SAVE THE DATE: MAY 19: PLANTING PARTY: Tuesday, May 19 from 1-4. Get a hands on introduction to permaculture in our vegetable garden. Learn what plants we have so far and learn how and what to weed. Sign up for garden watering. Soak up the fresh air and let spring sink farther into your bones. Meet at the raised beds at the southwest corner of church. Postponed if pouring rain. MAY 30: SPRING CLEAN-UP: Saturday May 30,9 am-1 pm. Note that this is the Saturday AFTER Memorial Day weekend. Bring your favorite cleaning solutions and we will also supply some, too. Please let the house committee know of any other cleaning or small repairs that you would like to have addressed. If you would like to lend a hand with this cleaning, minor repairs or smoke alarm/emergency lighting checks, please let us know or just show up! Morning snacks and a light lunch will be provided. MAY 31: BOOK GROUP will meet on Sunday, May 31 at noon in the Adult Lounge. This month's book is A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute. In the book, a newly wealthy English woman returns to Malaya to build a well for the villagers who helped her during WWII. Thinking back, she recalls the Australian man who made a great sacrifice to aid her and her fellow prisoners of war. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Shirley Bond or Sarah Singal. JUNE 7: ANNUAL MEETING for First Universalist will be held June 7 immediately following the service. Key agenda items will include approval of the 2015-2016 annual budget and election of church leaders. The deadline for submitting annual reports is Friday, May 22. Annual reports will be available Sunday, May 31. JUNE 14-21: RAIHN* Week: June 14-21 is our next RAIHN Week, when we will host temporarily homeless families, providing them with a safe place to stay and good food. A training session for new volunteers will be held Tues, June 9th, 6:30-8:30 PM at First Unitarian Church, Contact Chris DeGolyer ( or 461-3616) or Marti Eggers (385-4342). SUNDAYS: One way to get involved in church is to be a Keeper of the Flame. About half an hour before the service the Keeper sets out the chalice, candles, stones for joys and sorrows. It is a quiet time to prepare for the congregation's hour together. No climbing is involved. Afterward the Keeper returns the items to the Keepers' cupboard. Each person is Keeper every 4-6 weeks. Please see Michael VanArsdale if you are interested. Couples can do this together. |