Tuesday, November 14 | Drop-In Discussion:
The Best Care Possible at End of Life
“The Best Care Possible at End of Life” by Ira Byock, MD, will be the basis for our discussion. When it comes to end-of-life decisions, there are few easy answers and limited legal options. Medical Aid in Dying legislation in New York State is pending, come share your views. Theo Munson presents. Drop-in Discussions meet via Zoom on Tuesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm. Look on the First Universalist homepage for details and a link, or click the Zoom meeting link in this blurb title!
Thursday, November 16 | Eastman at Washington Square: Piano Extravaganza I
Eastman at Washington Square Concerts take place on Thursdays at 12:15 to 12:45pm in our sanctuary. November 16 is "Piano Extravaganza I": Featuring students from the piano studios of Professors Lomazov and Rackers. Admission is free!
Friday, November 17 | Cozy Night Supper, 6-8pm
During our first hour of dinner we will also have a chance to try out UU Dinner Church. In the second hour, we'll have childcare and consider one of the values of Unitarian Universalism: Generosity! Families are welcome & don't need to bring food to contribute! Childcare provided if you RSVP by 11/13. RSVP with what you intend to bring to Rev. Michelle at edu@uuroc.org or sign up in the Clara Barton Lounge.
Sunday, Nov. 19 | Welcoming Neurodivergent
Children: Video & Discussion
The UUA sponsored an excellent series on understanding and welcoming neurodivergence in our congregations. Please join us to view the session on "Welcoming Neurodivergent Children" and to discuss how it might apply with children you know and those we have yet to meet on Sunday, November 19, from 11:45am-1pm in the Sanctuary. Please direct questions to edu@uuroc.org.
Sunday, November 19 | Social Justice Plate Offering
Next Sunday, November 19, our Social Justice Plate Offering will be donated to Family Promise of Greater Rochester (formerly RAIHN). Please consider donating generously to support these families experiencing temporary homelessness.
Sunday, November 23 | Interfaith Thanksgiving Worship Service
Join us for Rochester’s annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service on November 23, at 11am, at First Unitarian Church (220 Winton Rd.). First Universalist is one of three founding congregations of this service, the oldest of its kind in the nation, along with First Unitarian and Temple B’rith Kodesh. Other congregations have joined in since then. Worship is led by Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and UU Clergy. This year, Rabbi Peter Stein from Temple B’rith Kodesh will give the sermon.
Sunday, Dec. 3 | Ordination of Rev. Verdis Robinson!
Join us for the Ordination of Verdis LeVar Robinson by the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, First Universalist, & First Unitarian on December 3, at 3pm hosted by First Unitarian. It will be a hybrid service using the following link: live.rochesterunitarian.org. Rev. Shari Halliday-Quan (Lead Minister, First Unitarian Church of Rochester) will preside, Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt (President, Unitarian Universalist Association) will deliver the sermon, and our very own Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell will deliver the Charge to the Congregations. We'll also welcome special musical guests, bēheld, and an Ordination Choir comprised of members of the ordaining congregations and the Montpelier Community Gospel Choir. We are counting on an enthusiastic turnout from First Universalist at this important event! Verdis has been a beloved member of First Universalist congregation since 2008, an impressive speaker, and soulful singer! The Greater Rochester community will benefit from his leadership as our churches strive to be “open-minded, open-hearted spiritual communities…leading lives of justice, love, learning and hope.” Please RSVP here: http://pp.events/ordainingverdis.
Housing For All: Sock it to Me! November Only!
Collecting new, white socks for those experiencing homelessness in shelters and on the streets. An opportunity for everyone to participate in our all-congregation social justice project, please leave your donation of socks in the sunflower box in the Clara Barton Lounge by November 30th. We will then deliver them to one or more organizations listed on the collection box. THANK YOU!