Join us this Sunday
10:30 a.m. Service:  Love Mercy.  The 2nd in series of 4 services on living our religious values, reflecting on words of prophet Micah: "What is required of you but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God?"

9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:  What Is Spirituality?  One of the seven affirmations of Unitarian Universalism is to promote “spiritual growth” in our congregations.  What is spiritual growth? spiritual experience? spiritual practice?  Can you be spiritual but not religious?  religious but not spiritual?  Phil Ebersole, who is not especially spiritual, will lead a discussion.
Upcoming Events
Mindfulness & Meditation - January 22

Join us for an introduction and "show and tell" on Mindfulness & Meditation from 9:15 to 10:00 a.m. in the back of the Sanctuary before our January 22nd Sunday service.  Glenda's Renaissance group, SANCTUARY, will provide some ethereal music, Rev. Celie will offer a few readings, and there will be an opportunity to "sit" quietly and to ask questions.  

Wondering what to donate?

Our 2017 Auction is coming!  Donation forms are available at church, via e-mail ([email protected]) OR use our online donation form by clicking here. Donations must be received by Wednesday, January 25 in order to be in the auction booklet.  

Wondering what to donate?  Services, social events, food, and unique items are big sellers…. the service auction isn’t a good place for “garage sale” donations. If you have questions about potential donation items, please contact Paula Marchese at [email protected].  And be sure to stay for the auction on February 5th!

The People's Solidarity Rally will take place this Saturday at 11AM in Washington Square Park, followed by a post-rally gathering at First Universalist Church from 12-1PM.  Reject the post-election hate and stand up for the rights, justice, and safety of all.  Organized by Action Together Rochester - Stronger Together WNY.  

If you would like to stay after the rally and help clean up, please contact Carole Hoffman at [email protected].

Congregational Meeting & Vote - Jan. 29

A second congregational meeting will be held in the sanctuary following our service on Sunday, January 29, to take a formal vote on adopting this new Social Justice framework.  The Social Justice Task Force report can be found on our website (click here).  

Childcare will be provided.

Additional Announcements

JOIN SMALL GROUP MINISTRY!  A new Small Group will meet at 1:30 PM Thursday afternoons in the Chalice Room.  The first session will be scheduled once six people have signed up.  These sessions will be especially convenient for people who attend the Eastman at Washington Square concerts. The sessions will be conducted weekly or every two weeks, according to the desires of the participants. Contact Bob Remley at [email protected] or (585) 637-6159 to sign up or ask questions about plans for the sessions. If you are unfamiliar with Small Group Ministry, please visit the Small Group Ministry page on our website by clicking here.

COZY NIGHT SUPPER:  Friday, January 27th from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. will be our Empty Bowls Project.  Mitch Gruber, chief program officer at Foodlink and researcher in the history of food networks/persistent poverty will present a program at 6:30 highlighting local hunger needs and answering questions. For a donation of at least $8, you can take home a lovely handmade bowl of your choice that you used for dinner and donated to us by local potters.  All funds generated from the evening will be given to Foodlink. Please Sign up on the Religious Education Board in the Clara Barton Lounge or by contacting Kathy Russell at [email protected].

BOOK GROUP will not meet on January 29th due to the congregational vote taking place after the service. Book Group will resume on February 26th to discuss "Americanah" by Chimamanda Adichie. Any questions happily answered by Sarah Singal ([email protected]) or Shirley Bond ([email protected]).

TRAIN for RAIHN: Join our RAIHN* team of caring volunteers to help temporarily homeless families get back on their feet. Attend a two hour orientation session about putting the RAIHN philosophy into action. Attending the orientation is not a commitment, but  we hope you will join us as a volunteer during our next RAIHN Week, March 26 - April 2. Two orientations are coming up:  Tuesday, January 24th, 6:30-8:30pm at Artisan Church, 1235 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, AND Wednesday, February 8th, 6:30-8:30pm at St. Louis Catholic Church, 64 S. Main St., Pittsford. If you plan to attend one of these sessions, RSVP to Jen Canning, [email protected] or 506-9050. *Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence

To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail [email protected] no later than Thursday at noon.  


Rev. Celie Katovitch, Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates, Director of Life Span Faith Development

Stacey Yang, Director of Music

Melissa Davies, Office Administrator
150 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 | [email protected]