Join us this Sunday
August 26, 2018

10:00 am Morning Servi ce:   Your Brain Loves a Good Story. Scientists tell us that humans are "hardwired" to be storytellers, and that stories and storytelling can promote empathy. How do storytellers find stories, and turn them into tales that others will want to hear? And how can we all use those skills to share our stories?
— Janet Clarke-Hazlett

The Book Group: The discussion will be July’s selection Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue.  

Upcoming Events


Office Hours Are:
Tuesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday: Study Day. Open hours will be held at a coffee shop (TBD)
Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
(860) 389-4697

Rev. Lane Campbell is accepting appointments through August 23. These will be set within a two-week period. Check the Court St. bulletin board and sign up for your desired day and time. You may also contact her at .


Join us for an evening of immigration education on Wednesday, August 22, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the First Universalist Church. Learn about the issue's history, how immigration's national context affects our local communities; hear WNY immigrants' experiences and how you can work in solidarity with them by joining high-impact, locally-based efforts. Suggested donation - $5.00. RSVP to  to reserve your seat. For more details, follow . 


Please join us August 26 from 11:15 am to 1:30 pm, upstairs in the Chalice Room for a discussion of the book Behold the Dreamers by Imbolo Mbue. Also, please bring any book suggestions that you may have for the 2018-2019 year. We hope you had a pleasant summer reading,relaxing and having fun.
- Shirley Bond and Sarah Singal


A brand new Phillips HeartStart AED has been purchased by our First Universalist congregation and is mounted in the area between the sanctuary and the Clara Barton Lounge, near the administrator's office. It is labeled “AED.” Please join us for classes in using the AED and saving a life on the following dates: September 2, 9, or 16. You can participate in an American Heart Association class led by instructor Kate Fleury, RN, BSN. The classes will be held in the sanctuary at 12:30 pm on the Sundays indicated after church. You will learn basic CPR and use of an AED so you can be a more prepared hero. There is no written test to receive a certificate of attendance! 


If you would like to join us in the march with farmworkers and their allies on Labor Day, September 3 at 10:45 am, please come to the line-up spot at Sibley Place off East Avenue, near Prince Street. Contact Connie Valk for more information via

From the Caring Committee

With sorrow we inform our congregation that Bill Hickok has passed. A memorial service is scheduled for Saturday, September 22, at 11:00 am.
There will be a light reception to follow.
  It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Gemma M. Lanthier, Rev. Michelle Yates' Mother. Rev. Michelle was in Buffalo with her mother until her passing. Cards and emails are welcome as our thoughts and peaceful wishes go out to Rev. Michelle and her family. /.

Reach out to Jessie Werner at The Hurlbut Nursing Home, 1177 E. Henrietta Rd., Rm. 73A, Rochester, NY 14623. She would appreciate cards and visits.

Via a happy email from Mollie, Lillian Kellogg’s niece, Lillian and Ellie Chaffee are together now at the Presbyterian Home, 20 Center Creek Drive, Fairport, NY 14450. Lillian and Ellie have not been apart at all for decades. Cards are welcome and please be sure to put BOTH first and last names on the card itself. If you want to visit, please call first.

Eleanor Siegfried is doing well and i s still at Highland Hospital and receiving visitors and cards. She has been diagnosed with aortic stenosis and is not a candidate for surgery, but is a candidate for skilled nursing. Andy and his siblings agree with the doctors that she should not return to Grand Vie, and they await a placement, hopefully at Monroe Community Hospital. If you would like to visit, please call ahead to make sure she has not been moved. And on Thursday, August 16, Eleanor turned 94!

Also, cards and calls are welcomed by Robert Doane, who is home after treatment at Strong Hospital and is receiving chemo therapy. (585) 288-1643.

Becky Elwell is doing much better and will be coming home very soon.

Jim Sittnick is likely getting a new kidney in November!!

Additional Announcements

FROM THE GARDEN: We have heard many thanks for strawberries, zucchini, cucumbers, the first tomatoes, herbs and flowers along Clinton and Court Streets from individuals in the neighborhood and from St Joe's House of Hospitality. And in turn we thank our team of garden waterers and mother nature! It would be helpful if we had names and contact information of the good people composting at church. Please let Sarah Singal know who you are! You may contact her via . Thanks!
RAIHN MATCH: We have reached our goal of $1,000 for the R ochester A rea I nterfaith H ospitality N etwork match and a friend of the congregation will donate $2,000. The total of $3,000 will be sent to the RAIHN Day Center to make improvements for comfort and security. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: We need a volunteer who likes to take portrait photos. We will assemble a revised Staff/Board photo display during August. Here’s your chance to use your fancy camera. Email the church office at if you can volunteer for this.
OUR BEAUTIFUL SANCTUARY PIANO: Our piano is provided by the Eastman School of Music, as we are the hosts of the Thursday lunchtime concerts during the year. This summer, the piano will be undergoing some maintenance and repair. When the Eastman piano is unavailable, we will be using an electronic instrument provided by a church member. Thanks to Eastman, and to church friends for their efforts to keep the music going during summer services!
PROJECT TEAM SUGGESTIONS: The Project Team consists of members who have been approved by the Board of Trustees. The team reports to FIAC (Faith In Action Council) and the Board and is tasked to come up with and submit a recommendation on a targeted project for congregational involvement that satisfies our mission of dealing with systemic racism in Rochester.  The Project Team welcomes your suggestions and comments at
CHURCH LIBRARY & BOOKSTORE SUMMER HOURS: The church library and bookstore is closed through August 26. We will resume our regular weekly schedule again starting September 2.
SUMMER READING: FIAC (Faith In Action Council) and the Project Team recommend the book When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir, by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele available in the church library during regular library hours starting September 2.
T o submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist,"
no later than Wednesday at noon.   
Peter House , Summer Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development

Director of Music

Andrea Lewis , Office Administrator / Editor

150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |