Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  The Mystic’s Guide to Social Change. “Prophetic witness” reconsidered. Rev. Celie Katovitch.

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Basic Income Guarantee.  When more and more workers can’t find jobs because of offshoring and automation, how can society function?  Hank Stone will lead a discussion of the Basic Income Guarantee, in which every citizen is paid enough money to live.
Upcoming Events
Fall Clean-up Day this Saturday
The  2015 Fall Clean-up Day has been scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 22nd starting around 9 AM. If you have ever wanted to volunteer for the church, or to get to know the building (as well as other members) a little better, this is a perfect opportunity! There will be all kinds of cleaning, fixing, etc. to be completed – something for all skill levels. Bring along your favorite tools or cleaning products. Breakfast snacks and a light lunch will be provided. Socializing and fun will also be part of the agenda. For more information, please contact Tom Ruganis at 746-7796 (cell) or 442-2968 (home) or email  [email protected]  
Practices for Intercultural Diversity- Regional Leadership Conference
You are invited to take part in a Central Eastern Region Leadership Conference on Sunday, October 29th from 9-4 at the UU Church of Buffalo.  Cost is $18 (includes lunch).  For more information and to register, visit .   Registration closes Oct. 25. 
Eastman Lunchtime Concert Series begins this Thursday
Beginning October 20th, concerts will be held each Thursday at 12:15 in the Sanctuary. They are free and open to the public, and bagged lunches are permitted. Visit their website to view the fall schedule.  
Additional Announcements
MINISTER'S OFFICE HOURS:  There will be no minister's office hours this Thursday.

SMALL GROUP MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY:   Want to explore your spiritual life in a small group setting (of about eight people), led by a trained facilitator? There are several opportunities to join a Small Group.  Please visit for details and to sign-up.  Questions?  Contact Connie Valk at [email protected].  

RACE TO JUSTICE:   Are you compelled by the racial justice conversation? Not sure where to start? We've heard you! Our year-long Faith Development program, "Race to Justice," explores how the story of race in our personal lives, our culture, and our national history intersects with personal, institutional, and community stories of our faith.  For more information, see the bulletin board or visit the RE page on our website. Please let our facilitators, Rev. Michelle Yates and Suzie Gutierrez, know at [email protected] if you would need to be in the Tuesday or Thursday group, and if you could do either. This will help us to keep the groups balanced. 
  • Thursday Group: 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Oct. 13th, Oct. 27th, and Nov. 10th
  • Tuesday Group: 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Oct. 18th, Nov. 1st, and Nov. 15th

BOOK GROUP:   October's book selection is "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr. A stunningly ambitious book about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II.  Book Group meets Oct. 30th at noon in the Chalice Room. Any questions happily answered by Sarah Singal ( [email protected] ) or Shirley Bond ( [email protected] ).

BEGINNING MEDITATION:   Join us each Wednesday through November 16th from 5:30-6:30pm in the rear of the sanctuary (doors will be open 5:15-5:30). This Wednesday, October 19th, we will be joined from 5:25 to 5:55 by SANCTUARY, a renaissance a cappella group,  Though you will not be able to see the group, you will definitely be able to hear their heavenly sound coming from on high! No experience is necessary and you need not be a member to attend. For more information contact Kathy Russell at  [email protected] , or Moritz Wagner at  [email protected] .

HELP THE CARING COMMITTEE:   Are you looking for a way to express your faith? The Caring Committee is looking for people to lend a hand to members needing short-term help. Aid is primarily a one-time effort. PLUS THERE ARE NO COMMITTEE MEETINGS. JUST GIVING ASSISTANCE. If you care to help, please contact Becky Elwell at [email protected] .  Thanks for your help and cooperation. ~ The Caring Committee

RECYCLING AWARENESS:  EcoJuustice is a new UURoc group whose focus is to increase environmental awareness, put into action. Please visit our table in the Clara Barton Lounge after church on Sunday, Oct. 23rd. Our focus that day will be to promote and improve recycling efforts, both at church and in our homes. Let us know if you'd like to join our new committee. We look forward to talking with you. For more information, please contact Sarah Singal: [email protected].

AMERICANS UNITED FALL PROGRAM:  The Rochester Chapter of AU announces its fall program: An Interfaith Dialogue on Church-State Separation , on Monday, October 17th at 7PM at the Brighton Memorial Library.  Panelists include Rev. Dick Gilbert, among three other significant personalities in the Rochester Area.  For more information, see the flyer posted on the community bulletin board.  

1816 MEETINGHOUSE 200th ANNIVERSARY:   October 22-23.  All are invited to join the festivities in Farmington for next weekend's celebration at the 1816 Meetinghouse (County Road 8 at the corner of Sheldon Rd.). Visit for a schedule of free events.   

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  [email protected]  no later than Thursday at noon.  

Rev. Celie Katovitch, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 | [email protected]