Weekend with the Arts - This Weekend!!!
Join us March 4-6 for a celebration of art and music at First Pres. Click HERE for a detailed schedule of events.
Sunday Afternoon Concert
Join us this Sunday afternoon at 3pm for a concert from Rosedale String Quartet & ORGANized Mallets Duo. Both groups are comprised of West Chester University students. A freewill offering will be taken.
Lenten Groups
Our theme for Lent this year is "Full to the Brim." The theme invites us to trust that we fully belong to God and that God dreams of an expansive life for each of us, full to the brim of grace and love. Each of these groups in their own ways is an invitation to lean into God and this community that seeks to help one another know God. Our aim is that these Lenten groups will help you feel a little more full of God's goodness. Click HERE to find out the descriptions and to sign up, or contact Elizabeth Hess with questions. New groups have been added this week, including several trips to local "hidden gems" as part of the Travel Group - take a look!
Celebrating Rev Anderson Porter
Reverend Anderson Porter is celebrating his 25th Anniversary at First Pres this year. To recognize him for his commitment and dedication to our Church we will be collecting a Love Offering to honor Anderson and provide everyone in the Congregation an opportunity to show their gratitude for his continued service to First Pres. You can make a donation on line and choose Love Offering or simply mail or drop a check off to the church noting Love Offering in the memo line. The last day for the Church to receive your offering is March, 8th. Thank you for helping honor someone who gives so much.
Name Tag Sunday
This Sunday, March 6, we'll have nametags available so we can more easily greet one another. When you arrive, please take a moment to fill out a tag for yourself. The Congregational Life committee plans to have Nametag Sundays the first Sunday of each month this year!
Memorial Flowers
The church has fresh flowers adorning the sanctuary the first Sunday of each month. If you would like to help differ the cost of these arrangements and include a dedication to be printed in the Ministry Updates, please call the church office or email Karen Goldstein.
Bucket School Ministry Team
At Sunday's service we are celebrating the Bucket School, which has been an early childhood educational ministry at First Pres for nearly 25 years. Over the years, many church members have enrolled their children at the school and/or taught in the school. There has also always been a small group of church members committed to supporting the school through their leadership. That team serves as liaisons between the church and school communities and leads teacher appreciation efforts. If you would be interested in joining that team of people, please talk with school director Marissa Truong or Director of Faith Formation Sara Pantazes.  
Young Justice Builder's Club
Our next session will take place on Sunday, March 13 from noon – 1 pm in Fellowship Hall. This session will focus on the language we use to talk about God. There are many creative ways to talk about God, and the goal of this lesson is to help kids discover new, less-gendered language and metaphors that bring God alive for them in expansive, life-giving ways. Light snacks will be provided. Please let Sara Pantazes know if you plan to attend.
Updates to Covid Practices
From the beginning of this pandemic, First Pres’ Session has based our church’s policies both on CDC guidelines and on our Christian duty to care for one another, particularly the most vulnerable among us. Based on these two commitments, our updated guidelines are below:

• Masks are optional for those attending worship and adult programming.
• All are welcome and encouraged to wear masks regardless of vaccination status.
• Children’s programming will remain masked through the month of March and this
practice will be reassessed at the end of the month.

While optional, the CDC also reminds us that masks are effective tools to prevent serious illness. They are especially vital to those who are trying to keep themselves, their loved ones, and their communities as healthy as possible
March Food Cupboard Donation
This month, we are collecting diapers (sizes 5 & 6) and wipes for the West Chester Food Cupboard. Thank you for your generosity toward our neighbors in need.
Per Capita Giving
‘Per Capita’ (Latin for ‘by head’) is the way that Presbyterian churches fund our denominational structure, including the work of Donegal presbytery. Per capita gifts support the infrastructure that trains pastors, guides churches in transition, develops curricula, and funds the General Assembly committees. Congregations are asked to contribute $35.38 per member. If members cover their household’s per capita portion, then First Pres can use more of our operating funds for ministry. While $35 may seem like a small amount, it can be cost-prohibitive for some of our members. If you can provide a per capita payment for a person unable to do so, it will help the church allocate more of our general operating funds for local missions. Last year we received about $7,100 in Per Capita donations, far short of what we are asked to contribute. We’re hoping we can do better in 2022! Thank you for your support.
Do You Follow FPC?
Make sure you follow First Pres on Facebook and Instagram (@fpcwc) for the latest updates on services, church events, ministry updates, and more!
Office Hours
Currently the church office is open the following hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 4pm
Friday: 9am - 1pm
Upcoming Preaching Schedule
March 2 (Ash Wed) - Reflections
March 6 - Sara Pantazes
March 13 - Rev. Anderson Porter
March 20 - Rev. David Dickey

The 9:00 service each week is broadcast over WCHE at 11 a.m. each Sunday at 1520AM and also at 95.3FM. If you aren't able to clearly hear the AM service, the FM option might work better for you.
The Holy Indifference Prayer:
Dear God, Your will, nothing more, nothing else, nothing less. Amen

This Week's Prayer Topic:
For the hearts of congregational members to be prepared for the commemoration of Jesus’ death and resurrection as we enter the Lenten season.

The PNC has asked that we as a congregation pray for the Holy Spirit within them to:
1)    Give them energy,
2)    Clarity,
3)    Wisdom & discernment,
4)    Seek God’s will for our congregation, and
5)    Lead a person of God’s will to us.

Please make this an ongoing prayer throughout this transition period.

Each week we pray for our congregation at 12:00 p.m on Thursdays. Set an alarm or schedule it in your calendar to join us! You don’t need to only pray for the topic of the week, but you can continue to pray for previous topics as well or anything that God lays on your heart.

First Presbyterian Church | 130 W. Miner Street | 610-696-0554

Take care...