Tuesday, December 5 | Drop-In Discussion:
Rochester's Guaranteed Basic Income Program
What's happening and what we can learn from this cutting-edge program. Presented by Lydia Rodriquez, GBI Program Coordinator, Black Community Focus Fund. Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!
Thursday, December 7 | Eastman at Washington Square: Maple String Quartet
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. December 7 is "Maple String Quartet": Come to hear Brahms, String Quartet No. 2 performed by Eastman students Isabel Chen and Magali Pelletey, violins, John Crowley, viola, and Gabriel Hennebury, cello. Admission is free!
Friday, December 8 | Jon Randall Octet in Concert!
Join us for an evening of straight-ahead and Brazilian Jazz in the sanctuary of First Universalist from 7-9pm. The JRO is comprised of seasoned Rochester-area musicians, performing original compositions and arrangements from be-bop to Brazilian. An octet offers the tight arrangements of a big band with the space for improvisation of a combo – the best of both, some might say. Admission is free!
Sunday, December 10 | Monthly Food Ingathering
Our monthly food ingathering for the Community Food Cupboard, YAY! Low-sodium non-perishable food, toiletries, paper products, and cash are needed!
Staff Bonus Time!
The staff at First Universalist is as hardworking and dedicated as they come! Once a year, church members and friends can show our appreciation in a special way: with a Holiday Bonus. This year’s staff bonus collection will take place during the service on Sunday, December 3 and 17. You are welcome to donate in the offering basket, online, or by sending a check to church.
Adopt-a-Family for Christmas
Many thanks to the people who so generously offered to provide gifts for a family of eight that Family Promise (FPGROC) had sheltered. We now have enough gifts for every member of the family! If you volunteered, please bring your wrapped and tagged gift to church on Sunday, December 10, when Marti Eggers will collect the gifts in the Clara Barton Lounge. If you can't deliver the gift then, please make arrangements with Chris DeGolyer (fpgroc@uuroc.org) to deliver the gift before Friday, December 15.