Join us next Sunday
December 22, 2019

10:30am Sunday Service | How Can We Let the Light In?
An annual celebration of the Winter Solstice. The days have been growing shorter and we celebrate the return of the sun through stories, song, and ritual.
Speaker: Rev. Lane Campbell

9:15am Drop-in Discussion: Got Fuel?
Each Sunday in the Chalice Room (second floor).
Have you thought about how much the fuels you use affect your personal carbon footprint? We fly in airplanes, drive cars, use public transportation, and heat our homes with fuels. How much does your fuel use help (or hurt) the environment? Info will be provided to help us make the best choices possible. Kate Fleury, presents.
(Thank you First Universalist EcoJustice Group)
Important Announcement!
Out of concern for those in our congregation who suffer from
peanut allergies, we want to create a safer and healthier environment within our walls.

Effective immediately, we ask that any food that is brought into the church not contain peanuts or peanut products. 

By doing this, we can show our care for our church family and ensure that all feel safe and welcome at First Universalist.
Thank you for your cooperation
Worship Service Video from 12/8
What Wondrous Love Is This?
with Rev. Lane Campbell
Upcoming Events & Additional Announcements
Christmas Cookies for the Christmas Eve Service
If you are planning on attending the Christmas Eve Service, please consider sharing a dozen Christmas Cookies for coffee hour after the service. Homemade or store bought are all welcome for the celebration!  

Friday, Dec. 27 | Cozy Night Supper
Please join us and bring those holiday guests with you too! Held in the Clara Barton Lounge, the potluck dinner is from 5:30- 6:30 and the program "Blue Christmas” or the "Longest Night”, facilitated by Rev. Michelle Yates, is from 6:30-7:30. Not everyone is feeling cheerful and joyous during the holidays. Let's gather in community to reflect on the feelings of loss or sadness that can often come with this time of year. Please let us know you will be attending by communicating with the church office or signing up on the hall bulletin board. Childcare is available if requested a week in advance. 

Sunday, February 2 | Annual Service Auction
What’s so great about Feb. 2, 2020? Hint: it’s got nothing to do with a groundhog. It’s the date of our annual Service Auction! As you prepare for the holidays, don’t forget to give some thought to what you might like to donate, or how you might want to participate. It’s a fun and fabulous time, and there’s something for everyone! Donation forms and more information will be coming in early January.

Small Group Ministry
There is interest in starting up a new Small Group Ministry in the new year. Interested in joining a group? Take a look at the description on our website under the “connect” tab and then email to learn more.

Social Justice Project: Collection for Batavia Backpack Project with Los Samaritanos
As a social justice project, our children voted to create Dignity Bags for those released from the Batavia Detention Center. They will assemble these bags at a Family Night in January, but are asking for content donations until then. Items can be left in the food collection baskets in the sanctuary.
Items needed: backpacks (can be used, but appropriate for an adult), non-perishable packaged snacks, combs, travel toothbrushes and toothpastes, wet wipes and/or hand sanitizers, small packets of tissues, sturdy envelopes for important papers, empty reusable water bottles, $20 in cash/visa gift card for $20, pairs of socks, small notebooks and pens, winter coats, sweatshirts, packet hand warmers, hats and gloves.  Thank you!
Joys & Sorrows from 12/8
  • Michael Scott: "Thanks to Moriz Wagner for his aerial skills: we have new lights over the choir loft!"
  • RAIHN Coordinators: "Lexus and her son Caden, one of the temporarily homeless families we hosted in November, have moved in with her mom."
  • Anonymous: "The warmth of this congregation persists even though the weather can be cold!"

  • Caring Committee: "We are saddened by the death of the husband of Kris White, a former office admin. If you'd like to send condolences, please see Connie Valk for the address."

  • Rev. Lane: "Phyllis Bentley continues to be in Memory Care in Canandaigua, and appreciates cards sent to her, the more colorful the better!"
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to:  
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)   

Rev. Lane Campbell ,
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold ,
Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Emma Barry ,
Office Administrator
(585) 546-2826

Brandon Fagan ,
(585) 546-2826
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |