Join us this Sunday
June 24, 2018

Our Summer Schedule Starts Today!

10:00 am Morning Servi ce:   The Gift of Taking People at Face Value. Have you ever been approached by someone on the street who asks for money and gives you an implausible story? We'll explore those times when taking people at face value is a gift we can give the world. 
—Peter House, Summer Minister
Book Group: After the service today we will explore June's book selection Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This book is a classic narrative about Africa's encounter with Europe as it establishes a presence on the continent. Please join us at 12 noon upstairs in the Chalice Room for a lively discussion! You do not have to have read the book; your insights will be gratefully received. Hope to see you then. Also for those of you that wish to get a head start, July's selection will be Behold the Dreamers by Imbole Mbue. 

Upcoming Events

The Alliance of the Police Accountability Board

First Universalist is a member of this board and is asking for your attendance at the City Council meeting June 19 at 6:30 to lobby City Council to support a Police Accountability Board. Rev. Meeker will be among the faith leaders speaking to the Council. Contact Shirley Bond for more details via .
All Are Called GA

General Assembly needs delegates! It’s in Kansas City this year on June 20-24. Please check   for program details, and see Shirley Bond to reserve your space. Thank you!

Virtual General Assembly

Join Rev. Meeker to watch General Assembly from the comfort of the Volunteer Room! She’ll be there at the following times: Wed. 6/20, 8 pm to 9:30 pm for the Welcoming Celebration and General Session I; Thursday 6/21 for Morning Worship, 9 to 9:45 am, General Session II, 10:15 am to 1:15 pm, and Service of the Living Tradition, 8 pm to 9:30 pm; Saturday 6/23 for the Ware Lecture (Brittany Packnett, “a leader at the intersection of culture and justice”), 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm; and Sunday 6/24 for General Session VIII, 2:30 pm to 5 pm, and the Closing Celebration, 5:30 pm to 6 pm. 

During RAIHN Week, July 8 - 15, we will turn our church into a home for temporarily homeless families by converting our classrooms into bedrooms, cooking meals, staying overnight, and providing other help. To join our volunteer team, sign up in the lounge after church on Sunday, or contact Chris DeGolyer via . If you'd like to learn more before volunteering, ask about "shadowing" experienced volunteers. * Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network

Additional Announcements

CALLING ALL MUSICIANS! Our summer services will be starting this Sunday,and music for those services is provided by volunteer musicians. Could you be one of them? Even if you have just one piece you’ve always wanted to try to perform, we’ll make a time and place for you to do it, whatever your voice or instrument. Please contact the summer music coordinator, Ann Rhody, via for more information.
THE HARVESTING JUSTICE SOCIAL JUSTICE CIRCLE: We urge you to express your outrage for the children who are being separated from their parents at the border, as the parents apply for asylum. Leave a message at 202-401-9246 , the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
UU World, the magazine of the  Unitarian Universalist Association, is a first-class magazine that  celebrates extraordinary individuals, describes how Unitarian Universalist communities put their values into action, and explores the ideas and traditions that ground them.
The quarterly magazine  is published in March, June, September, and November. The deadline to insure that you receive a copy of the upcoming September edition is June 28 . If you'd like to be added to the subscription list (it's free), drop an email to and we'll get your subscription activated.
 PROJECT TEAM SUGGESTIONS:  The Project Team welcomes your suggestions and comments at 
TIME TO SIGN UP FOR THE PRIDE PARADE: A table for sign-up will be in the Clara Barton Lounge on Sunday, July 1 & Sunday, July 8. Make a commitment to walk in the Pride Parade on Saturday, July 21, behind our First Universalist Banner. This human rights battle is far from over. Show your support and be a part of the Parade!
OPPORTUNITY TO ADD NATURAL BEAUTY TO THE SANCTUARY: We have enjoyed having regularly added fresh or dried flowers in the vases on the ledges above the pulpit platform for some years. Lyle Jenks is now releasing this "mini ministry" to others who feel so led. On weeks when no one brings branches or flowers, the "Bristoleaf" vases from the Wizard of Clay, given in honor of Joyce and Richard Gilbert, can stand alone as a lovely enhancement of our worship space.
ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Nathan Laube, co-chair of the OHS 2018 Convention and assistant professor of organ at the Eastman School of Music, along with graduate student Margaret-Mary Owens, will orchestrate the presentation of the Hope Jones OHS Citation Award in conjunction with the 2018 convention (7/29 - 8/3). Watch for details.
CHURCH LIBRARY & BOOKSTORE SUMMER HOURS: The church library and bookstore will be closed now through August 26 but will open July 15 and August 19. We will resume our regular weekly schedule again starting September 2.
SUMMER READING: FIAC and the Project Team recommend When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir, by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele (available in the church library ONLY on July 15 and August 19).
T o submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist," e-mail  
no later than Wednesday at noon.   
Peter House , Summer Minister

Rev. Michelle Yates ,
Minister of Life Span Faith Development

Director of Music

Andrea Lewis , Office Administrator / Editor

150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604 | (585) 546-2826 |