Volunteers Needed - Marie Sidoti Memorial Service
The Caring Committee will be staffing the Memorial Service for Marie Sidoti on Saturday, March 9. Help is needed for set up, ushering, and clean-up, At the moment we have 3 greeters and 1 usher. One more usher and two hardy, heavy lifting souls for CLB set-up either Friday afternoon or early (9:30am) Saturday; 1 or 2 clean-up folks. If interested, please email caring@uuroc.org. Thank you!
Tuesday, March 5 | Drop-In Discussion: Religions versus Cults: What’s the Difference?
Driving east along the NY Thruway I see highway billboards proclaiming that a certain religious organization is a cult. I’ve heard political commentators talking about the personality cult surrounding Donald Trump. What is a cult? What is religion? Can a religious organization be a cult? Are there ways to tell the difference? John Lukes will define terms and lead our discussion. Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!
Sunday, March 10 | Wanted: Donors...
... to strike out homelessness at Family Promise's Bowl-a-thon. Every $300 we give shelters a family for two weeks! Lanes are SOLD OUT, but we gratefully welcome contributions to our fundraiser and donations to support bowlers who are already registered.
When: Sunday, March 10. Registration12:45pm; bowling 1:30pm.
Where: Bowl-a-Roll Lanes, 1560 Jefferson Rd, Henrietta.
To donate: Go to fpgroc.org/bowl and click on "Purchase Tickets Here". On the next page, click on "Tix/Sponsor/Donate", then on "No thanks, I'd just like to donate". We already have an anonymous donor who will give $1 for every point the bowlers make, up to 300 points! Help us support Family Promise of Greater Rochester!
March 17, 18, & 22 | EcoJustice: “The Week”
EcoJustice is participating in The Week, showing three inspiring videos followed by discussion, exploring what is happening to our ecosystem, and what we can do about it. Check out theweek.ooo. We will meet in the Clara Barton Lounge, from 2:30-4pm. If you would like to join us, please let Howard Spindler or Vicki Venn know.
Friday, March 29 | Tenebrae Service
Our three UU congregations of the Greater Rochester Area will join for a service of mourning, remembering, and holding silence 7pm at First Universalist and online. This service honors the moment when Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross, honors the grief that the disciples felt, and gives us an opportunity to give voice to our own sense of loss. Tenebrae will be a quiet and contemplative service. Service link can be found on the uuroc.org homepage.
Housing For All Interest Form!
Recently we asked you to fill out a checklist of proposed projects for Housing For All. If you missed it, we still want to know your interests! Please pick up a paper copy of the list titled “Group Projects - Interest Areas” at either entrance to the sanctuary, fill it out and leave it in the box at the front of the sanctuary. Or fill out the online form here. This is to indicate interest, not a commitment. We want to hear from you, whether you’re a long-time member or new to the church. Questions? Ask Marti Eggers or Chris DeGolyer.