August 10, 2022

You are Invited!

Please join us virtually

for the 

Celebration and Blessing of the
Marriage of
Evelyn Haas Davidson
John Willis Stevens

Saturday, August 13, 2022
5:30 p.m.
Christ Church Cathedral Nashville 

WEDNESDAY, August 10, 2022
Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm
The Rev. Deacon Patricia Cantrell

SUNDAY, August 14, 2022
The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 AM
The Rev. Marie Smith
Thomas Easterling - Lector
Michelle Easterling - Intercessor
Jack Easterling - Acolyte

Services are live-streamed on our Facebook page.
(Go to Incarnation's Facebook page here)


WINGS will meet Monday, August 29th at 6 pm in the Parish Hall for a pot luck supper, fellowship, and service project.

Throughout the month of August we will be collecting donations for the West Point Clay County Animal Shelter.

Please leave your items in the Parish Hall designated area. 
Letter Writing Opportunities

Do you like to write letters and/or send cards? We have an opportunity to send letters and/or cards to one of our youth for much-needed encouragement and support. If you would like to participate, his contact information is listed below.

Greyson Klutts:
Clay County Detention Center
Greyson Klutts
P.O. Box 142
West Point, MS 39773
**For Greyson: Please check with Lisa and Jeremy regarding any items, aside from letters, that you wish to send.

Please keep our Confirmands in your prayers:

  • Trey Andrews
  • Adam Himlin
  • Day Ivey
Sunday School Teachers Needed: We are in need of volunteers to help restart and teach our children's Sunday School/Children's Church ministry. If you are interested or know someone who may be, please contact Mother Marie.
EYC is Back!
EYC returns on Sunday, August 21st at 5:00 PM. Please bring a t-shirt to tie-dye and your ideas for the semester!

EYC Meal Fund:
The Meal fund for EYC worked so well last semester that we are doing it again! If you would like to make a donation towards EYC Sunday Meals, please contact Mtr. Marie, Smith, Garrett, or the Church Office.
Coffee Hour Hosts Needed

Coffee Hours are back, and we are looking for hosts for the following dates:
August 28th

If you want to sign up, please click the button below, sign up in the Parish Hall, or contact Mtr. Marie.
Sesquicentennial News
ECW is hosting the reception for the
September 11 Sesquicentennial.

We need volunteers to help set up and clean up on September 10 and 11. 

If you can help please let me know. 

Thank you,
Dawn Richardson
The Sesquicentennial Committee is hard at work preparing for our Bishop's Visit and Sesquicentennial Celebration on September 11th and they need your help with the following items:

  • Sunday, August 14 is the last day to bring your Incarnation memorabilia, (pictures, documents, newspaper articles, etc.,) that you would like to have displayed during the Sesquicentennial Anniversary Celebration on September 11th.

  • All memorabilia should be placed in the middle Sunday School Room in an envelope/folder/container with your name clearly displayed.

  • Part of the celebration will be the dedication of a new historical marker that will be placed in front of the Church. The cost of the marker is $2800. If anyone would like to donate towards the cost of the marker, please contact the Church Office.

More details about the celebration will be forthcoming. If you would like to help or have questions, please contact Michael Booker for more information.

Our next Vestry meeting will be Monday, August 15th at 5:30 pm.

If you have any concerns or items you would like brought before the Vestry, please contact Senior Warden Bert Falkner, Junior Warden Joe Stevens, or any Vestry member.
Mtr. Marie will continue having Office Hours at the Coffee Shop on the following Fridays, pending no unforeseen conflicts: August 19th, and 26th.

Any changes to the schedule will be announced on social media and via email.

NEW!!! West Point DOG PARK!

Plans are being made for a new dog park at the site of the old West Side School on Travis Street.

If you are a dog lover or would just like to support our comunity, click on the document below to print OR you may pick up a hard copy in the church foyer.

Courtesy of North MS Health Services
Food Pantry

Church of the Incarnation has donated 110# of dry goods to Project Homestead in 2022.

Please remember those in need and continue to leave your pantry donations in the wagon outside the Parish Hall!

The pantry is always in need of shelf-stable and canned goods.

You may contact Dwight Dyess for more information. 
Christ at Home Meal Ministry

Thank you to the many volunteers who have kept this ministry going during the last two years. It has taken a village!

Our next Meal Ministry date is August 22.

Kathy Dyess and Marion Kohut will co-chair this month.

November 28 and December 19 are still open if you would like to sign up for one of those dates.


Steve Bengel
Betty Person


Bill Gentry
Kyle Chandler III

The link above leads you to our 2022 Usher Schedule. If you are not included in the list and are interested in serving as an Usher or Alternate Usher, please contact Bert Falkner or the church office.
UPDATED!!! Lay Ministers


7 - HE II
Lector - Susie Calvert
Intercessor - Kathy Dyess
Acolyte - Trey Andrews

14 - HE II
Lector - Thomas Easterling
Intercessor - Michelle Easterling
Acolyte - Jack Easterling

21 - HE II
Lector - Shurley Sugg
Intercessor - Joe Stevens
Acolyte - Barrett Tabor

28 - HE II
Lector - Dwight Dyess
Intercessor - Keith Mooney
Acolyte - Jack Easterling

If you are unavailable for the date you are assigned, please contact us at [email protected] so that we may make changes to the schedule.

Incarnation Prayer List

Parishioners: Jim, Lucille, Sandy, David, Michael, Carroll G., Becky R., the Klutts family, Rufus, Mike, Johanna, and those who have unspoken prayer requests.

Family and Friends: Dan, Johnny B., J.R., Miriam, Jim G., George, Hailey, Jane, Donna, Cy, J.P., Shirley, Betty, Kenny, Mary O., Susan M., the Craven family, the Hill family, the Houston family, Don, Bobby B., Harold, Jerry Jean, Jesse and Jacque, Duane, Melanie B., Jimmy, Kay, Terry, and those who have unspoken prayer requests.

For all those who serve our country, especially Dylan Bryan, and all members of the Armed Forces, police, fire, and the first responders and others of this nation who are in harm’s way.

We pray for all those who have died, especially Donna Summerall, Bridget Allement, Mrs. Joria M. Lee, those who have passed from COVID-19, the recent disasters, and the unrest in Ukraine.
Give to the departed eternal rest.

If you know of someone who needs to be added to our prayer list, please call or email the parish office.

A Birthday Prayer
Watch over your beloved children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may your peace, which passes all understanding, abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer)


 3rd - Jeremy Klutts, Jr.         
14th - Ashley Mooney
18th - Barrett Tabor   
19th - Suzy Pierce      
22nd - Sharon Falkner 
23rd – Bettye Ann Sutherland
30th - Bill Portera
31st - Beth King

Anniversary of a Marriage
Grant, O God, in your compassion that having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again in the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(From the Book of Occasional Services)
Please contact the parish office (662.494.1378 or [email protected]) if you would like to add your birthday or anniversary to the parish list.


6th   Betty & Joe Trulove
6th   Johanna Rice & Mike Goree
13th  Bill & Becky Portera
23rd  Diann & Ron Powell

 If you notice anything in the church that needs attention, please contact
Joe Stevens or Susan Chandler.
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
P. O. Box 316. 505 W. Broad St . West Point, MS 39773

601.554.6811 (Mtr. Marie)
Office Hours: Tues - Thurs - 10:00 - 3:00
662.494.1378 (Office)

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