2019 Service Auction Success!
The 2019 Service Auction was a great time and brought in over $6,000 to support our church’s programs! Such an endeavor requires great teamwork and many hands. We had lots of volunteers helping with everything from set up, lunch, and tallying the bids. There are many people to thank- and we’ll be sure to do that in the monthly outlook - but the two ringleaders were Paula Marchese and Katherine Flynn. Their tireless work and coordination made it all possible. Thanks everyone!
New Books For Sale!
The church bookstore now has new copies of
The Shared Pulpit, White Fragility
How to Be Less Stupid About Race
for sale. Visit the library and bookstore during coffee hour after our weekly service!
Thursday, Feb. 14 | Eastman at Washington Square Concerts
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts Concerts are held at our church at lunch time on Thursdays. Each concert begins at 12:15pm and ends at approximately 12:45pm.
Sopranos Cecile Saine and Sue Cotroneo and pianist Howard Spindler will fill your hearts with Duets and Songs of Love for Valentine's Day! Admission is free. Bring your brown bag lunch and join us!
We are back to the third Saturdays due to high demand for our gathering spaces: a great “problem” to have! Join us at 9:15am for coffee – we’ll begin at 9:30am with Glenda Brayman’s
Renaissance Music Group
in the Sanctuary. Our theme is cultivating compassion as the path to peace. RSVP Joy Leccese:
If you are thinking of becoming a member of First Universalist Church, please place Saturday, February 23 9am-Noon on your calendar. Learn about the amazing range of opportunities and faith development open to you. Brunch will be served in between informational and interactive sessions. Children are welcome;
please let us know beforehand for planning purposes.
or to RSVP!
It is a biography of four women whose work became beyond invaluable in the 60's. Rachel Carson, Jane Jacobs, Jane Goodall and Alice Waters. They were women of different backgrounds, who envisioned a world where environmentalists took center stage. The author notes that this was the period in our history where "post-war America was waging a war on nature, with wrecking balls and toxic pesticides, paving our beautiful land, to put up vast suburban parking lots". If you have not gotten a chance to read the book no worries, please join us for a lively talk.