Join us next Sunday
September 1, 2019

10am Sunday Summer Service | Respect - Valuing Work And Workers
In honor of Labor Day, let's talk about work. Have you ever had a job where you felt your worth and dignity was not respected? Should we ever have to give up our full humanity to make a living? How are we called to respond to the conditions affecting the most vulnerable workers?
Speaker: Bridget Watts

Drop-In Discussion 11:30am each Sunday in the Chalice Room (second floor).We may be discussing the sermon we just heard, or we may have a presentation and discussion of a specific topic. Drop in and find out! All are welcome!
Worship Service Videos
from 8/11 & 8/18
Sometimes Things Are Too Tangled
with Peter House
The Palestinian Crisis
with Peter House
Upcoming Events & Additional Announcements
Monday, Sept. 2 | Labor Day Parade
Those supporting farmworkers’ rights, including our Social Justice Circle “Harvesting Justice”, are getting the royal treatment this year at the Labor Day Parade. Farmworkers and their allies are marching first in line this to honor the Farmworkers’ Rights bill passed by the legislature in Albany. Lineup is 10:15 am on Lawrence St off East Ave. Parking is at 30 N. Union St. 

Tuesday, Sept. 17 | Immigration Ministry Presentation
The Immigration Ministry of the First Unitarian Church of Rochester will be holding a presentation by an immigration attorney from the Legal Aid Society, on Tuesday, Sept 17 at 7 PM. Specifics that we will learn are:(1) What should an undocumented person do when confronted by an ICE agent? (2) What can a person who is on the Rapid Response Team do so to assist the undocumented person?  
Undocumented immigrants are being victimized in the US.What can we do, here in Rochester, to abate this crisis?
Questions? See Carole Hoffman.

NYSCU Annual Meeting | Oct. 25 & 26
NYSCU NOTES- We’re getting closer to the BIG WEEKEND- The New York State Convention of Universalists annual meeting right here at First Universalist, October 25 and 26. While many of our UU visitors will choose to stay in the conference hotel, some prefer a more personal touch. Do you have a home which could accommodate a guest or two? For each person electing to use the local congregation’s “home hospitality,” the church will receive $40. If you are interested in volunteering your home for the night of October 25, please contact Donna Anderson (585-271-6747), our home hospitality co-chair for the event. Please let us know by Sept. 9!

Project Team Grant
We are pleased to announce that a friend of the church (not a member) has made a very generous challenge grant to support the launch of our church Project Team anti-racism initiative. All gifts made in July and August, up to a total of $2500, will be matched dollar for dollar, so your gift will be doubled! Checks can be made out to First Universalist Church with “church project” on the memo line. Please contact Elizabeth Osta or Theo Munson (Project Team co-chairs) if you have questions! Together we can!
Check our progress here !

Summer Programming for Children
Over the summer children, as always, are welcome in service or in Childcare on the second floor with Ms. Carol and Ms. Sundae; this room now has air conditioning! Children's Worship will restart when the church year begins in September. 
Joys & Sorrows
from 8/11 & 8/18
  • Lisa Gwinner: "A heartfelt thanks to Ed Deller and the House Committee for adding two more accessible parking spaces to our little lot on Sunday mornings!"
  • RAIHN Coordinators: "It is a joy that our congregation will be welcoming three RAIHN families who are temporarily homeless to our church this afternoon for the week - four adults and seven children who might otherwise be sleeping in cars or on the street. Here volunteers will be serving them safe shelter, hot meals, and other support as needed. We are expecting a fourth family in a few days. "
  • Janet Clarke-Hazlett: "I feel the Worship Associates Retreat at my cabin in Bristol yesterday blessed it as a sacred space!"

  • Caring Committee: "A longtime member, Ellie Chaffee, has died. We offer condolences to her dear friend Lillian Kellogg."
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to:  
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)   

Rev. Lane Campbell ,
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold ,
Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Emma Barry ,
Office Administrator
(585) 546-2826

Brandon Fagan ,
(585) 546-2826

Peter House ,
Summer Minister
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |