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Holiday Office Hours

The Church Office will be closed on December 31 and January 1 for the New Year's holidays.

End-of-Year Giving

As we celebrate the joy of Christmas and reflect on God's generous gift of His Son, we invite you to consider making a special end-of-year gift to First Church. Your giving supports worship, ministry, and outreach that shares the love of Christ with our community and beyond.

Donating assets such as stocks, bonds, or real estate may also provide significant tax savings while allowing you to give wisely. If you're interested in making a stock donation, please contact The Kelly Group @ Morgan Stanley at 850-470-8010 for delivery instructions.

To ensure your gift is counted for 2024, please send it by December 31. You can give securely online at, by mailing your gift to the church office, or by contacting us for assistance. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!

Poinsettia List

The beautiful poinsettias you see around the campus this Christmas Season have been placed in honor, celebration, and memory of individuals and special events by our church family. Click HERE to view the poinsettia list. If you ordered a poinsettia, you can still come pick them up on Monday, December 30. Women's Retreat Click HERE to Register

Join us for Breathe, 2025 Women’s Retreat, January 31 – February 1. This twenty-four hour getaway is a chance to fellowship with other church friends, focus on your Christian walk, to relax and hear God speak to you, and a chance to breathe. It is truly a retreat. Our guest speaker is Peg Arnold.

Epiphany Concert

Monday, January 6 | 7:00pm | Main Sanctuary

Join us for a very special last concert of the season, “Journey to the Manger”, featuring local musicians from area churches.

KidConnect & Choir (for K-3rd Grade)

Wednesdays, starting January 8 | 3:00 - 5:15pm | Start in Wesley Abbey

Register Online

All children, Kindergarten to 3rd Grade, are invited to join us for KidConnect, our midweek connection time with camp-style classes like sports, music, drama, drawing - Pinterest Party games and more. Each week, from 3:00-4:25pm, kids will meet for worship, enjoy an extracurricular activity and connect with friends. Afterwards, from 4:30 to 5:15pm, they can join our Elementary Choir/Music program. Parents can drop off in the Wesley Abbey and pick up at 5:15pm in the gym.

Chilltime (for 4th & 5th Grade)

Wednesdays, starting January 8 | 3:00 - 5:15pm | Start in Wesley Abbey

Register Online

Each week, all 4th and 5th Graders are invited to join us for Worship and Chilltime in the Wesley Abbey Cafe. Just like our Summer Kaboodle Cafe, we will enjoy lots of fun activities along with a yummy snack while we chill out with friends. We will start in Wesley Abbey for worship with the other children, then we will have our own Chilltime in the cafe. We highly encourage you to invite your friends too!

FREE Mid-Week Dinner and Activites Kick-Off

Wednesday, January 8 | 5:00 - 7:00pm Join us as we kick-off our midweek activities in the new year starting Wednesday, January 8. There will be a FREE meal (Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Bread, and Dessert) starting at 5:00pm and activities for all ages starting at 6:00pm. In the new session, Pastor Geoffrey will begin a study on The Nicene Creed and we will hear an update on our Teaming with Tanzania mission. We hope to see you on Wednesdays in the new year.


Night to Shine - Volunteers Needed Click HERE to Sign Up Night to Shine Pensacola is a special prom night experience for individuals with special needs that will be held on February 7, 2025. The volunteer training is mandatory for all volunteers and will be held at 6:00 - 7:00pm on January 28. This is required to ensure volunteer and guest safety and that the guests have the best time possible. If you have any questions about volunteering please contact Bella Trivison. Family Promise - Meals & Volunteers Needed

We will be hosting families in need at FUMC Pensacola January 26 - February 1 and we are seeking volunteers to assist with evening meals for up to 14 people. Family Promise will be providing volunteer training (and a free meal!) on January 9 at 6:00pm and January 18 at 11:00 pm. Please let Geoff Cook know if you would like to be a part of this wonderful ministry or if you would like to support this ministry with donations. 

Haunted House Volunteer Interest Meeting

Sunday, January 5 | 12:15pm | Youth Building

Come learn more about assisting the youth ministry with the planning and execution of Haunted House for a fundraiser in the Fall of 2025. Volunteers are needed for construction, actors, makeup artists, first-aid, security, admissions, support and more. A pizza lunch will be served. Contact Pastor Heather for more info.


If you would like to add an announcement or purchase flowers, please contact: Ginger Raines at

LOVE & REMEMBRANCE Members Who Have Died: We extend our christian love and sympathy to...

• Lorraine Hundson on the death of her mother, Antoinette Hudson. Toni died on December 21, 2024.

• Brett Worley, Craig Worley and their families on the death of their father Donald Richard Worley. Don died on December 27, 2024. The service of death and resurrection will be held at Harper-Morris Funeral Home this Friday, January 3, 2025. Visitation will begin at 10:00am with the service immediately following at 11:00


• Caden James Smith son of Laura Huxtable. Caden was baptized on Sunday, December 15, 2024.

• Campbell Rose Synder daughter of Hannah Kirkland Campbell and Devin Christopher Synder, Campbell was baptized on Sunday, December 22, 2024.


You may place flowers in the Sanctuary in honor, celebration, or memory of someone. The arrangements are $65.00 each. Contact Ginger Raines to schedule.


Three Weekly Worship Services

8:30 & 11:00am Traditional Services | Main Sanctuary

11:00am ICON Service (Contemporary) | Wesley Abbey

Online Worship

8:30, 11:00am, and ICON at 11:00am



8:30am–Noon | 1st Floor, Education Building

Available for Infant - 4 years old. Click HERE for more info.

Adult Sunday School

9:45–10:45am | Click HERE for more info.

First Students: Sunday School (6th to 12th grade)

9:45–10:45am | Youth Building

First Kids: Sunday School (Preschool to 5th Grade)

9:45–10:45am | Education Building

The Consulate Café

9:00–11:00am | The Consulate


Commit this season to reading scripture each day. It's good practice. If you don’t already have a daily devotion, the scriptures below are designed to expand the range of biblical reading in worship and personal devotion. You can find them in the bulletin each week. The Daily Readings are taken from “The Daily Office Lectionary” in The Book of Common Prayer. Read the Bible each week. It will be a blessing.

1st Week of Christmas (Year 2) | December 29 - January 4

Monday - Psalms 20, 21:1-7; Isa. 25:1-9; Rev. 1:9-20; John 7:53--8:11

Tuesday (Eve of Holy Name) - Psalms 46, 48* (90**); Isa. 26:1-9* (Isa. 65:15b-25**); 2 Cor. 5:16--6:2* (Rev. 21:1-6**); John 8:12-19*

January 1 (Holy Name) - Psalm 103; Gen. 17:1-12a, 15-16; Col. 2:6-12; John 16:23b-30

Thursday - Psalm 34; Gen. 12:1-7; Heb. 11:1-12; John 6:35-41, 48-51

Friday - Psalm 68; Gen. 28:10-22; Heb. 11:13-22; John 10:7-17

Saturday - Psalms 85, 87; Exod. 3:1-12; Heb. 11:23-31; John 14:6-14

*morning, **evening

Next Sunday's Scriptures

2nd Sunday After Christmas:  Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12


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First United Methodist Church of Pensacola.

850-432-1434 | 6 East Wright Street, Pensacola, FL 32501

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00am - 4:00pm