Join us next Sunday
January 27, 2019

10:30 AM Sunday Service | Study War No More
As we enter African-American History month and in these troubled times, the old African-American spiritual, “Down By The Riverside” can inspire us, but it’s hidden meanings can empower us. Join First Universalist member from Boston, Verdis Robinson, as we explore deeply into its lyrics for hope and power.

9:15 AM Drop-in Discussion Group | Mother Nature Speaks
The human race was facing big problems, serious enough to prompt Mother Nature to address humanity. Her address calls the question of whether we are prepared to claim the long and successful future that is our birthright. Hank Stone will facilitate.
Upcoming Events & Additional Announcements
Thursday, Jan. 24 | Eastman at Washington Square Concerts
An Afternoon with Brahms
Join us for the music of Brahms performed by violinist Soo Yeon Kim and pianist David Keep. Eastman at Washington Square Concerts Concerts are held at our church at lunch time on Thursdays. Each concert begins at 12:15pm and ends at approximately 12:45pm. Admission is free. Bring your brown bag lunch and join us!

Friday, Feb. 1 | Cozy Night Supper
Our next Cozy Night Supper will be held February 1st, from 5:30–7:30pm in the Clara Barton Lounge. Our potluck dinner will be from 5:30–6:30. The program from 6:30–7:30 will focus on our church selected theme of racial justice.

Sunday, Feb. 3 | Service Auction
Donations Now Being Accepted! The Service Auction is February 3rd, immediately after the church service. Donation forms are being accepted via hard copy at the church office, or on our website ( Donations must be received by Wednesday, January 23rd to be included in the auction booklet. Wondering what to donate? Services, social events, food, and unique items are big sellers! Contact Service Auction chairs Paula ( ) or Katherine ( ) with any questions. Be sure to stay after the service for the auction fun on February 3rd!

Friday, Feb. 10 | Transgender & Non-binary Panel
Join a panel of transgender and non-binary people hosted by the Out Alliance on February 10th at Noon in our Sanctuary. Bring your questions and come hear stories and experiences of transgender and gender non-conforming people. All are welcome!

The Little Free Library
Our Little Free Library, located in front of our church just off the Clinton Avenue sidewalk, is always in need of new books! It's not uncommon to see a passer-by browsing through a book that's been made available there. If you have a few books you'd like to donate, please place them directly into the Little Free Library.
Joys & Sorrows
  • Jeannie Glass - "We are pleased to have our dear friend, Maseeh, here with us today"
  • Caring Committee - "The Sutliff family joyfully welcomed a baby boy into their family this past week"
  • Caring Committee - "Jim Sittnick went to the ER after a fall. "I'm Okay" says Jim from the ER"
To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to:  
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)   

Rev. Lane Campbell , Minister
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Brock Tjosvold , Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Emma Barry , Office Administrator
(585) 546-2826

Brandon Fagan , Sexton
(585) 546-2826
150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |