This Week at First Universalist
January 25, 2016
Please note there will be no minister's office hours at Java's on January 28th.  Thank you.
This Week's Service
And the Greatest of these is Love:  This Sunday we'll hear a UU chaplain's perspective on the call to Love in the hospital and in our everyday lives.  Rev. Sarah Gillespie, 10:30 a.m.

Drop-in Discussion:  Generational Behaviors. This discussion will focus on recognizing behavioral traits of the Mature, Baby Boomer, Generation X, and Millennial generations. Many social and civic groups have experienced a downsizing of membership which Dr. Bill Wittich, in his book Celebrate Differences, attributes to misunderstanding of communication methods between these generations. The behavioral and attitudinal differences will astound you.  David Damico will facilitate.
Upcoming Events
2016 Service Auction
Last call!  Just a few more days to donate your item, service, or event to our annual Auction!  The deadline for donations is this coming Wednesday, January 27th.  Visit the church website to donate.  The more items, the better… so don’t miss out on helping with our church’s biggest fundraiser of the year!  And of course, plan to attend the auction on February 7th after the service.  Questions?  Contact Paula Marchese at
Quatro Voce
On Friday, January 29th, at 5:30 pm, First Universalist will host a free concert of vocal music from the Renaissance and Early Baroque, performed by Quatro Voce, an a cappella vocal quartet including our own Glenda Brayman.  Unwind from the work week before heading home with this 30 minute program of meditative and ethereal settings of spiritual texts. 
Additional Announcements

HELP PROVIDE A HOT MEAL THIS WINTER:  The temporary shelter for the homeless, called REACH Home,  is up and running smoothly, due to the outpouring of caring and generosity of the many groups and churches  throughout Rochester.  The primary, and most needed item, is the hot meal prepared and taken into the House every evening. The First Universalist Church of Rochester will be providing a full course meal on Friday, February 5th, at 5 PM.  As we engage 7 or 8 people to be part of this venture, each person’s contribution will be minimized.  If you are interested in joining this effort for February and/or future months, please see Carole Hoffman or email her at  Thank you.

TRAIN for RAIHN:  Learn how to join other church members in helping temporarily homeless families get back on their feet.  Attend a training session on Tuesday, February 2nd, 7-9 pm at Temple Beth El, 139 S. Winton Rd., Rochester. RSVP to Jen Canning, or 506-9050.

THE BOOK GROUP:  On January 31st, the Book Group will discuss Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande at 12 noon in the second floor lounge. For questions see Shirley Bond or Sarah Singal. 

WINTER BOOTS NEEDED:  The REACH Homeless Shelter is in need of winter boots for both men and women. Please check the deepest regions of your closets and see what's there!  You can check your local thrift stores as well.  They are also asking again for (new) underwear.  Please bring your donations to church and Beth Ares will deliver them to the shelter.  Thank you.

IMPLICIT SOCIAL ATTITUDES:   The Social Justice Committee invites you to join them on February 21st and 28th for a look at Implicit Social Attitudes about Race.  Recently, the film “I’m Not Racist, Am I?” was shown by GRCC/Faith in Action Network.  It has sparked action in our hearts and our minds.  Another driving force for this endeavor are words from Martin Luther King, Jr. (as quoted by Patti Singer in her D&C column 1/19/2016), “Driving out darkness, driving out hate with the light of love.”  We are hoping to start a Congregational conversation about racism and how we can address it personally and systemically.  Please mark these two special dates: 

Sunday, February 21 - Noon during MOCHA, take an Implicit Social Attitudes test about Race. (The personal results will be confidential unless you divulge them)

Sunday, February 28 - Noon, in the sanctuary, we will discuss the test for a better understanding of the results and what we can do as a congregation to address racism in our society.  This endeavor will be lead by Jon Greenbaum of RocACTS.  We welcome and encourage your participation and ideas.  This is a tiny beginning step for all of us.  We hope you’ll join the walk.

WEATHER-RELATED CLOSINGS:  During this winter season, please note that cancellations of church activities can be viewed at  

This Week's Calendar of Events
Tuesday, January 26
  • Personnel Committee, Volunteer Office, 10 am
  • Paper Outlook Production, Volunteer Office, 10 am
Wednesday, January 27
  • Membership Committee, Volunteer Office, 6:30 pm
Thursday,  January 28
  • Announcement Deadline, noon
  • "This Week at First Universalist" e-Newsletter Deadline, noon
  • Eastman Lunchtime Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm
Friday, January 29
  • Quatro Voce Concert, Sanctuary, 5:30 pm
Saturday,  January 30
  • SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge (rental), 8 pm 
Sunday,  January 31
  • Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am
  • Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am
  • Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am
  • Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am
  • Book Group, Adult Lounge, 12 noon
Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so.  Send news of your events to; or call 546-2826.
Minister:   Rev. Celie Katovitch 
Director of Music:   Carol Xiong 

Director of Life Span Faith Development:   Michelle Yates 
Office Administrator:  Melissa Davies
Contact Us
150 S. Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826

Office Hours:   Monday-Friday,  9:30-2:30