10:30 a.m. Service:
Lean Toward the Light. Reflection on our time together, in light of the Summer Solstice.
- Rev. Celie Katovitch
9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:
Trumpocalypse. We’ll share our thoughts and vent our feelings about the drama unfolding in Washington. Phil Ebersole will moderate.
Church Office Closed June 12-16
Please note that the church office will be closed this week, June 12-16.
Memorial Birthday Celebration for Lauretta Young
Join us on Saturday, June 17th at 6:00 p.m. at Maplewood Park and Rose Garden to remember Lauretta and celebrate her birthday. The Park will be beautiful this time of year! We’ll gather near the parking area. Bring a brown bag supper and a blanket or chair, in case picnic tables are not available. Please see Marcia Weaver or Shirley Bond for more information. Hope to see you there!
The McFarland-Porter family invites our church community to join us celebrating Elizabeth as she performs her high school senior music recital in voice, oboe, piano at 1pm Sunday, June 18th, in the Sanctuary. Teryle Watson will accompany on piano. A reception in the Clara Barton Lounge will follow.
Join the Children's Worship Team!
Have you noticed more regular faces among the kids at our church? Attendance is up, and we are looking to train a few more adults to lead and assist with Children's Worship. No teaching experience needed! We will be holding our Children's Worship Team trainings Sunday, June 25th @ 11:15am-12 noon (part 1), and Sunday, July 9th @ 11:30am-12:30pm (part 2). Please feel free to come to get more information and feel out if this ministry is a good fit for you. Also we are looking for members to share a craft, memory or life experience by being our "Guest" on one Sunday. This is a great way to learn about our program first hand, and get to know the youngest members of our community. Contact Rev. Michelle with questions or to sign up at edu@uuroc.org.
In less than two weeks, June 25-July 2, we will host temporarily homeless families at First Universalist. We still need volunteers to do such things as setting up, cooking, staying overnight, and cleaning up. Each volunteer works as part of a team; it's a great opportunity to get to know other volunteers, as well as the RAIHN guests. If you're unsure what a volunteer spot involves, ask us about shadowing a seasoned volunteer. Contact Chris DeGolyer (chrisdeg@frontiernet.net or 461-3616), Marti Eggers (mceggers@gmail.com), Sarah Singal, ssingal@rochester.rr.com ,or see Chris after the Sunday service. *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence
ECO-JUUSTICE GROUP: Next EcoJustice meeting will be held off-site on June 14th, 9:30 am. Please contact Sarah Singal (ssingal@rochester.rr.com) for details.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY LIVESTREAM: Interested in seeing some GA events livestreamed at Church (June 21-25)? Rev. Michelle, our Director of Lifespan Faith Development, is happy to support others in setting up the technology to livestream some of the highlights at church. Please email Rev. Michelle at edu@uuroc.org if you are interested and want to help in making more of the evening and weekend events available to all. To view a schedule of events, visit http://www.uua.org/ga/program/schedule.
LIBRARY SUMMER SCHEDULE: The library and bookstore will be open on June 18. During the summer they will be open on only two Sundays - July 16 and August 13. These would be good times to stock up on inexpensive summer reading. They also would be good times to return overdue library books. They're due back after four weeks.
BOOK GROUP: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren is our book selection for June 25th. This book is perfect for the beginning of summer. The time and the location have been changed: We will meet at 11:15 in the back of the Sanctuary. Also, please bring a book title you think would be a great read for our September 24th meet-up.
FROM THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE: Do you enjoy the mellow, friendly vibe of summer services at First Universalist, and the excellent preaching of our summer minister, Peter House? We need a few folks to help make it happen. You don't need to be at every service; summer service team members take turns being present to welcome visitors, be a resource for Peter, and make sure things run smoothly. Please talk to Bridget Watts or email wattsbridget7@gmail.com if you have questions or would like to help.
SUMMER SCHEDULE: Our summer schedule beings Sunday, June 25. Our worship service will begin at 10:00 a.m., followed by Drop-in Discussion at 11:15.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Beginning Monday, June 26, the church office will be open Monday through Thursday, 9-3:15 (closed Fridays).
LOST AND FOUND: The lost and found box is in the Clara Barton Lounge. Please take a look to see if anything in it belongs to you. Unclaimed items will be donated after June 25.
PRIDE PARADE: March with us in the Pride Parade, with other UUs, on July 15. Please sign up on the Social Justice bulletin board in the Clara Barton Lounge with your contact information, so that you can be notified of the exact place to meet. Or contact Connie Valk at cvalk@frontiernet.net.
NEEDED - BRAND NEW WASHCLOTHS AND SOCKS: Our Homelessness Task Force (HTF) is collecting washcloths and socks (NEW only) to donate to House of Mercy. There, our own Kate Fleury joins others in washing the feet of those who walk the streets. A soothing foot wash, with nice new washcloths, plus a brand new pair of socks, makes such a difference ... for their health as well as comfort. Let's help out! Please donate as you are able: * Washcloths and/or Socks (NEW ONLY) ~ any size, any color * Clara Barton Lounge: place in box labeled for this drive * We will collect all summer long. HTF members will deliver your donations directly to the new House of Mercy on Ormond Street. Your compassion is greatly appreciated! ~Lois Baum, Chair HTF
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail office@uuroc.org no later than Thursday at noon.
Rev. Celie Katovitch,
Rev. Michelle Yates,
Director of Life Span Faith Development
Stacey Yang,
Director of Music
Melissa Davies,
Office Administrator
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 - 3:15