This Week at First Universalist
Sunday, April 10:
10:30 a.m. Service - Membership Sunday. Join us as we welcome those who have joined our community over the past year, and celebrate the covenantal tradition of which we are a part.
9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion - The Secret. Hank Stone will discuss Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret, which gives you a way to “have, do, or be anything you want.” At this Drop-in, the “secret” will be revealed!
Spring is here-- which means spring cleaning! While you're cleaning out your kitchen pantry, consider bringing a non-perishable food item to Sunday's service where items collected will be delivered to the Community Food Cupboard. Located on Nester Street, they provide monthly food service to qualified seniors and emergency provisions to families in need. Thank you for your generosity!
Stewardship Drive 2016
By now, we hope that you have received a pledge card and information in the mail. Pledge cards are also available at the church, or make you pledge online.
Questions about the process? Click here for our “Stewardship Basics” brochure.
Earth Week at First Universalist
Celebrate Earth Week with us, April 15-23. Click here to view a list of events. All events are free and open to the public.
Clara Barton Lounge, Friday, April 22nd at 6:00 PM. Based on tradition, it will have a distinctly UU flavor and be an open inter-generational participatory event with children and youth most welcome. (Prizes for whoever finds the
Matzoh ball soup,
a la Gilbert & Ward-Baker,
traditional beverages, and ritual foods will be provided. Sign-ups will begin March 27th so we can prepare appropriately. A pot luck dinner will be part of the event so capacity will be limited. If you would like to help or have questions, please call Lew Ward-Baker at 244-6968 or email at
THE BOOK GROUP is pleased to announce that they will be reading:
"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness."
The book is now in paperback and the library has many copies.
The book group will meet at 12 noon on April 24th in the discussion
room on the second floor. All are welcome and it is not necessary
to have read the book. See you then. For questions contact either
Shirley Bond at Bondshirl1@gmail.com or,
Sarah Singal at ssingal@Rochester.rr.com.
Join First Universalist as we take part in the city's annual clean-up day on Saturday, April 30th. This is a fun day that includes free food, t-shirt, and ticket to a Red Wings game for all volunteers. To sign-up with the church, contact Shirley Bond.
MEDITATION PRACTICE will take place in the rear of the Sanctuary each Wednesday from 5:15 - 6:30pm through May 25th. All are welcome - no experience necessary.
Please contact Kathy Russell at
for more information.
This Week's Calendar of Events
Sunday, April 3 - Sunday, April 10
Wednesday, April 6
- Beginning Meditation Practice, Sanctuary, 5:15 pm
Thursday, April 7
- Staff Meeting, Volunteer Office, 8:30 am
- Deadline for Weekly Announcements, noon
- Eastman Lunchtime Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm
Saturday, April 9
- Path to Membership Class, Clara Barton Lounge, 8:30 am
- SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge (rental), 8 pm
Sunday, April 3
- Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am
- Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am
- Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
- Food Ingathering, Sanctuary, 10:45 am
- Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am
- RAIHN Week Ends
Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one! Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org; or call 546-2826.
Rev. Celie Katovitch
Director of Life Span Faith Development:
Michelle Yates
150 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826
Office Hours: