This Week at First Universalist
February 29, 2016
This Week's Service
10:30 am Service:  A Home Away from Home.  What does it mean to feel the pull of that peculiar spiritual condition — nostalgia?  Rev. Celie Katovitch.

9:15 am Drop-in Discussion:  Paid Family Leave.  Brigit Hurley, policy analyst for The Children’s Agenda, a local non-profit research and advocacy organization, will discuss legislation now pending in Albany concerning paid family leave insurance in New York state.  She’ll also discuss ways that TCA has identified as the best ways to support families living in poverty and to lessen poverty’s impact on children.  Time permitting, she’ll answer questions about The Children’s Agenda’s Interfaith Collaborative.
Upcoming Events
UU  History Series

Thursday, March 3rd, 1:30-3:30 p.m.

Part 5:  Evolution: Beyond Christianity

Join us in the Sanctuary for a session from the video series Long Strange Trip: 2000 years of UU History, followed by facilitated discussion and conversation.  Missed the previous sessions?  It's OK!  Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Please RSVP to Michelle Yates at or 585-310-2484.

Chili Cook-off is March 13th
Join us for our annual Chili Cook-off after the service on March 13th!  Do you have a prize chili recipe you would like to showcase?  Let Bill Elwell ( know if you plan to participate in this battle for chili supremacy among  Universalists  of Rochester.  Or, simply come and enjoy some warm chili dishes and vote for your favorite!

RAIHN Training and Our Next RAIHN Week:
Learn how you can join other church members in helping temporarily homeless families get back on their feet. Please attend the training session that is right for you:

For new volunteers:  Sunday, March 6th at 12:00pm (potluck at 11am), Elmgrove United Methodist Church, 1500 Spencerport Road, Rochester.  

For experienced volunteers:  Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00–8:30pm, Temple Sinai, 363 Penfield Road, Rochester. This training focuses on poverty, cultural diversity, and trauma.   

RSVP to Jen Canning, or 506-9050. 

Once trained, please join us in welcoming RAIHN* families at First Universalist during the week of April 3-10. Even if you haven't been trained, you are welcome to help with set up, clean up, or laundry.  Sign up in the lounge after church on Sunday, or contact Chris DeGolyer,  
*Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence
Additional Announcements

GATHER THE SPIRIT continues this month, Wednesdays at 5 PM through March 16th, in the back of the Sanctuary.  This is a midweek moment of renewal, beginning with open meditation and continuing with shared reflection upon a poem.  All are welcome to drop in.  

IT’S NOT TOO LATE:   On Sunday, March 6th, stop by the Auction Table after the service.  Yes, we still have a very few, but interesting items and services:  Luncheons, Fun and Games Party, Chili Party, Kayak Tour, and Letter Press calendars.  One day only, so please stop by or contact Paula Marchese at .  

EASTER PLANTS:  Please help decorate the sanctuary for Easter by ordering a plant for $8.00.  Ruth Fitzgerald, Eileen Fernandez, and Katherine Flynn will be taking orders through Sunday, March 13th.  Please specify  whether you will be taking the plant home after the service or want to donate it to a member of the home congregation. If you want to dedicate the plant in memory of or in honor of someone, we will list her/his name in the Order of Service on Easter.  Also, if you would like to deliver a plant to someone, we could use your help!

THE BOOK CLUB  selection for the month of March is Breakfast With Buddha, by Roland Merullo.   Roland's writing style is a witty and joyful one.  Please join us March 27th at 12 noon in the discussion room on the second floor.  All are welcome and it is not necessary to have read the book.   For questions contact either Shirley Bond at  or Sarah Singal at

ANNUAL SLD ASSEMBLY:   The nominating Committee is pleased to announce that delegates for the annual St. Lawrence District Assembly have been nominated. For further information regarding the District Assembly please visit: .  Please consider attending this important event April 1st and 2nd in Syracuse NY.

THE ROCHESTER MODEL RAILROAD CLUB  will be having its annual open house on March 5th & 6th: Saturday 10-5, Sunday 1-5. Admission is $4 (free for ages 12 & under), with a family maximum of $12.  There are many new things to look for this year, and see up to 10 trains running simultaneously!  

SAVE THE DATE:  Interfaith IMPACT of NYS (IINYS) is pleased to invite you to attend their Annual Legislative Briefing on Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Road. The program title is: Death with Dignity: Compassionate or Unethical?  The speakers include NYS Campaign Director for Compassion & Choices; President and CEO of Not Dead Yet; President of Patients Rights Action Fund; and Professor of Palliative Care at the U of R School of Medicine and Dentistry.  For more information contact Judy Schwartz at 585-442-5111 or

PARKING REMINDER:  Please note that the parking spaces facing REOC are rented during the week, Monday-Friday.  If you are visiting the church between the hours of 7am-6pm, you may park in the spaces against the church building.  Thank you for your cooperation.   

WEATHER-RELATED CLOSINGS:  Please note that in the event that the Rochester City Schools are closed due to weather, the church office will also be closed.   

This Week's Calendar of Events
Monday, February 29
  • Social Justice Committee, Volunteer Office, 6pm
Wednesday, March 2
  • Gather the Spirit, Sanctuary, 5 pm
Thursday, March 3
  • Staff Meeting, Volunteer Office, 8:30 am
  • Deadline for Weekly Announcements, noon 
  • Eastman Lunchtime Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm
  • UU History Series, Sanctuary, 1:30 pm

Saturday, March 5

  • Rochester Model Railroad Club Open House, 9-5
  • SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge (rental), 8 pm 

Sunday, March 6

  • Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am
  • Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am
  • Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
  • Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am
Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so.  Send news of your events to; or call 546-2826.
Minister:   Rev. Celie Katovitch 
Director of Music:   Carol Xiong 

Director of Life Span Faith Development:   Michelle Yates 
Office Administrator:  Melissa Davies
Contact Us
150 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826

Office Hours:   Monday-Friday,  9:30-2:30