes. If “l, m, n, o, p…” is the only prayer you can manage, surely God receives it. Pray it with all your heart.  


O God, “A, b, c, d, e, f, g….”

About the Author

Mary Luti is a long time seminary educator and pastor, author of Teresa of Avila’s Way and numerous articles, and founding member of The Daughters of Abraham, a national network of interfaith women’s book groups.

We continue to accept your unwanted, broken, and unused jewelry for our Jewelry Fundraiser through December 1st!

Place all donations in a bag or box and drop in the collection box in the Narthex. Thank you for your support!


The wrapped shoe boxes are ready for you to pick up and fill! They are labeled with gender and age with a list of suggested gifts inside. The filled boxes need to be returned by December 1st.


If you are not interested in packing a Holiday Hope Chest but still want to help, you may purchase a gift card for a teenager. Teenagers do not receive a shoe box but only gift cards. A $25 gift card is the suggested amount to places like Walmart, Target, 5 Below. Please do not give gift cards to fast food restaurants. 


Boxed Potatoes & Stuffing

Meal Helpers (Beef, Chicken, Tuna)

Jams & Jelly


22 Nolan Ryan

25 Rebecca Hite

26 Eric Koch

27 Ryenn Amato 


01 Wes Koser

03 Carol Bouc

04 Anna Breisch

04 Angela Lender

04 Nicole Ryan

11 Christine Leh

11 Allison Grammer

12 Dana Zsido

14 Faye Tirpak

14 Bonnie Stenroos

15 John Lenner

16 Harvey Weidner

16 Sis Scholl

18 Cody Schaffer

20 Ellie Kane

22 Shirley Baldwin

22 Jordan Koch

23 Adalynn Freitas

24 Donald Koch

26 Charmaine Fegley

30 Ray Foulke


A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. We'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

November Focus on Faith

(Archived Newsletters)


(Updated November 2024)

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory?

Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make

changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our

Church Directory up to date.



Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

(click on names to send an email)

Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Stevenson, Lead Pastor, 610-248-5586

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director, 215-361-8641

Sandy David, Parish Administrator, 610-282-3939