Happy Father’s Day to all the new dads, experienced dads, granddads, dads-in-law, stepdads, like-a-dads, serious dads, goofball dads…There must be a million fatherly types out there, and without a doubt, there are at least that many reasons to honor you on Father’s Day.
Join us this Sunday, June 20th at 10:15 am for Worship

Special thanks to our volunteers:
Jerry Trexler, Head Usher
Cindy Talaber & Joan Hassler, Ushers
Jerry Trexler, Lay Reader
Wes Koser, Stream Team
Darin Jellison, Special Music
Tom Hovis, Financial Secretary
Steve Sosnowsky, Lawn Crew

Printed bulletins are available in the Narthex.
To view the live streamed service from home at 10:15 am
Sunday morning, go to YouTube
To print out Sunday's bulletin to follow along click here.

To listen to the service via live phone streaming, call
If you would like to take part in the service as usher or lay reader, please email Joan Hassler .
Is there someone in your life in need of prayer? Click here to fill out a prayer request form and Pastor Bruce will mention that person’s first name during worship. Please be sensitive to privacy. Permission to share from those involved must be granted before making a request.
New Recommendations and Guidelines for In Person Worship

  • Vaccinated parishioners are no longer required to wear masks.
  • Unvaccinated parishioners are encouraged to wear masks.
  • Unvaccinated children and youth are requested to wear masks.

  • Registration for worship is no longer required.

  • Summer Communion elements will be served with 
individual “communion cups.”

  • We will return to “open seating” and remove restrictions regarding which aisles and doors can be used but ask that people continue to use social distancing in the Sanctuary.

  • Hymnals, Bibles, Pew Pads, Envelopes will be returned to the pews.

  • Individual worship bulletins will be provided.

  • Items will be returned to the narthex.

  • The Coffee Bar will remain closed through the summer but those who wish to have coffee are welcome to bring their own.

  • For everyone’s protection we will use a combination of Air Conditioning, Fresh Air, and Halo technology. At the moment this combination seems to provide the best protection.

We are hopeful that these changes are good news to you. However, we ask that we all respect each other. We all have different “comfort levels” in living with this virus. Some of these changes will draw people back to church while some may remain reluctant. We owe each other the respect, care, and concern as a faith community.

Please be sure to continue to use the sanitation station in the narthex.

Lastly, getting vaccinated is a personal decision and the reasons to get vaccinated or not to get vaccinated are varied. If you have concerns about the vaccines please discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Faith's Re-Opening Task Force
Our Parish Administrator, Sandy David, will be on vacation
next week, June 21st - 27th.
From our
Conference Minister

Dear Friends,
Well, my commitment to rejoicing (as shared last week) has been going pretty well. I must admit that I don’t always dance – but I am swaying to the music every day. I am focusing on the positives and rejoicing – much of the time. BUT, and it’s a big BUT – I am still allowing petty frustrations to get in the way. I notice this especially when driving. I am an impatient driver, cautious and polite I think, but impatient.
For instance, why don’t people use their turn signals? Why do people feel the need to drive 15-20 miles below the speed limit in the passing lane? I must remind myself to breathe through the frustration. It’s no one’s fault that I have a lot to do, places to go and people to see. The 2 minutes extra on the road is not going to make a significant difference. Just this morning I practiced some self-talk, “Bonnie, take a breath. You are not in a hurry. Two minutes more won’t matter.”
Do you find yourself being frustrated over little things? These kinds of niggling things can bother me more than the big issues in my life. I wonder why that is? Perhaps these are the things I think I can control – while I do recognize that I really can only control myself, my behavior, and my attitudes.
Sometimes in our culture, we focus on trying to make other people change, make other people agree with us or bend toward our will. What might the world be like if we simply focused on loving our neighbors and breathing in the Spirit of the God, exhaling any unrealistic expectations? Rejoicing might come more easily. There may be less animosity and frustration in our hearts, in our families, in our churches, in our communities and in our nation. I would be comfortable with that. Wouldn’t you?
So, this week I am going to add to my rejoicing practice, a practice of loving my neighbors, all my neighbors (even those drivers who usually frustrate me). I’m going to focus on deep breathing, on the commandment to love my neighbors, and on working on my own attitudes. I do not know if this will make a difference, but it might. Will you try this with me?
Members and Friends of Faith UCC, CV, PA

We’re ramping up efforts to return to a new normal in the coming weeks - and many of you will be an important part of this effort. Music at Faith has always been a primary component of our community   worship experience. Your weekly singing since April 11 reopening has been an inspiration to all of us. I hope more will attend these safe surroundings. Thank you for that beautiful experience! Before we can be in full gear later in the year, I   invite and encourage those who possess a magical talent to be part of special music in the coming weeks. You are NEEDED. No money requests from you just share your talent of music in  community worship experience. It really has a significant impact on everyone - sanctuary and cyberspace. Want to sing, choose a favorite hymn tune - solo, duet, etc.; play guitar, trumpet, piano or harp, just choose a Sunday to  offer your gift. It is a critical moment for ALL of us as we journey through this challenging time. Check your life calendar, choose a Sunday and call me... Dennis Duda at 215.361.8641 or ddduda@verizon.net. We can make this a wonderful moment for everyone at Faith Church. Thank you so much. Miss you all so very much! DD
Interested in joining Faith Church?
Contact Pastor Bruce for more info.
We will be welcoming new members during worship
on Sunday, September 19th**.
(**Date listed in the newsletter is September 12th but has since been changed.)
We have some openings for Lawn Crew volunteers. Please take a look at the 2021 schedule and see how you can help. Call Tim Hovis (484-223-9476) to let him know what dates you can cover.
Let's remember our Friends, Members, Forget-Me-Nots and others as we continue through this pandemic. Keep each other in your thoughts and prayers and stay connected if possible.

  17 LaVerna Diehl
 17 Diane Haas
 18 Diane Jenny
 18 Brenda Snyder
 19 Amanda Y
 24 Karen Talboo
 25 Shirley George
 25 Jennifer Schaffer
 26 Monica Campbell
 27 Deb Orach
 27 Adam Bouc
 27 Andrew Weidner
 28 Rodney Koch

(If you would like to send cards, addresses can be found in the Members & Friends Directory link at the bottom of this email.)

Click here for a list of birthdays and addresses of our Forget-Me-Not's. Some phone numbers are also included if you'd like to give a call! Also included on the list are names, addresses, and phone numbers of members who usually attend services but don't get to see the recorded services on a regular basis. Reach out to them and say hello or fill them in on the weekly news!
A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. Through these uncertain times our financial obligations continue and our regular bills are still coming in. Again we'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through Tithe.ly on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory? Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make
changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our
Church Directory up to date.

Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director
Sandy David, Parish Administrator
(click on names to send an email)