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10:30 a.m. Service: Harvest of Justice. Our annual Thanksgiving Sunday. This year we’ll give thanks for our connections to others in the work of seeking justice and beloved community. Rev. Celie Katovitch.
9:15 a.m. Drop-in Discussion: Dying Well. “Conversation Sabbath” is a national movement to explore how we can talk to our families and doctors about our wishes for a good death at life’s end. Their motto is, “When it comes to End of Life Care, one conversation can make all the difference”. Theo Munson, who has worked in hospice care for more than 23 years and teaches an OASIS course on end-of-life planning, will lead a discussion on Conversation Sabbath and dying well and a brainstorming session on how to talk with families and doctors.
Towels needed for Emergency Homeless Shelter
"Bridge Home" is this winter's emergency shelter for the chronically homeless. Located on Ontario St. (near Public Market), it is about to open and will remain open until the new, larger House of Mercy opens, hopefully early 2017 (work underway). But right now, our Homelessness Task Force is collecting BATH-SIZE TOWELS (NEW preferred) to donate to Bridge Home. Please donate as you are able: *Bath-size Towels (NEW preferred) ~ any color *Clara Barton Lounge: place in box labeled for this drive *No later than Sunday, November 27th. On 11/27, HTF members will deliver your donated items directly to Bridge Home.
Visit http://reachrochester.wixsite.com/reach for more info. Your compassion is greatly appreciated! ~ Lois Baum, Chair (KissaPawDaily@aol.com)
"Message for All Ages" Workshop - Nov. 20
Do you enjoy the MFAA part of our service? Have you ever thought, "That looks like fun! I could do that!" If so, please contact Rev. Michelle Yates at
or come to this workshop on November 20th after the service. We'll talk about the technical and creative elements of sharing a story for MFAA.
Cozy Night Supper - November 25
This year’s Cozy Night Supper series will begin Friday,
November 25th
(the day after Thanksgiving) from 5:30 to 7:30
n the Clara Barton Lounge. Come enjoy fellowship and a nourishing meal while learning a bit about our fifth source, Humanism. Sign up in the Clara Barton Lounge at the Information Table or on the Religious Education Bulletin Board. Questions? Contact Kathy Russell a
Do you know the seven "R's" of sustainable living?
The EcoJuustice Group is helping us rethink the way we use and dispose of everyday items; to be mindful of consumption, our earth, and our relationship to things.
They would like to share with you the first of seven R's:
#1 - RECYCLE: Close the loop and remake. Many of the things we use every day, like paper bags, soda cans, and milk cartons, are made out of materials that can be recycled. To learn more, click here.
YOUTH GROUP & BRIDGING GROUP: Youth Group (9th-12th graders or home school equivalent) and Bridging Group (ages 17/18 through 20) have starting meeting on alternate Sunday afternoons. Please visit www.uuroc.org/yaya-ministries for a list of dates.
ECO-PARK TOUR: There will be a tour of Monroe County’s recycling center, EcoPark, on Tuesday Nov. 15, beginning at noon. EcoPark is located at 10 Avion Dr, which is off Paul Rd, south of the Rochester airport. We will be departing promptly at 11:30 am, from the lower parking lot at First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Rd. Click here for a map from First Unitarian to eco park.
If you have already trained and would like to learn more about the issues our RAIHN families face, please consider attending the 2nd level training on Wednesday, November 16th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Church of the Assumption, 20 East Ave., Fairport.
RSVP to Jen Canning,
or 506-9050. Questions? Ask Chris DeGolyer, Marti Eggers, or Sarah Singal after the Sunday service.
Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence
BEGINNING MEDITATION: Join us each Wednesday through November 16th from 5:30-6:30pm in the rear of the sanctuary (doors will be open 5:15-5:30). No experience is necessary and you need not be a member to attend. For more information contact Kathy Russell at krussel6@frontiernet.net, or Moritz Wagner moritz.wagner.swiss@gmail.com.
Please join us at 11:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day for the annual Interfaith Service, this year being held at Baptist Temple, 1101 Clover St.
will meet in the Chalice Room on November 27th at noon to discuss Queen of the Fall by Soja Livingston
. Sonja is a local author and writes about her experiences growing up in Rochester. She writes in a poetic and meaningful way. If you read
by Sonja and enjoyed it, you will like this book also.
Any questions happily answered by Sarah Singal (
) or Shirley Bond (
NEW PRICES FOR BOOKSTORE: From now on, all purchased books in the church bookstore are half the publisher’s list price, or less. Donated children’s and young adult books are free for the taking. Other donated books are still 50 cents or less, and we still have a free magazine exchange and free stuff in the blue box. The bookstore and library are open in the Clara Barton lounge during coffee hour.
"Eco-friendly" volunteer needed weekly to enter church each Monday late-afternoon or evening, to put our church recycling bins outside for Tuesday morning pick-up... until a permanent solution is found. Thank you in advance, and if you can help, please contact Sarah Singal:
To submit an item for "This Week at First Universalist", e-mail
no later than Thursday at noon.
Rev. Celie Katovitch,
Rev. Michelle Yates,
Director of Life Span Faith Development
Stacey Yang,
Director of Music
Melissa Davies,
Office Administrator
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 - 3:15
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