Join us next Sunday
August 23, 2020
10am Summer Services Continue!

10am Sunday Service | Legacies of Resistance and The Church with First Unitarian
We are in a crucial time for racial justice in our country right now, with the intersections of the devastating effects of coronavirus, a battle for voting rights, and continual instances of police brutality. What do past movements for justice tell us as the church about how to respond? How are we called as people of faith to counter injustice in these unprecedented and defining times?
Speaker: Rev. Lane Campbell and Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan

We will be sharing a different link to access worship this week, so please keep an eye out for that.

Due to COVID-19 we will be holding our worship services online for the foreseeable future. We will hold on-line services each Sunday at 10am (our regular summer worship time).
Upcoming Events &
Additional Announcements
Tuesdays | Drop-In Discussion: The Hunger For Touch
Do you miss hugging your friends? Reaching out to connect at the end of church? How are you feeling and what are your coping strategies during these endless months of Covid? Our starting point will be Rev. Lane’s sermon from Sunday, August 16. Drop-In Discussions are back with a virtual spin! We are meeting on Tuesday night, from 6:30-7:30pm. Contact for the Zoom link!

Wednesdays Beginning Sept. 9 | Midweek Meditation
First Universalist Church will be hosting Midweek Meditation services with Rev. Lane and Rev. Michelle on Wednesdays from 11:30am-Noon beginning again on September 9. Just a brief time to connect for deep breathing, meditation, singing, and silence. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link on the title of this description!

Saturdays | Sidewalk Support Table
The FIRE Team will coordinate the continuing sidewalk support of ongoing protests on Saturdays during August. Thank you for your time in keeping this support going. So very appreciated!
Volunteer Slots:
  • 11am-1pm (4 slots)
  • 1-3 pm (3 slots)
  • 3-5pm (3 slots)
Table Dates:
  • August 22
  • August 29
Please contact to sign up for your time and date. Please include contact info, such as your phone number, in your email as this is a fluid experience. We will contact you to confirm as each date approaches. Your volunteer shift will make a huge difference!
Help Our Summer Garden!
Call for garden watering. The front garden is blooming and we will need waterers during August. Please contact Sarah at
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to: 
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication) 

Joys & Sorrows
 Please send your Joys and Sorrows to be read at our Sunday Worship service to Note: When you email a joy or sorrow to us, you are giving us permission to read it aloud at our Sunday service and possibly publish it in this weekly email.
Thank you!

Peter House,
Summer Minister

*Rev. Michelle Yates,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484
*off for the Summer

Brock Tjosvold,
Director of Music

Emma Barry,
Office Manager
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |