Join us this Sunday
October 28, 2018

10:30 am Morning Service:   October 28, | Remembrance Sunday. On the closest Sunday to All Saints Day and Dia De Los Muertos, we pause to remember the many loved ones who are gone from our days. People are invited to bring photos and mementos of loved ones who have died to create a community altar. Waters will be poured in the church garden from the water communion ingathering service to honor the loved ones we have lost this year.
—Rev. Lane Campbell

9:15 am Drop In Discussion: October 28, | What Gives Us the Will to Live? Based on a recent topic in the Universalist Herald. Because we are alive, we know that we will eventually die. Are you afraid of dying and is it the pain of death that causes fear or the uncertainty (or certainty) of what’s on the other side? Does difficulty in life make you love life more or does it weaken your resolve to have a quality life? David Damico facilitates.

On November 4, Rev. Lane will discuss Welcoming the Stranger .

Upcoming Events


Office Hours Are:
Tuesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Thursday: Study Day
Friday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Lane is here! And she would like to make time to meet with YOU! Yes, you. She would like to make time one-to-one with all of the members of First Universalist to get to know you a bit. Sign-up sheets will be available on the bulletin board just outside the Sanctuary. Please sign up! You may also contact her at .

The Eastman Washington Square Concerts. Be present in the sanctuary at 12:15 pm on October 25 for  Music for Clarinet and Piano. A recital of clarinet and piano music featuring clarinetist Carl Galland and pianist Gloria Engle, doctoral students from the Eastman School of Music. They will be playing works by Brahms, Poulenc, and more. For more information visit,

October's Book Group pick is Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. A true story about the Osage tribe murders and the birth of the FBI. Please join us October 28 at 12 noon upstairs in the Chalice Room for a lively discussion of this well researched not to mention riveting  book. Questions? Please see Shirley Bond or Sarah Singal.

~ From the Caring Committee ~
Keep These People In Your
Prayers & Meditations

We are sad to inform you that Marti Eggers' friend Jim Budd passed away on October 14. Click here for Jim's Obituary -

Christine DeGolyer's brother Scott passed away Tuesday night. Remember the family in thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.

Katherine Flynn's niece had surgery this past week. Her niece is also dealing with the recent death of her husband and Katherine will be going to Milwaukee to help her niece with recovery.

Additional Announcements

FALL CLEAN UP DAY : Please mark Saturday, November 3 from 9:00 am until noon, on your calendar to help with the cleaning and winter preparation of the church.There are tasks for any level of ability. Let either Tom Ruganis or Ed Deller know if you can join us.
SPARE CHANGE DRIVE:  Empty all your pockets, your cup holders and drawers and bring your spare change to church on Sunday, November 4 and 11. Last year’s collection helped make the holidays bright for a settled RAIHN family of five. Through your generosity toys, clothing, and a gift card, as well as a book for each child were purchased, wrapped and delivered to the Day Center. Let’s keep the tradition going. Yes, let’s!  
NEW UU BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE: The church bookstore and library have acquired three new books of special interest for buying and borrowing. They are: Faithful Practices: Everyday Ways to Feed Your Spirit  edited by Erik Walker Wikstrom; Justice on Earth: People of Faith at the Intersections of Class, Race and the Environment  edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom; and Revisiting the Empowerment Controversy: Black Power and Unitarian Universalism  by Mark Morrison-Reed.
SERVICE AUCTION 2019:  Save the date! Sunday, February 3, 2019 after the Worship Service. It’s barely fall, but not too early to plan for this year’s Service Auction! Our major fund-raiser for the year, the Service Auction provides fun and fellowship for everyone while helping our church’s mission. You’ll be hearing much more about the Service Auction, but for now, put the date on your 2019 calendar and plan to participate! The Auction’s co-chairs are Paula Marchese and Katherine Flynn.
*REACH HOME: will open its fourth temporary Winter Emergency Shelter mid-November (date TBA). Let's help. Please donate TOILET PAPER. Place your donation in a labeled box in the Clara Barton Lounge, next to the corner cupboard. Last day to donate is November 4. Many thanks, Lois Baum, Home-less Heartbeats. *Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence of Which We Are a Part.  

FIELD TRIP: Savannah Pig Rescue (14 miles east of Lyons, NY, Wayne County), a sanctuary for abandoned, pet, pot-bellied pigs. We plan to visit one afternoon, on a good weather day, within the next two weeks. Care to join us? Contact Lois Baum, Animal Ministries at .

GREENER U: Environmental Impacts of Detergent Surfactants . These are chemicals that reduce the surface tension of oil and water. In detergents, surfactants help dirt drop out and stay out of clothing. Surfactants in detergents are toxic to aquatic life, persist in the environment, and break down into additional toxic byproducts, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "In a freshwater environment, those detergents break down the protective mucus layer that coats fish, protecting them from parasites and bacteria. The reduced surface tension of water makes it easier for aquatic life to absorb pesticides, phenols and other pollutants in the water. The EPA advises that surfactants can disrupt the endocrine systems of humans and animals." Suggested natural ALTERNATIVES include: Method, Eco, or Seventh Generation. For more information, visit Many thanks, Lois Baum for EcoJustice Social Justice Circle.

To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
no later than Wednesday at noon.   
Rev. Lane Campbell , Minister
(585) 325-5092

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development
(585) 310-2484

Mr. Brock Tjosvold , Director of Music
(585) 546-2826

Andrea Lewis , Office Administrator / Editor
(585) 546-2826

150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 546-2826