10:00 a.m. Service:
A Vote of Confidence
. As a society, we are still learning about the effects of abuse on the human psyche. This Sunday, I will share a story which illustrates the damage abuse does to all of us young and old, and offer some helpful hints to help us recognize when we may be abusing others without realizing it. Peter House, summer minister
11:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion:
Personal Vows.
Janine Casillo will lead a discussion on personal vows and how they relate to being a Unitarian-Universalist.
Summer Exercise for September 10th Ingathering & Water Communion
We’ll be starting off the new church year with water communion with a twist.
This year we’re not asking you to bring water from anywhere, but instead to spend these last days of summer paying attention to water, in all the ways it comes into your life.
Whether it’s rain drops, the St. Lawrence River, or water from your kitchen faucet, watch it. Listen to it. Pay attention to what you smell, feel, taste. Then come and share with us one thing that you are especially grateful for. This service will be intergenerational, so kids, you need to pay attention to water too!
During RAIHN* Week,
September 24-October 1
, we will turn our church into a home for temporarily homeless families. We will convert our classrooms into bedrooms, cook meals, stay overnight, wash bedding, and provide other help. To join our volunteer team, sign up in the lounge after church on Sunday, or contact Chris DeGolyer,
if you have questions.
A training session for new RAIHN volunteers will be held on
Wednesday, August 23
, 6:30-8:30 PM at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, 43 Gebhardt Rd, Penfield. RSVP to Jen Canning,
or 506-9050. Even if you can't attend training, you are welcome to help with set-up or other tasks. If you would like to learn more before volunteering, we have opportunities to "shadow" experienced volunteers.
Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: keeping families together. Getting families home for good.
A couple of ways you can help out this fall:
Caring Committee
One of the reasons our church flourishes is because we truly care for each other. The Caring Committee always offers the opportunity for members and friends to go one step further. Our service is intentional caring. If you are interested in this unique opportunity to serve our community, find out more. Contact Becky Elwe
or Paula Marchese
for more information.
Our Sunday refreshments team is always looking for people to join their group in providing yeoman service on Sunday mornings. If you can provide the food (which is always reimbursed) and do the setup and cleanup for even one Sunday, it would be most appreciated. Instructions and guidance are provided. Contact Bill Elwell at
if this sounds like something you would like to do!
Members of the congregation have been amazed at how our Little Free Library has served our Washington Square Community. We have watched the homeless take books to read on park benches, and professional workers add their just-read books to the stash. Located in front of the church on Clinton Avenue, The Little Free Library is in need of some more books. There are only a few there now. Please feel free to add yours! Thank you!
will present two public forums at First Universalist:
- Public Forum of Rochester Mayoral Candidates, Tuesday, August 29 at 7 PM in the Sanctuary.
- Public Forum of Board of Education Candidates for Rochester City School District, Thursday, August 31 (originally scheduled for August 22) at 7 PM in the Clara Barton Lounge.
Hear mayoral candidates talk about the climate on
August 30th
at 6:30 pm in the Gleason Auditorium (the new building) of the Central Library (115 South Ave). Sponsored by League of Women Voters and Rochester People's Climate Coalition.
Join other UU's on Sundays from 12-1 PM on the corner of Goodman St. and East Ave. Questions? Contact Hal Bauer at (585) 335-2623.
The church library and bookstore will reopen on Sept. 10th. In the meantime, feel free to take reading material from the free books box, the free magazine exchange rack and the free children's book shelf.
"Homeless Heartbeats" (formerly called Homelessness Task Force) is collecting:
(used OR new) for footwashing at House of Mercy. There, our own Kate Fleury joins others in washing the feet of those who walk the streets. A soothing foot wash makes such a difference... for health as well as comfort. Please donate as you are able:
* Socks and/or Towels (used OR new) ~ any size, any color
* Clara Barton Lounge ~ place in box labeled for this drive
* We will collect
all summer long.
HH members will deliver your donations directly to the new House of Mercy on Ormond Street. Your compassion is greatly appreciated!
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail
no later than Thursday at noon.
Peter House,
Summer Minister
Rev. Michelle Yates,
Director of Life Span Faith Development
Stacey Yang,
Director of Music
Melissa Davies,
Office Administrator
Summer Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday,
9 - 3:15 (closed Fridays)