Sunday, Dec. 29 at Noon | Book Group Discussion
Please join us on Dec 29 for an hour of discussion about
the book "When" by Daniel H. Pink. We meet at noon in the Chalice Room!
Sunday, February 2 | Annual Service Auction
What’s so great about Feb. 2, 2020? Hint: it’s got nothing to do with a groundhog. It’s the date of our annual Service Auction! As you prepare for the holidays, don’t forget to give some thought to what you might like to donate, or how you might want to participate. It’s a fun and fabulous time, and there’s something for everyone! Donation forms and more information will be coming in early January.
Small Group Ministry
There is interest in starting up a new Small Group Ministry in the new year. Interested in joining a group? Take a look at the description on our website under the “connect” tab and then email to learn more.
Social Justice Project: Collection for Batavia Backpack Project with Los Samaritanos
As a social justice project, our children voted to create Dignity Bags for those released from the Batavia Detention Center. They will assemble these bags at a Family Night in January, but are asking for content donations until then. Items can be left in the food collection baskets in the sanctuary.
Items needed:
backpacks (can be used, but appropriate for an adult), non-perishable packaged snacks, combs, travel toothbrushes and toothpastes, wet wipes and/or hand sanitizers, small packets of tissues, sturdy envelopes for important papers, empty reusable water bottles, $20 in cash/visa gift card for $20, pairs of socks, small notebooks and pens, winter coats, sweatshirts, packet hand warmers, hats and gloves.
Thank you!