Thursday, Jan. 31 | Eastman at Washington Square Concerts
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts Concerts are held at our church at lunch time on Thursdays. Each concert begins at 12:15pm and ends at approximately 12:45pm.
Three students from the studio of professor Vincent Lenti perform three fascinating and contrasting sets of variation by Busoni, Schumann, and Rachmaninoff.
Admission is free. Bring your brown bag lunch and join us!
Our next Cozy Night Supper will be held February 1, from 5:30–7:30pm in the Clara Barton Lounge. Our potluck dinner will be from 5:30–6:30. The program from 6:30–7:30 will focus on our church selected theme of racial justice.
The Service Auction is February 3, immediately after the church service. Contact Service Auction chairs Paula (
) or Katherine (
) with any questions. Be sure to stay after the service for the auction fun on February 3!
Join a panel of transgender and non-binary people hosted by the
Out Alliance
on February 10 at Noon in our Sanctuary. Bring your questions and come hear stories and experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming people.
Rural & Migrant Ministry invites you to a regional Town Hall event from to support the passage of the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act. Join the conversation as experts and New York State farmworkers discuss the injustice that farm workers across the state are still subjugated to.
Learn more about the Farmworker Fair Labor Practices Act
. Held in our sanctuary from 2-4pm.
If you are thinking about the possibility of becoming a member of First Universalist Church, please place Saturday, February 23 from 9am to Noon on your calendar! Learn about the amazing range of opportunities and faith development open to you. Brunch will be served in between informational and interactive sessions.
Children are welcome!