Join us next Sunday
October 20, 2019

10:30am Sunday Service | Gathering Under the Canopy
Sukkot is a beautiful Jewish festival celebrating the harvest. Central to this observance is a temporary dwelling outside in which families are invited to enjoy meals and spend time together. The temporary dwelling is also a reminder of the impermanence of housing central to the experience of being in exile and bring forced to travel for one's livelihood. We will explore what Sukkot has to teach our church community.
Speaker: Rev. Lane Campbell

9:15am Drop-in Discussion: The UU 3rd Principle and Palestine-Israel
Each Sunday in the Chalice Room (second floor).
With our 3rd Principle ( the Acceptance of One Another & Encouragement to Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations) in mind, let us consider the background of the conflict, the essence of covenant and community, and the tension between accepting and growing spirituality beyond fight or flight. How does our UU faith tradition speak to the complexity and diversity of this issue? 
Speaker: Rev. Michelle Yates
Worship Service Videos from 10/6
Zombie Theology
with Rev. Michelle Yates
Upcoming Events & Additional Announcements
Thursday, October 17 | Eastman at Washington Square
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. October 17 is "M ade in America": Flutist Sophia Gibbs Kim and pianist Irina Lupines share favorite American music for flute and piano. Admission is free! Bring your brown bag lunch and join us.

Thursday, October 17 | 15th Anniversary Celebration
RAIHN is throwing a 15th anniversary celebration/ticketed event on Thursday, October 17 at Artisanworks, 565 Blossom Rd, from 6-10 PM. Raffle tickets for a Caribbean Cruise are also available. For more information and tickets, click here!

Saturday, October 19 | Fall Cleanup
Please join us to help clean and prepare the church for our NYSCU host weekend. Many hands make light work. Please let Ed Deller know if you can attend.

Sunday, October 20 | Bread Sunday
Each year we note the importance bread plays in our lives and the importance it has played in other times and places. The earliest bread may have been made 30,000 years ago and is the most widely consumed food in the world. Historians note that its importance lay not only in its nutritional value but because it was portable. Members and friends of First Universalist are invited to take advantage of the portability of bread and bring their favorite bread (homemade or purchased) to share after the service. Contact Bill or Becky Elwell if you plan to participate!

October 25 & 26 | NYSCU Annual Meeting
Just a few weeks to go before we welcome UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray and Universalists from around the region for the Annual Meeting of NYSCU! You can attend as a delegate with voting privileges, or as a conference attendee to hear the keynote address and participate in the workshops. Delegates will have the registration fee reimbursed by NYSCU; other attendees may be reimbursed by our own congregation. Please see Ann Rhody or Nancy Gaede if you are interested in serving as a delegate. Registration and information at

Please check your hiding spaces at home for When they Call You a Terrorist, copy #4 by Patrisse Kahn-Cullers. It is part of a collection of books donated by FIRE. If found, please return to the basket on the library desk. 
Joys & Sorrows
from 10/6
  • Mic Toker: "First successful spinal procedure - was had by me this past Thursday. I have less pain and more mobility than I have had in at least 10 years! Huzzah!"
  • Emma Barry: "Happy to help with the chalice lighting for the first time today! Thanks!"
  • Robert Remley: "My son has found good employment after a period of unemployment!"
  • Fred Peters: "A joy to be alive, and for all my blessings."

  • John & Patti Adams: "Our thoughts are with our son and fellow law enforcement officer, Denny Wright, and his family. He was attacked and seriously injured on duty this past week while serving his community."
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to:  
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)   

Rev. Lane Campbell ,
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold ,
Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Emma Barry ,
Office Administrator
(585) 546-2826

Brandon Fagan ,
(585) 546-2826
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |