Join us this Sunday
10:00 a.m. Service:  Moving to Winona Blvd.  We all work toward security and success. Is there a downside to attaining them? We will look at the price we pay for security. Peter House, summer minister.

11:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  Recalling the Civil Rights StruggleTim Mullins will share his experiences as a civil rights worker in Alabama in the dangerous year of 1965.
Upcoming Events
Memorial Service for Martha Munson
A memorial service for Martha Munson will take place at First Universalist on Saturday, July 15 at 10:00 a.m. The Caring Committee needs help with ushering, set-up, clean-up, and numerous other tasks.  Please email Paula Marchese [email protected] if you can assist in any way. Thank you. 

March with us in the Pride Parade!

March with us in the Pride Parade, with other UUs, on July 15.  Please sign up on the Social Justice bulletin board in the Clara Barton Lounge with your contact information, so that you can be notified of the exact place to meet. Or contact Connie Valk at [email protected].

RAIHN Challenge Announced!

A kind friend of First Universalist has offered a generous challenge to help us host our RAIHN guests!  Our friend will match every donation to the RAIHN Discretionary Fund, up to $1500.  If this challenge is fully realized, our fund could increase by $3,000, which would help us to provide more comfort, care, and support for those we serve during our RAIHN host weeks.  To donate, please make your check payable to First Universalist Church and note “RAIHN Challenge” in the memo line.
Additional Announcements

CBL REMODEL PROJECT:  Please note that tentatively, the carpet in the Clara Barton Lounge will be getting replaced July 17 - 21.  Please avoid entering the building through the parking lot during during that time, as the lounge will be inaccessible.  If you need to enter the building during business hours, please ring the bell at the side door on Court Street and Melissa will let you in. Thank you.


SEEKING TEMPORARY OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR:  Our Office Administrator will be out on maternity leave at the end of October and we are looking for someone to fill in for about eight weeks, starting around Oct 8, 2017. The job is 25 hours a week, from Tuesday to Friday. Please e-mail [email protected] for a copy of the job description.  Resume, references and a cover letter should be send to to [email protected].  Interviews will take place in September.

LIBRARY SUMMER SCHEDULE:  During the summer, the First Universalist Church library and bookstore will be open July 16, with Marcia Weaver, and August 13, with Keith Stott, for buying, borrowing and browsing.  But our free books box, free magazine exchange and free children's books shelf are available any day at any time.

SOCKS &TOWELS SUMMER DONATIONS:  "Homeless Heartbeats" (formerly called Homelessness Task Force) is collecting: SOCKS and TOWELS (used OR new) for footwashing at House of Mercy. There, our own Kate Fleury joins others in washing the feet of those who walk the streets. A soothing foot wash makes such a difference ... for health as well as comfort. Let's help out!  Please donate as you are able:
* Socks and/or Towels (used OR new) ~ any size, any color
* Clara Barton Lounge ~ place in box labeled for this drive
* We will collect all summer long.  HH members will deliver your donations directly to the new House of Mercy on Ormond Street.
Your compassion is greatly appreciated! 

~Lois Baum, Chair

Homeless Heartbeats (formerly Homelessness Task Force)

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail  [email protected] no later than Thursday at noon.  

Peter House, Summer  Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 | [email protected]