Mid-Week Activities
5:00 - 7:00pm
Join us as this Wednesday as we come together for our Winter Session mid-week activities. Let's gather around the table for good food and fellowship. Come visit with old friends and make some new ones. Dinner is FREE this week and will remain free through February! (Please note that no takeout will be available.) This week's menu: Teriyaki Chicken, Fried Kico, Salad with Ginger Dressing, and Dessert.
After dinner, join us for a number oi age-level activities and the new Pastor's Bible Study on the Nicene Creed led by Pastor Geoffrey. Nursery is available for parents attending class or choir.
NEW Senior Pastor's Bible Study
Wednesdays | 6:00 - 7:00pm |The Wright Place
Join us for an exciting opportunity to dive deep into one of the most foundational texts of Christian faith: the Nicene Creed. The year 2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the Nicene Creed. In 325 AD, Christian leaders from across the world gathered at the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea to address critical questions of unity and orthodoxy. Their work resulted in the Nicene Creed; a document that remains the clearest and most enduring expression of Christian belief.
In this study, we'll uncover the story behind the creed and walk through each article to examine the foundation of Christian doctrine. Whether you're familiar with the Nicene Creed or discovering it for the first time, this study offers a chance to deepen your faith and understanding.
This week's class: A Not So Holy Emperor Calls a Church Meeting
If you missed the first week's class, no worries, come on out anyway. You can catch up online by visiting the 'Watch' tab on our website and clicking Pastor's Bible Study. Or scan the QR code to watch on your mobile device. You can watch any previous class and get the notes for sessions you miss there.
Mid-week for First Kids and Students
After dinner, our First Kids (thru 5th grade) will meet in the gym and First Students (9th-12th grade) will meet in the Youth Building for their mid-week activities. Nursery will be available for small children.
Every Member in Ministry
Click HERE to view the 2025 Every Member in Ministry Booklet
At First Church, we believe God has called and equipped every member to serve so that we can be faithful to our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We will start 2025 by exploring how we can use our gifts and passions to serve in the church, the community, and the world. We encourage you to use the new 2025 Every Member in Ministry booklet agove to help you learn more about the many opportunities to grow and serve at First Church. We invite you to pay attention to where God is nudging you to grow and serve out of your giftedness. Next Sunday, January 19, we will hand out Every Member in Ministry interest cards during all services. Together we will complete the interest cards and recommit ourselves to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Women's Retreat
Click HERE to Register
Join us for Breathe, 2025 Women’s Retreat, January 31 – February 1. This twenty-four hour getaway is a chance to fellowship with other church friends, focus on your Christian walk, to relax and hear God speak to you, and a chance to breathe. It is truly a retreat. Our guest speaker is Peg Arnold, and she brings a fresh approach to women's retreats with messages peppered with humor, and life experiences wrapped in God's word. Visit pegarnold.org to learn more about our speaker!
To register or find more information, visit FUMCPensacola.com/Breathe and fill out the FUMC online registration. $85 registration fee can be can be paid online or via cash/check ("Women's Retreat" in the memo line). Accommodations must be made at hilton.com January 12 to receive the discounted rate.
Coffee with the Pastors
Next Sunday, January 19 | 9:45am | Consulate Café
All visitors that are interested in knowing more about and/or joining First Church are invited to attend our Coffee with the Pastors on Sunday, January 19. This small gathering is a great time to get to know each other, ask questions of our clergy, and find out more about the mission and ministries of FUMC, contact Lacey (LAdair@FUMCPensacola.com) for more information.