Our denomination's annual business meeting runs June 22-26 this year. What will be voted on, discussed and presented - and what does that mean to us at First Universalist in Rochester? Give your input to delegates so they can represent YOUR wishes. Karen LoBracco presents. Drop-In Discussions are virtual! We meet on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the
First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!
Do you (or someone you know) need a COVID-19 test?
Need of a COVID-19 test, but can't find one or afford one? Come visit us! We have had a generous donation of COVID-19 tests and we want to help the community. Please email
office@uuroc.org to arrange a pickup time! No questions asked!
Reminder: Summer Services Begin on June 26!
We will begin having Sunday Services at our usual summer starting time, 10am, beginning on June 26. We hope to see you there!
FPGROC Summer Celebrations and Richard Brush Memorial Fund Update!
Miss seeing our shelter guests? Here is a chance to connect. FPGROC is holding two celebrations for guests and graduates: on Wednesday, June 29th, and Wednesday, July 20, from 4-8pm at the Day Center, 142 Webster Ave. If you would like to help with planning, set up or take down, food prep, or hospitality, sign up
As of June 8, we are 60% of the way toward the matching goal of $2500 offered by an anonymous donor for the Richard Brush Memorial Fund! The fund will help pay for temporary apartment housing for families as they look for permanent housing. To donate online, use the "Donate" button on
First Universalist's homepage or
https://bit.ly/donate_uuroc. Be sure to choose the designation
"Richard Brush Memorial Fund". Or write a check to First Universalist with "Richard Brush Memorial Fund" on the memo line. For more information, contact Chris DeGolyer or Ed Deller.
From the Caring Committee: Calling All Drivers!
Are you looking for a way to support our congregation? Consider signing up for our Driver Brigade: give a ride for those of us who no longer drive, or may need assistance with doctor visits or grocery shopping. Please contact
drivers@uuroc.org if you can join our Driver Brigade. Thank you.
June 22-26 | Upcoming UUA General Assembly
Did you know that the
UUA General Assembly is meeting online and in-person on June 22 - 26 in Portland, Oregon? General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. That remains true even when we cannot gather physically. For those who enjoyed the accessibility of remote participation, General Assembly will continue to offer virtual attendance with robust programming!
Sunday, June 26 | Big Book Sale!
The Library Committee is having a book sale after Sunday services on June 26, with used books for sale for whatever you choose to pay and new books for sale at half price! We need payment in exact change or checks for the new books. We will have a display of new books in our lending library, including a novel by Steve Searls, a memoir by Elizabeth Osta, a history of the freedom struggle in Rochester, and a textbook on critical race theory. We’re unsure when we’ll be open on a regular basis for buying/borrowing/browsing so if you want to stock up on summer reading material, this is a good opportunity!
July 13 | PRIDE Night Out at the Red Wings with Rochester Religious Communities
First Universalist is teaming up with a bunch of religious communities in Rochester to attend PRIDE Night Out with the Rochester Red Wings baseball team on Wednesday, July 13, at 7:05pm. Tickets are $10 per person. Please wear your First Universalist t-shirt or your Side with Love t-shirt. Discounted tickets can be purchased
using this link! If you need accessible seating, please contact Mike at