Tuesdays | Drop-In Discussion:
“We should neither lionize nor excoriate our predecessors,” –Lonnie Bunch
What do you think about these name-changing, statue-toppling times? We’ll think of and discuss examples of “heroes” whose reputation has been sullied by historical facts — including Thomas Jefferson and other UU luminaries. Theo Munson presents.
Weekly Midweek Meditation sessions are held each Wednesday at 11:30am! Look on the
First Universalist homepage for details and a link!
Note: Midweek Meditation is cancelled on March 30!
Thursday, Mar. 31 | Eastman at Washington Square
Solo Piano Music from 1922, Part II
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. March 31 is "Solo Piano Music fron 1922: The Dawn of Eastman, Part II": Piano students from the studio of Professor Tony Caramia present two concerts, as part of Eastman Centennial Celebration. Admission is free! Please wear a mask and do not bring food or drink into the sanctuary with you.
April 10 | Stewardship Sunday: For All That is Our Life
Our stewardship campaign, "For All That Is Our Life", is in full swing!
You should have received your pledging packet in the mail this week. If not, email
finance@uuroc.org and we'll get it to you.
Please return your pledge card by or on Stewardship Sunday, April 10. You can drop it in the mail or put it in the collection box at church on Sunday. You can also complete your pledge online at
uuroc.org/stewardship. That link will also provide access to "
Stewardship Basics & FAQ". Your support is vital to the continuation of the important work of our church!
April 24 | Racism in Health Care: Historic Inequities Ingrained in Healthcare Today
Panelists: Roneika Burns, Program Specialist (
Hospital Workers Union, 1199SEIU); Kesha Carter, Diversity Professional (CCSI); Phyllis Jackson, RN (
Community Wellness Project Manager at Common Ground); Shani Wilson, PA (
URMC); Theo Munson, MPH (
FIRE team co-chair) Please RSVP to
FIRE@uuroc.org by April 22 to receive the Zoom link.
April 30 | Path to Membership Session!
Want to learn more about First Universalist Church? Considering becoming a member? Then please join Rev. Lane, Rev. Michelle, and others for a “
Path to Membership” session April 30 at 9:30am in the Clara Barton Lounge. RSVP to