Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, March 16 - Taanit Esther. 2:30pm Dismissal.

  • Wednesday Night, March 16 - Erev Purim. ICGC Purim Chagiga: all ICJA girls are invited to attend "Purim in Hollywood". Doors open at 10:30pm.

  • Thursday, March 17 - Purim - No Classes

  • Friday, March 17 - Shushan Purim - 8:05am - Davening & Dvar Torah at ICJA. 9am - Basketball Game and Purim Shpiel at ICJA. 10:30am - trip to Dave & Busters (with a pizza lunch).

  • Shabbat, March 18-19 - Senior Shabbaton

  • Wednesday, March 23 - In-School SAT Test for all juniors (no charge)

  • Monday, March 29 - ICJA Takes the Stage - Artist in Residence 

  • Tuesday, April 5 - ICJA Takes the Stage

  • Shabbat, April 8-9 - ICGC Shabbaton (See flyer below. Cost is $135. lick here to pay.)
Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Award
Yasher Koach to Mrs. Friedman on winning 2nd place in this year's Annual Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards!
Mrs. Olivia Friedman, ICJA's Tanach and Oral Law teacher and Ed Tech expert, won 2nd place in the Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Awards.

ICJA students already know about Mrs. Friedman's innovation and creativity in the classroom, and the way she truly cares about her students. Now these qualities have been recognized by the wider community of teachers in Jewish education in Chicago!

"Awards are selected by a committee of educational consultants and community members. Selection criteria for the Educator Award include exceptional instructional skills in a nurturing environment, commitment to one’s students’ success, superior communication skills with parents, students, and peers, commitment to continued professional development, and contributions to one’s school’s learning community." - Hartman Foundation
Jerusalem Science Contest Winner
Yasher Koach to senior Amitai Kakon on placing in the Top 10 of the Jerusalem Science Contest!
Yasher koach senior Amitai Kakon on placing within the Top Ten of the Jerusalem Science Contest with his research project CRISPR-Cas9 and Sickle Cell Disease. Amitai won a trip to Israel to tour science research programs there.

The Jerusalem Science Contest is an international competition for 11th and 12th grade Jewish high school students, interested in learning a cutting edge science topic and its Judaic relevance. Participants study selected readings and video lectures, and compete through a series of 8 exams and a research project. This year’s topic was Molecular Biology.

(For more information about the Jerusalem Science Contest, including how to compete in future years, see here.)
Special Yom Iyun for ICJA Girls
On Thursday, March 10, all ICJA girls took part in a special Yom Iyun as part of the ICJA Takes the Stage performance.
Students spent the first part of the morning learning about Judaism and self-identity.

This program is in memory of Batsheva Chaya Stadlan, z"l; the learning throughout the Yom Iyun was her merit. 
Students learned sources about and discussed Hiddur Mitzvah, beautifying a mitzvah.

Pictured above left: juniors Nechama Tarshish and Dena Simon-Hakalir.

Pictured above right: juniors Daniella Cohen and Audrey Perlman

Pictured right: Freshman girls discussed their personal experience with Hiddur Mitzvah. Hadar Simkovich used the example of making sure you have a beautiful lulav. Aliza Shyovitz mentioned using beautiful candlesticks and table settings on Shabbat. Tali Weiss explained that saying a bracha beautifully can be Hiddur Mitzvah. Simcha Seruya discussed her family's special Pesach tradition: they put a blue tablecloth down on their Seder table, place a brown path through it, and place figures on the "path" to illustrate the Exodus.
After the learning part of the morning, ICJA girls created expressive self portraits with Nikki Sausen of Paint With Me. Students learned how to create an abstract portrait and expres themselves through ar.

The colorful portraits will form the backdrop for the ICJA Takes the Stage Commemorating the life of Batsheva Chaya Stadlan, z"l, sponsored by the Ralla Klepak Foundation for Education in the Performing Arts, on April. 5.
Pictured in the 6 photos above (left to right, top to bottom): freshman Simcha Seruya with sophomore Maayan Dallal; freshman Aliza Shyovitz; freshman Lauren Fensterheim; senior Sarah Friedman; senior Laura Bellows; junior Adina Margolin; freshman Eliana Ebert; and senior Attar Benmelech
Mrs. Arons's Sophomore Honors English Class
Students welcomed a local 8th grader and her mother, who explained what it's like to be differently-abled.
Students are continuing their "Respecting Others, Respecting Ourselves" unit. This week, they heard from Skokie 8th grader Leah Loewenstern and her mother Amanda. They discussed the physical challenges that Leah experiences stemming from cerebral palsy, and answered students' questions.

Leah explained that she is an avid horseback rider and has competed in the Special Olympics. Her mother described the many years of physical therapy and surgery that Leah has undergone, and discussed ways she processes learning differently.
Mrs. Kelly's Sophomore Art Class
Students viewed artistic representations of pomegranates and planned their own unique projects.
Students discussed why pomegranates are used in Jewish art. Students described using them as simanim at their families' Rosh Hashana meals, silver pomegranates that adorned the robes of the Cohanim in the Temple, and the symbolism of pomegranates' seeds being compared to mitzvot.

Pictured above: Jakob Wortman planned a pomegranate-themed piece using pen and ink.

Pictured above right: Hailey Goltz carved images to create a reusable plate to print abstract pomegranate forms and designs.

Pictured right: Yitzchak Mishkin sketched out a photography project he's planning involving real pomegranates.
Rabbi Rosenbaum's Junior Honors Talmud Class
Students celebrated a siyum on Masechet Taanit.
All year long, boys in Rabbi Rosenbaum's Honors Talmud class have had the option of participating in Night Seder twice a week. They've been learning Masechet Taanit, and last Friday, March 4, they made a siyum in class.
Siyum on Seder Moed
Over thirty students and teachers joined a siyum on Seder Moed, celebrating with a fleishig lunch.
On Wednesday, March 9, over 30 students and teachers joined a siyum on Seder Moed, as part of the Daf Yomi cycle of Talmud learning. They enjoyed a chicken lunch and listened to Rabbi Menachem Rosenberg make the siyum.

(Pictured below left: Rabbi Rosenberg and students; pictured below right: freshmen Tali Weiss, Hadar Simkovich and Meital Witlin)
Rabbi Fliegelman's Freshman Boys' Talmud Sunday Morning Learning at Congregation Or Torah
Last weekend, some students in Rabbi Fliegelman's Freshman boys Talmud class gathered to daaven, eat breakfast,
and share insights they learned in class.
On some Sunday mornings, students in Rabbi Fliegelman's freshman boys' Talmud class have the option of gathering to daven and learn together along with their relatives at local synagogues.

Last Sunday, March 6, students met at Congregation Or Torah in Skokie.

They davened Shacharit, ate breakfast, and shared insights of Torah learning that they learned in their classroom.

Students in the picture: Ezra Comrov, Ami Weiss, Jacob Friedman and Elisha Shpayher
Mrs. Friedman's Sophomore Girls' Prophets Class
Students analyzed Tehillim from different angles.
"Have you ever been to an orchestra?" Mrs. Friedman asked her 10th grade girls' Prophets class this week. Students were discussing Tehillim, analyzing the structure of Tehillim, the meaning, and the way that Tehillim were used in the Temple.

Nava Cohen (Pictured below right) gave a presentation on the way Tehillim were sung in the Temple. The Cohanim used a shofar, psaltery (guitar-like instrument), lyre, tambourines, stringed instuments, a flute and cymbals, Nava explained.

Mrs. Friedman asked students to imagine hearing Tehillim sung this way.
Rabbi Binyomin Segal's STEM-Coding Class
Students programmed robot spheres
to roll, stop, and change direction.
Students in Rabbi Segal's STEM-Coding class are writing programs to direct a ball-shaped robot to roll, stop, and change direction.

Pictured left: senior Will Blumberg with the robot he's programming.

Pictured below left: senior Amitai Kakon with his robot.

Pictured below: senior Eliyahu Malkin writing code.
Dr. Brown's Architectural Design Class
Students enjoyed a special guided visit to the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center with Docent and ICJA Board Immediate Past President Miki Jona Schreiber
On Wednesday, March 9, students in Dr. Brown’s architecture class visited the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Students learned about the incredible building designed by Stanley Tigerman and the stylistic and materials decisions used by the architect, and the symbols baked into Tigerman's renderings.

We thank Miki Jona Schreiber, veteran museum docent and ICJA Board Immediate Past President, for help in organizing and leading this special visit. Funding for this visit is made possible by the George Shay z”l Endowment for Excellence in Academic Arts & Sciences.

Pictured below: Mrs. Schreiber leading the students' private tour
Mrs. Gottlieb's 10th Grade Chemistry Class
Students conducted experiments, combining ionic compounds.
Students in Mrs. Gottlieb's 10th grade Chemistry class combined ionic compounds this week, observing whether they experience chemical or physical reactions. "We are learning to write names and formulas of iconic solutions," Mrs. Gottlieb explained. Students also practiced writing the formulas of ionic compounds.
Pictured above left: Yonah Rubin, Josh Mishie, and Millo Benmelech

Pictured above right: Gabriella Zipperstein and Evan Comrov

Pictured left: Leah Zelden and Ilana Schwartz
JUMP Teen Mentoring Project
Students in ICJA's JUMP Team's Mentoring Project ran a "Megillah Cake Wars" program at Hillel Torah this week.
The JUMP team's Teen Mentoring Project met with their 7th grade chaburot at Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School this week for an engaging activity of Megillah Cake Wars! Each chaburah of ICJA mentors and Hillel Torah 7th graders was assigned a perek of the Megillah to study.

Then each chaburah had to design and decorate a cake based on their perrek and present their cake to the whole room and a panel of judges. The cakes were scored on design, creativity, cake presentation of theme/content, teamwork and cleanliness.
Learning About Ukraine - Inside and Outside of Class
Students discussed the war in Ukraine
in Judaic and secular classes this week.
This week, a number of ICJA teachers incorporated discussion about the war in Ukraine in their classes.

 “We took out a map and talked about Ukraine,” explains English teacher Mrs. Tirzah Kahan. In her AP English, class, Mrs. Kahan had students analyze the rhetorical devices of Ukraine’s embattled President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rabbi Yoni Fox - like many ICJA teachers - has included discussions about achdut, the Jewish concept of unity and supporting one another, in his classes.

Students in ICJA’s Media and Communications class are analyzing Russian propaganda news sites. “This isn’t just a ground war, it’s also an information war, and students need to be able to know what propaganda means,” explains Rabbi Dr. Gavriel Brown, ICJA’s Assistant Dean, who teaches the class.
On Wednesday, the RCA and Tradition Journal hosted an online forum to educate the community about the situation in Ukraine.
On Wednesday, March 9, the Rabbinical Council of America and Tradition Journal hosted an online event to educate the community about Ukraine and the refugee situation in Poland and on the Ukrainian-Polish border. ICJA staff and students who were free during the lunchtime event were able to hear firsthand accounts of the crisis.

Tradition editor Rabbi Jeffrey Saks spoke with Rabbi Mordechai Bald, Chief Rabbi of Lviv, Ukraine; Rabbi Michael Schudrich, Chief Rabbi of Poland; and Dr. Karina Sokolowska, Director of JDC Poland. RCE President Rabbi Binyamin Blau delivered opening remarks.

"We have to save every single life: Jewish, not Jewish, and we have to fight evil everywhere we see it." - Rabbi Mordechai Bald, Chief Rabbi of Lviv
Five ICJA wrestlers qualified for the "Frosh Soph" Regional Championship Tournament last Sunday.
It has been a dozen years since ICJA qualified a wrestler for Frosh-Soph Sectionals - this year five ICJA wrestlers qualified for the tournament, held on Sunday, March 6, 2022, at Evanston High School.

Sophomores Ari & Gabriel Klein competed at 101 lbs. Sophomore Millo Benmelech and Freshman Moshe Tarshish competed at 182 lbs. Sophomore Moshe Seruya competed at 285 lbs. 

Gabriel Klein came within seconds of qualifying for the state championships, but lost in the semi-finals (in sudden victory overtime) to an opponent from York H.S. Millo and Moshe Seruya lost in the consolation semi-finals, one match short of the medal rounds. Moshe Tarshish and Ari also wrestled well. "It was a fine conclusion to what has been a trying season." - Coach Doug Klein

Pictured below left: Freshmen Gabriel and Ari Klein about to wrestle. Pictured below right: Sophomore Moshe Seruya waiting for his match to begin.
Volunteering to Help the Chicago Chesed Fund
Students are invited to help pack and distribute Pesach food packages for the Chicago Chesed Fund March 13 and March 27
On Wednesday, March 9, students found a sweet treat waiting for them in the Learning Commons: Dunkin Donuts, courtesy of Alyssa Lerer (ICJA '13), the Director of Chesed for NCSY Midwest.

Ms. Lerer invited students to sign up to help package and distribute food at the Chicago Chesed Fund, as part of joint chesed program with NCSY.

Volunteer hours on are March 13, 9:30am - 12pm and 12:30pm - 2:30pm.
Volunteer hours on March 27 are 9:30am - 12pm and 12:30pm - 3:30pm.

Reservations are required to volunteer. Please email Ms. Lerer to sign up.

Pictured below: Freshmen Ami Weiss and Aaron Hartman with Ms. Lerer.
Personalized E-Cards for Purim
Support ICJA's Academy Associates this Purim!
In lieu of mishloach manot - or in addition to other Purim gifts - consider sending a personalized ICJA Purim e-card this year.

How it works:
  1. Click here to order personalized Purim e-cards.
  2. Once your order is received, Academy Associates will e-mail your personalized card.
  3. You can then e-mail your personalized card to family and friends.

If you have any questions about the e-cards, please contact Academy Associates e-card coordinator Chaya Gordon-Burstyn.
This Week's Learning Dedications
This week's sponsors included:
Thursday, the 7th of Adar Bet, March 10, 2022, by Sharon and Seymour Gertz, in memory of Gwen Gertz, Margalit bat Shilam a"h.

For more information or to sponsor a day of learning, please contact our Director of Development, Deva Zwelling, at (773) 973-1450 ext. 115, or
Professional Journal Article by
ICJA Social Worker Phil Zbaraz
Doc Phil wrote an article in the current issue of Contact, and Illinois Counseling Association Publication.
"Is Space Indeed the Final Frontier?" That intriguing question is the title of an article that ICJA's Director of Student Social Services Mr. Phil Zbaraz LCPC, CCATP, had published this week in the journal Contact.

"My topic here is how space affects us, that is, how space is going to be processed, perceived, interpreted, and put in a context that relates specifically to our own unique sense of how we see ourselves in relationship to our world (our paradigm/ world view)" - Doc Phil. Click here to access the article.
School Events and Announcements
Submit your work to Charlotte's Web!

Students can submit poetry, prose, essays, photography and more. Click here to submit your work.

(Charlotte's Web is supported by the Susan and Joseph Ament Fund.)
Ida Crown Jewish Academy Girls Present

ICJA Takes The Stage
Tuesday, April 5
An evening showcase of runway, choir, and dance performances

To register, click here.

This event is free of charge and for women only.
Watch the "Discover ICJA" Video Here
Enjoy the "Discover ICJA" video -
& share it to help people learn more about our school.
Introducing ICJA Bar Association for Alumni
Introducing ICJA Bar Association: a way for ICJA alumni
who are lawyers to form informal connections.
Connecting ICJA Alumni in Israel
The first ICJA Israel Connect directory is out.
Over Chanukah, ICJA gave its Class of '21 alumni a Chanukah gift: a brand-new directory that lists ICJA alumni who live in Israel and have graciously offered to open their homes to recent ICJA '21 grads who are currently spending a gap year in Israel this year.

Thank you to the many alumni who have reached out to us, offering to host.

The directory was sent out to the emails of '21 grads that we have on file. If you have any questions or would like to update our contact information to help recent ICJA grads obtain a copy, please contact Dr. Yvette Miller, ICJA Director of Communications, at

We are still taking submissions from alumni who are willing to host, to include in future copies of this directory.
Support ICJA when you shop on Amazon - Here's How
Win-win! You can support Ida Crown Jewish Academy, while shopping via
Inspiring bnei and bnot Torah to thrive in the modern world
ICJA is an affiliate of the Associated Talmud Torahs and a partner with JUF in serving our community.

Ida Crown Jewish Academy
8233 Central Park Avenue
Skokie, Illinois 60076