Join us next Sunday
Sept. 15, 2019

10:30am Sunday Service | Commitment to Welcoming
A three-part series on a vision for First Universalist Church. As we explore commitment, how do we commit to providing welcome? Who is welcome? Let's challenge our notions of welcome and what it looks like together.
Speaker: Rev. Lane Campbell

9:15am Drop-in Discussion: Impeach the President?
Each Sunday in the Chalice Room (second floor).
Phil Ebersole will present some info on the impeachment process and the charges in the impeachment and proposed impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, then lead a discussion on if there is a basis to impeach Donald Trump.
Worship Service Videos from 9/1
Respect: Valuing Work and Workers
with Bridget Watts
Upcoming Events & Additional Announcements
Suffragist Parade | Sept. 14
Come, join our friends at First Unitarian for the 2019 Suffragist City Parade on September 14. The parade steps off at 10:00 AM on West Main Street and ends at the Susan B. Anthony House. After the parade the fun continues in the Susan B. Anthony Park with music, food trucks, a participatory art project, and exhibits. We learn the line-up spot a few days before the event. Contact the church office a few days before the event to find this out.

Choir Open House Session | Sept. 15 & 22
Did you sing in choir in the past and do you find yourself missing the music and the community? Are you curious to explore singing for the first time? Here is your chance! On Sunday, September 15 and 22, members of the choir will stay after the service to work on some simple music with Brock, just for 10-15 minutes, in order to give YOU the opportunity to sing in a low-pressure environment. Come see what we are all about!

Tuesday, Sept. 17 | Immigration Ministry Presentation
The Immigration Ministry of the First Unitarian Church of Rochester will be holding a presentation by an immigration attorney from the Legal Aid Society, on Tuesday, Sept 17 at 7 PM. Specifics that we will learn are:(1) What should an undocumented person do when confronted by an ICE agent? (2) What can a person who is on the Rapid Response Team do so to assist the undocumented person?  
Undocumented immigrants are being victimized in the US.What can we do, here in Rochester, to abate this crisis?
Questions? See Carole Hoffman.

Global Climate Strike | Sept. 20-27
Friday, September 20 through Friday, September 27 will be 8 days of climate activism, inspired by teenager Greta Thunberg of Sweden. There will be multiple actions to join as you see fit. Stay tuned for further announcements. Rochester Area Interfaith Climate Action ( RAICA) is sponsoring a tree planting walk with short services at various faith congregations, on Sunday, September 22, at 1 pm.

NYSCU Annual Meeting | Oct. 25 & 26
NYSCU NOTES—We’re getting closer to the BIG WEEKEND—The New York State Convention of Universalists annual meeting right here at First Universalist, October 25 and 26. While many of our UU visitors will choose to stay in the conference hotel, some prefer a more personal touch. Do you have a home which could accommodate a guest or two? For each person electing to use the local congregation’s “home hospitality,” the church will receive $40. If you are interested in volunteering your home for the night of October 25, please contact Donna Anderson (585-271-6747), our home hospitality co-chair for the event. Please let us know by Sept. 15!
Joys & Sorrows
from 9/1
  • Jan Hickman: "Thank you, my church family, for your outpouring of support after this summer's losses. This helped so very much."
  • RAIHN Coordinators: "Areale, Brian, and their three children, a temporarily homeless family we hosted a few weeks ago, have moved into their own place!"

  • Caring Committee: "Shirley Dunbar had surgery on her knee; she had a bad fall while on vacation in Canada. Cards and Facebook greetings welcome!"
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to:   [email protected]  
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)   

Rev. Lane Campbell ,
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold ,
Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Emma Barry ,
Office Administrator
(585) 546-2826

Brandon Fagan ,
(585) 546-2826
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 | [email protected]