or the last 145 years, Rochester has hosted an Interfaith Thanksgiving Day Service - a time for folks to come together across seeming dividing lines to worship and give thanks. The theme as we head into 2020 is "Sowing Seeds for a Peaceful Election Year." Worship begins at 11:00am. Feel free to bring friends and family of all faiths to this important interfaith event!
Cozy Night Supper | November 29 at 5:30pm
Wondering what to do with those Thanksgiving extras? Join us for a Cozy Night Supper and share the bounty! It will be held in the Clara Barton Lounge with a potluck dinner from 5:30-6:30pm and a program from 6:30-7:30pm. The program facilitated by Rev. Michelle Yates focuses on gratitude. UU Minister Rev. Galen Guengerich offers his “conviction that in the same way that Judaism is defined by obedience, Christianity by love, and Islam by submission, Unitarian Universalism should be defined by gratitude” Let's explore this idea together. Please let us know you will be attending by communicating with the church office or signing up on the hallway bulletin board. Childcare is available if requested a week in advance.
Thursday, Dec. 5 | Eastman at Washington Square
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. December 5 is "
Piano Extravaganza II": Featuring students from the piano studio of Professor Alexander Kobrin. Admission is free! Bring your brown bag lunch and join us.
*No Concert on 11/28-Happy Thanksgiving!*
Annual Treasurer's Report
The 2018-19 Fiscal year concluded on June 30, and the final accounting and summary is available. If you'd like a copy of the report, we'd be happy to share
(we're not making multiple paper copies this year). Just contact Finance Chair Ann Rhody (
finance@uuroc.org) and we'd be happy to provide you with one!
Social Justice Project: Collection for Batavia Backpack Project with Los Samaritanos
As a social justice project, our children voted to create Dignity Bags for those released from the Batavia Detention Center. They will assemble these bags at a Family night in January, but are asking for content donations until then. Items can be left in the food collection baskets in the sanctuary.
Items needed:
backpacks (can be used, but appropriate for an adult), non-perishable packaged snacks, combs, travel toothbrushes and toothpastes, wet wipes and/or hand sanitizers, small packets of tissues, sturdy envelopes for important papers, empty reusable water bottles, $20 in cash/visa gift card for $20, pairs of socks, small notebooks and pens, winter coats, sweatshirts, packet hand warmers, hats and gloves.
Thank you!