Join us next Sunday

March 31, 2024

10:30am Sunday Service: Between Death and Resurrection

The disciples in the Easter narrative had to live in-between: between knowing and not knowing, between belief and disbelief, between the death they witnessed and the resurrection some continually experienced. Their stories have something to teach us this Easter about doubt, certainty, and living in-between.

Speaker: Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell

Masking in the First Universalist church building is optional, please respect any distancing requests.

A mask-required section of the sanctuary is designated for those preferring to stay masked.

Worship Link

Via Zoom:

Via phone:
Dial 1-646-558-8656,
and enter the
Meeting ID: 131-764-422

Worship Service Video: 3/24/24

Entering with Ambiguity

with Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell

Upcoming Events &
Additional Announcements

Tuesday, March 26 | Drop-In Discussion: Cultural Appropriation and Sacred Music

The Music Committee and our Minister of Music, Dr. Brock Tjosvold, will lead a discussion about the ongoing efforts at First Universalist to honor a diverse array of musical traditions in our services. This session will also address the challenges of doing this work while avoiding committing ‘cultural appropriation’. How do we understand ‘cultural appropriation’ and how can we honor all traditions without appropriating the ones that aren't our own? Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!  

Thursday, March 28 | Eastman at Washington Square: "Eastman Opera Theatre: Dialogues des Carmélites"

Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. March 28 is "Eastman Opera Theatre: Dialogues des Carmélites": Enjoy a preview of this quasi-historical opera by Francis Poulenc that is set in Paris at the close of the 18th century. As signs of the French Revolution begin to unsettle the country, a fearful young noblewoman seeks sanctuary in a convent, where, amid unspeakable tragedy, her faith in God will be tested. Admission is free!

Friday, March 29 | Tenebrae Service

Our three UU congregations of the Greater Rochester Area will join for a service of mourning, remembering, and holding silence at 7pm at First Universalist and online. This service honors the moment when Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross, honors the grief that the disciples felt, and allows us to give voice to our sense of loss. Tenebrae will be a quiet and contemplative service. The service link can be found on the homepage.

Saturday, March 30 | Aaron Lockhart Performance

In the Christian tradition, Holy Saturday is a day of quiet reflection before the celebration of Easter morning. During this meditative season, please join pianist and composer, Aaron Lockhart, as he offers his piece "endingbeginninginterludes" on March 30 at 1pm in the sanctuary. This piece is an immersive experience alternating between soft, simple repetitive patterns and silence. It encourages dwelling in the basic qualities of sound: the appearing, the enduring, the disappearing, and the spaces between. Feel free to bring cushions, pillows, etc., and sit anywhere in the sanctuary as Aaron shares this special piece with First Universalist. There will also be a reception in Clara Barton Lounge following the performance.

Sunday, March 31 | Message From Stewardship

The Stewardship Team wishes you a Happy Easter and reminds you to complete your pledge information for the 2024-25 church year. You can pledge online by going to and clicking on the Stewardship button at the top. 

Monday, April 8 | Total Solar Eclipse at First Unitarian

Rochester is in the path of totality! Plan now to join your UU friends and community for a collective experience of awe, amazement, and fellowship! They are planning a full afternoon of kids' and adults' activities before the eclipse starts (you can beat the traffic by getting there as early as 1pm), collective viewing, and then worship/music & food to follow! Be part of this once-in-a-lifetime event in an enjoyable atmosphere at First Unitarian. They also plan to stream the live event from the NASA feed, in case of cloudy conditions. But that never happens in Rochester in April, does it?

Saturday, April 13 | Getting Connected!

If you feel like First Universalist is your spiritual home, we encourage you to join us for our Getting Connected class on April 13, 9:30am-noon in the Clara Barton Lounge and online. When you become a member, you make a decision to participate in being part of beloved community at a deeper level. Membership entitles you to vote, to have a voice in the direction of the church, and to be a leader. Members create our church!

Joys & Sorrows

Please send your Joys and Sorrows to be read at our Sunday Worship service to

Note: When you email a joy or sorrow to us, you are giving us permission to read it aloud at our Sunday service and possibly publish it in this weekly email. Thank you!

To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to: 
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)


Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell,


Rev. Michelle Yates,

Minister of Life Span Faith Development

(716) 208-5891

Dr. Brock Tjosvold,

Director of Music

Mx. Emma Barry,

Office Manager

Maresa Carmody,

Finance Admin

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150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |
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 Tuesday - Friday
9am - 4pm
(closed Monday)

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