Join us next Sunday

March 3, 2024

10:30am Sunday Service: Betwixt and Between

The theme for our Unitarian Universalist congregation for the next two months is, "Living in Between." How can we live better in between as individuals and as a community? What does our Unitarian Universalist theology contain that can help us in our endeavors to live in between? 

Speaker: Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell

Masking in the First Universalist church building is optional, please respect any distancing requests.

A mask-required section of the sanctuary is designated for those preferring to stay masked.

Worship Link

Via Zoom:

Via phone:
Dial 1-646-558-8656,
and enter the
Meeting ID: 131-764-422

Worship Service Video: 2/25/24

The Art of Bouncing Back:

A Journey of Resilience and Faith

with James Smith

Upcoming Events &
Additional Announcements

Volunteers Needed - Marie Sidoti Memorial Service

The Caring Committee will be staffing the Memorial Service for Marie Sidoti on Saturday, March 9. Help is needed for set up, ushering, and clean-up, At the moment we have 3 greeters and 1 usher. One more usher and two hardy, heavy lifting souls for CLB set-up either Friday afternoon or early (9:30am) Saturday; 1 or 2 clean-up folks. If interested, please email Thank you!

Tuesday, February 27 | Drop-In Discussion: Open Topic—Possible Future Topics?!

John Lukes will lead an open-topic discussion, starting with a request for suggestions for possible future topics (and presenters), and then let’s see where we go from there! Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title! 

Thursday, February 29 | Eastman at Washington Square: "Piano Fireworks II"

Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. February 29 is "Piano Fireworks II": Featuring students from the piano studios of Professors Lomazov and Rackers. Admission is free!

Thursday, February 29 | Breakfast for All sponsored by Homeless Outreach Team

The Homeless Outreach Team will provide breakfast from 10am to noon in the Clara Barton Lounge. Clothing and counseling will be available. All are welcome to attend the Eastman at Washington Square concert afterwards in the sanctuary.

Sunday, March 3 | In-Church Drop-In Discussion: What will the next 100 years bring?

In the last 100 years, the world has changed immeasurably. What do you think may happen in the *next* 100 years? What kind of changes do you foresee in the areas of cultural awareness, submission to climate change, genetics, technology, artificial intelligence (AI), communication, and more? Will we have Utopia or Dystopia? Join David Damico as we discuss and share our thoughts and feelings. In-person drop-in discussions will continue through the church year on the first Sunday of the month at 9:15am in the Chalice Room.

Sunday, March 3 | Used Book Sale!

The library/bookstore will hold a Super Sale during coffee hour on Sunday, March 3. You will be able to buy a bag of used books for only $1.00. What a deal! You can get some great reading material and help the library free up space to display more donated books. The bookstore will have plenty of bags available. 

Sunday, March 10 | Wanted: Bowlers and Donors...

... to strike out homelessness at Family Promise's Bowl-a-thon. Every $300 we give shelters a family for two weeks!

When: Sunday, March 10. Registration starts at 12:45pm; bowling starts at 1:30pm.

Where: Bowl-a-Roll Lanes, 1560 Jefferson Rd, Henrietta.

To bowl: Go to and buy a ticket, $50 per bowler. A ticket covers bowling ball and shoes, two games, and pizza. Sign up as an individual bowler, crediting the First Universalist team, then email, and we'll add you to the First Universalist team.

To donate: Go to and click on "Purchase Tickets Here". On the next page, click on "Tix/Sponsor/Donate", then on "No thanks, I'd just like to donate". We already have an anonymous donor who will give $1 for every point the bowlers make, up to 300 points! Cheer on the team and support Family Promise of Greater Rochester!

Housing For All Interest Form!

Recently we asked you to fill out a checklist of proposed projects for Housing For All. If you missed it, we still want to know your interests! Please pick up a paper copy of the list titled “Group Projects - Interest Areas” at either entrance to the sanctuary, fill it out and leave it in the box at the front of the sanctuary. Or fill out the online form here. This is to indicate interest, not a commitment. We want to hear from you, whether you’re a long-time member or new to the church. Questions? Ask Marti Eggers or Chris DeGolyer. 

Joys & Sorrows

Please send your Joys and Sorrows to be read at our Sunday Worship service to

Note: When you email a joy or sorrow to us, you are giving us permission to read it aloud at our Sunday service and possibly publish it in this weekly email. Thank you!

To submit an item for 'This Week' at First Universalist
please e-mail it to: 
(no later than noon on Wednesday of the week prior to publication)


Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell,


Rev. Michelle Yates,

Minister of Life Span Faith Development

(716) 208-5891

Dr. Brock Tjosvold,

Director of Music

Mx. Emma Barry,

Office Manager

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150 S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-2826 |
Virtual Office Hours
 Tuesday - Friday
9am - 4pm
(closed Monday)

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