Hot off the press...See what's happening in February...

Pastor's Note

Blanket Month

Soup & Cereal Bowl Month

Notes from some friends - past & present

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Join us for Worship
Sunday, January 30, 2022
4th Sunday after Epiphany

9:00 am Sunday School
10:15 am Worship
Becky Hite, Head Usher
Doris Horwath, Usher
Owen Hovis & Brandon Barone, Acolytes
Donna Schoenberger, Lay Reader
Joan Hassler, Altar Flowers
Tom Hovis, Financial Secretary

Click here to print a bulletin for January 30th worship

To view the live streamed service from home at 10:15 am
Sunday morning, go to YouTube
Keep the Faith
and Struggle On
by Kaji Douša 

Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved.” – Genesis 32:24 & 30 (NRSV) 
As a minister, I have the privilege/responsibility of responding to people’s deepest questions (sometimes). The most frequent request has something to do with a version of this question: “How am I supposed to respond to this?”

My ego tells me that I have a fantastic answer. But my faith tells me something different. Because the truth is that there is no one way to listen to God, engage God, ask questions of God. 

This doesn’t mean that there won’t be folks who will tell you otherwise. There are some who will tell you that they know exactly how God wants you to respond to a challenging moment. (Heck, if I’m honest, I’ve certainly done the same.)

But here’s the truth: your questions, your struggle, your relationship with God are your own. Being in relationship with God calls you to relationship with others who profess the faith. It’s not a solitary endeavor. But, while you hold God in community, you are given the chance to struggle with God in a place no one else can see.
Jacob, a progenitor of the faith, struggled hard! In the end, he emerged completely changed (bless his heart, his hip was never the same). 

Struggle with God and watch yourself be transformed; your questions are valid and blessed. Your challenges are never beyond God’s reach. You are not meant to follow without question. Push back and see what God can do. 

God, you meet us in the struggle. Help us to ask the right questions so that we can see you more clearly. Amen.
About the Author
Kaji Douša is the Senior Pastor of The Park Avenue Christian Church, a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in New York City.
In 1990 the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a youth group in South Carolina. The prayer was simply this: 

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat”.

Since then, more than $110 million has been raised and donated to organizations that provide shelter to the homeless and food for the hungry. Right here in the Southern Lehigh area, Betty Lou’s Pantry provides food for over 100 families and 300 individuals, many of whom are children.

Soup & Cereal Bowl of Caring
by bringing several of these food items to church
EVERY Sunday through Sunday, February 13, 2022.

We challenge the congregation to donate at least 150 cans of soup and or cereal. Donations can be left in the Narthex on the table labeled for Souper Bowl of Caring.

We are sure that many of you will be gathering with friends and family to watch the Super Bowl. There will more than likely be an abundance of snacks and beverages.  As we gather for this event let us not forget our neighbors in need and help to provide a family with a hot bowl of soup on a cold winter’s night.  
Interested in sponsoring ALTAR FLOWERS in 2022? Reserve your dates now! You can reserve your dates on the schedule in the Narthex or call or email the church office. The cost is $35. (Please hold off paying for your flowers until the new year:)
If you would like to take part in the service as usher or lay reader, please email Joan Hassler .
Is there someone in your life in need of prayer? Click here to fill out a prayer request form and Pastor Bruce will mention that person’s first name during worship. Please be sensitive to privacy. Permission to share from those involved must be granted before making a request.
Let's remember our Friends, Members, Forget-Me-Nots and others as we continue through some uncertain times. Keep each other in your thoughts and prayers and stay connected if possible.


27 Luke Schafer
27 Riley Snyder
28 Ronald Stoffey
30 Leah Conners
31 Gail Clark
31 Matthew Allison


04 Darin Jellison
       Griffin Koch
05 Brett Dill
       Karlee Allison
06 Tracy Adams
Robert Campbell Sr.
(If you would like to send cards, addresses can be found in the Members & Friends Directory link at the bottom of this email.)

Click here for a list of birthdays and addresses of our Forget-Me-Not's. Some phone numbers are also included if you'd like to give a call! Also included on the list are names, addresses, and phone numbers of members who usually attend services but don't get to see the recorded services on a regular basis. Reach out to them and say hello or fill them in on the weekly news!
A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. Through these uncertain times our financial obligations continue and our regular bills are still coming in. Again we'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

(Updated January 2022)

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory? Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make
changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our
Church Directory up to date.

Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director
Sandy David, Parish Administrator
(click on names to send an email)